Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Delilah's POV

Two weeks have past since the date. Two weeks feeling like I was floating. I smiled every minute of the day, I was so happy that Lily and Liam started to get creeped out. "I miss asshole Delilah, she was fun." Lily grumbled once, I simply laughed and kissed her cheek.

Nothing could get me down, not even Liam who spent every minute of the past weeks worrying over Louis. One night I was staying up late when I heard him crying from his room. I went to check on him and found him on his bed staring at his phone.

"Li? What's wrong?" I asked softly. "He asked me on a date." He said, not even looking at me. At this point I was confused,"isn't that a good thing?" He groaned and threw his phone on the ground.

"Not if I mess up! What happens if I say the wrong thing? Or what of he's not that interested in me? Delilah I can't take that!" He screamed the last part, gripping his hair so tight I'm surprised they didn't rip out of his head. "Listen Liam, I have never seen Louis making so much effort for anything. He obviously likes you and you like him." He hung his head and chuckled, "that obvious huh?"

I wanted to say something sarcastic but I could tell he was really fragile. I sat on the edge of his bed and put my arm around him. "I think you should do it. See what happens at least." He nodded a few times, more to assure himself than me. "I'll do it."

That was two days ago, now I'm laying on the couch bored as ever. Lily is with her boyfriend Charlie and Liam has just left for his date. I really need more friends, I thought to myself. I turned my head to the coffee table and saw my phone lying on it. Why don't I just text Niall? The guy doesn't always have to start the conversation. Before I could change mind I texted him. He responded almost immediately.

Me: Hey :)

Niall: Hey babe, I miss youu

Me: I miss you too! I'm bored as fuck because I have no friends, what are you up to?

Niall: Michelle and Zayn are over, Michelle is currently forcing me into dyeing my hair send help

I laughed at that, I was about to respond when my phone started ringing. Niall was calling, I answered a little confused. "Hello?"

"DELILAH SEND HELP SERIOUSLY." I held the phone from my ear, Niall was screaming over the background noise, how could three people make so much noise?


"NIALL YOU'RE KIND OF DEAFENING ME RIGHT NOW." I screamed back. There was more muffling on the other line and finally he said, "Sorry, I was trying to escape. But seriously, she'll break the door down I need assistance." I laughed, he sounded so cute. "Want me to send the fireman over?" I asked teasingly. "Ha ha, you're funny. Why don't you come over since you have no friends?" I felt my heart beating even faster and my smile grew even more. "Fine, but she is not dyeing my hair either." He laughed, "deal, I'll see you soon." I hung up and jumped off the couch.

I scrambled into my room to get ready. I touched up my mascara and decided I was too comfy to change. I attempted to brush my hair but it only made it poof up even more. "Fucking hair, I didn't ask for this." I just put my favourite black beanie on and with a final look in the mirror I decided I looked okay. I ran out of my room, scrambling to get my shoes on and I grabbed Liam's car keys from the counter. I ran down the stairs, taking it two steps at a time.

I got outside and went to the car, as I pulled out of the parking lot I did my best to breathe and get my nerves under control. I was nervous to meet Zayn, nervous to see Michelle. Most importantly, nervous to see Niall.


Seriously I can't believe so many people have read this already. keep on voting and commenting. And what do you guys think of my Lilo sub plot? ;)

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