Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

*Delilah's POV*

Niall was so beautiful I had to catch my breath every time I look at him. My thoughts get all jumbled and my heart races when I remember that I am here with him, on a date.

Well, it was a date in my head. When I called it that out loud Niall didn't comment on it, so I'm hoping he wasn't freaked out by that.

I had worn one of my best outfits, my favourite jeans and my green shirt that actually made me look like I had curves. My hair refused to cooperate though, like it always does so I left it natural and prayed it won't poof up.

"Hi, I'm Michelle and I'll be your waitress today-Niall? I haven't seem you in forever!" I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice our waitress come up, she and Niall were smiling a each other like old friends. "Yes I have, you're just too into Zayn to even look at me." Niall sassed. She hit his shoulder and leaned down to his ear. "Is this the girl?" She tried to whisper but I could hear her perfectly. He blushed and nodded. Michelle straighten back up and looked at me, sizing me up almost.

She was short, with dark brown hair that was almost black, brown eyes and tan skin. Niall has never mentioned a Michelle, or any of his friends for that matter. "So can I get you guys a drink?" I ordered an ice tea and Niall got a coke. "Great, I'll be right back." She winked at Niall and left. Good, she was making me nervous.

"So uh, you guys seemed close." I said quietly. "Oh yeah, that's Zayn's girlfriend." I almost sighed in relief but I kept it at bay, "And Zayn is?" His eyes widened,I guess he just realized he hasn't talked about anyone he knows.

"Oh, he's one of my best friends. I work with him at that tattoo shop, in fact he's the one that got me a job." I slowly nodded, "so you're friends with Louis then too? I know him from school." I explained. "Oh yeah, he's a good friend too. He seems to have something with that Liam guy." I laughed. "Liam hasn't been talking about anything other than Louis for days." Seriously, for days it's been Louis said this, Louis did that. And still the idiot refuses the fact that he likes him.

"What was your other friends name? The blonde one I met in the club." Niall asked, and I got a little nervous. Multiple times guys have tried getting Lily through me and I could not stand that happening again. "Her name's Lily. All three of us live in an apartment together. Well, usually it's me and Liam since Lily is always with her boyfriend." I stressed the word boyfriend while looking at Niall's reaction but his face remained the same.

Niall opened his mouth to say something but Michelle came back with our drinks, she took our order and left again. She kept looking back and forth between Niall and I, sizing up the situation I guess. "So, do you live with anyone or is it just you?" I asked, he already knew that I lived with Lily and Liam. "Nah, I could never live alone you know? I'd end up burning down the place using the microwave." I laughed, "one time I burned my hand making kraft dinner, still got the scar." He laughed, his laugh was cute. Loud and annoying, but cute. "I live with my friend Harry."

"Creepy Harry? Harry I met in the club?" I asked. "Yeah that one." He chuckled. Our food arrived and most of our conversation was based around that. "How did they manage to confine heaven into a single burger?" And, "chicken wrap, I wish to elope with you." Lunch went fast, making banter and telling a little bit about our friends and our life.

"Do you have any siblings?" He asked, and I almost choked on my drink. "I did." I said quietly. He looked at me, concern shining in his large blue eyes. "What happened?" He said delicately, like I was a bomb that would explode without being handled carefully. That's exactly how I felt, I couldn't stop fidgeting. It felt like there wasn't enough air in the world.

"Her name was Sarah.." I started, "She...died last year." His hand settled on mine, "I'm so sorry. What happened?" I took my hand away, I couldn't talk about this, not now. Not ever, preferably. I felt my throat closing up and I wanted to say something but if I did I'd burst into tears. I simply shook my head instead, he seemed to understand and he dropped the conversation.

When we finished lunch we argued over who would pay the bill, "A gentleman always pays on the first date Delilah! Besides, you wouldn't let me open the car door so let me do this." He said with a wink. I was too focused on keeping my heart from bursting out of my chest to argue. He drove me back to my place in comfortable silence, the All Time Low CD still blasting.

We pulled up on the curb,"thanks Niall, I had a great time." I said, he was still staring at me with that huge smile. "I did too, I'll talk to you later yeah?" I nodded, he better talk to me. I was going to get out but he leaned over and kissed my cheek. "Bye Delilah." He said quietly, and I stumbled out of the car and ran into the building. I felt like I was bursting.

A/N So what do you guys think of the fic so far?? Opinions are always appreciated. Comment and vote kids :)

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