Chapter 23

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*Delilah's POV*

"What am I even drinking?" I asked, taking a sniff from the cup I was holding. "Vodka, I think." Niall replied, not really paying attention. "Well, it's disgusting." I set the cup down on the table in front of me. I've been at this stupid party for almost an hour and I've only taken two sips of the drink. Niall, on the other hand had obviously had more. "Are you okay? You seem angry." Niall said as he leaned back into the couch. I shrugged, "I don't know. I just don't really feel like being here."

"You had fun at the last party we went to." I shrugged again. That party was just an exception, parties are just as bad as clubs. "Listen, just give it another hour or so and if you're still not having fun we can leave." Niall muttered and bumped my shoulder with his forehead. I wanted to groan, but I knew Niall wanted to be here so I simply put on a fake smile and said okay. "Oi! Michael, over here man!" Niall held up his hand and yelled at Michael, who had just entered the room. He made his way over with a girl at his side.

Niall stood from the couch and hugged Michael. "Hey Niall, Delilah. This is my girlfriend Hollea." He gestured to the girl next to him. She was really pretty, with short brown hair with swoopy bangs, and big brown eyes which reminded me somewhat of Liam. "Oh hey, you're the one with the tulip tattoo." I said. She smiled slightly and nodded. "You're boyfriend is really talented." I said when I felt an awkward silence creepig up. Michael smiled smugly in Hollea's direction. "See? Someone thinks I'm talented." Hollea rolled her eyes and pushed Michael's shoulder. "He's an idiot, is what he is." She said to me.

"I'm thinking of getting another tattoo,actually." I said. "Really? You didn't tell me that." Niall said, his voice starting to slur from the drinks he had."You never asked. Besides, I don't even know what I want, I just want to get one."

"You sound like Harry." Niall said and I laughed. "Speaking of Harry, I should probably introduce Michael to the rest of the group." Michael smiled,"sure, I'll be right back Hollea." He pecked her cheek. "But, uh." Hollea protested, but the two boys were already gone. "Boys, huh?" I said. Angry that Niall didn't even bother saying goodbye to me. Hollea laughed, "got that right."

"Why don't you sit down, have a drink if you want." I gestured to all the cups that were just sitting on the table. She sat down beside me and picked one up, sniffing it before taking a sip and then downing it. "Shit, this taste like shit." I laughed, "that's what I said." Another small silence ensued and I took the time to study Hollea a bit closer. She had a small nose ring and seemed a little younger than me.

I was becoming extremely uncomfortable, but I was saved when I felt a body plop down on the other side of me. "Boys are so stupid." Liam said, putting his head into my neck. "Join the club buddy." Hollea said. Liam raised his head and looked at Hollea, "who's that?" He whispered loudly in my ear. "Liam this is Hollea. She's Michael's girlfriend."

"Michael?" Liam asked, I guess Louis had kept him out of the loop. "Yeah, he's the new guy at the tattoo shop." Liam's mouth formed a small 'o' shape and he nodded. "Well, welcome to the group of friends with idiot tattooed boyfriends." Liam said. "I request a shorter name." I stated. Liam and Hollea laughed and we got a conversation going, mainly consisting of complaining about our boyfriends. But we all had one thing in comon, we still loved them no matter what.

Around twenty minutes passed and Niall in Michael were no where in sight. Louis had turned up though, but quickly dragged Liam to the dance floor. "Do you want to dance or something?" I asked Hollea. her eyes widened a bit, "god no, I can't dance to save my life."

"Neither can I! It will be fun." I coaxed Hollea to the middle of the dance floor. I grabbed Hollea's wrist and started twisting, trying to get her to move. "This is so gay!" Hollea screamed over the music and I laughed. "Come on just dance." I yelled back. Eventually she started moving a bit more and we got into the beat of the techno song that was playing.

Soon enough I was sweaty and out of breath. "I'm getting a drink, you want anything?" I asked Hollea. She shook her head no. I pushed my way through the throng of people and into the kitchen.

I grabbed a bottle of water that were sitting on the counter, by the number of bottles I assumed most people here preferred to drink something other than water. It was surprisingly crowded in the kitchen and more people were coming in. The doorway I had come in through was blocked so I went to the other door. The beer pong table was set up in the same spot as the last party, and I decided to watch for a moment.

"Do you want to play? I could use a partner." I looked up from the table and saw a guy looking at me, a slight smile on his face. "Oh, oh no thanks. I-I just wanted to watch." I stuttered. "You sure?"

"Come on Calum, stop stalling! Even with a partner I'd beat you." Said the guy on the other side of table. Calum winked at me and went back to the game. Part of me wanted to go back to Hollea, or even find Niall. But for some reason I stayed in my spot.

Soon enough, the guy Calum playing against had drank all his beer. "WHOO!" Calum screamed, throwing his hands in the air. "You, my dear, seem to be a good luck charm." Calum said, turning back to me. "I doubt that, I usually radiate bad luck." I laughed. "I seriously doubt that. So what's your name?" He asked, leaning on the table and towards me. "Delilah."

"Do you want to dance Delilah?" He asked, and I hesitated. "I mean, if you don't have a boyfriend...or anything." He said, noticing my hesitance. "Well I do, but I have no idea where he is."

"So, is that a yes? I'll keep my hands to myself, I swear!" He exclaimed, holding up his hands. I laughed and took a moment to think about it. Calum seems harmless enough, and okay I admit, he was cute in the boy next door kind of way. He had a tall and lean body, and a round face with pouty lips and slightly almond shape brown eyes. "Okay. Sounds fun." I agreed, and we made our way back to the living room.

I couldn't see Hollea anywhere, but I kept looking at the crowd in the corner of my eye to try and find her. But soon I forgot about her as I started dancing with Calum. It was fun and innocent, full of clumsy limbs and laughs.

I felt a large hand grab my shoulder and I was roughly pulled back. I saw Niall stand in front of me and blocked my view of Calum. "Who the fuck are you? And why are you dancing with my girlfriend?" He hissed at Calum. I grabbed Niall's shoulder and pulled him back. "Niall! Leave him alone, he didn't do anything wrong." But Niall just brushed me off like a bug and kept glaring down at Calum.

"Listen dude, Delilah was right. We're just dancing so chill."

"I'm not going to chill! Now leave her alone." He ended his sentence by shoving Calum's chest. "Niall! What has gotten into you?" I shrieked, still trying to pull him back but that boy was a wall. Calum made the mistake of pushing Niall back, who stumbled into me and I tumbled to the floor. I must have grabbed someone's arm on the way down, because I was drenched in a foul smelling drink.

"Shit, Delilah! Are you okay?" Niall said, finally deciding to pay attention to me. "No I'm not, you ass butt!" I stood up, ignoring Niall's outstretched hand. "I didn't want to come to this party in the first place, and then you left! Then when I finally start having fun you have to go and do this!" I snap at him, and he just stared at me slack jawed. "Delilah! I saw everything are you alright?" I heard Hollea yell from behind me. "I'm fine. I'm just going to find Liam and go home." I said to her, determined to ignore Niall. She nodded and turned to said boy. "You're a dick biscuit." She stated, then turned around and took my arm.

I quickly found Liam and grabbed his shoulder. "Can you take me home?" I yelled in his ear. "Are you okay? Why are you wet? And you smell like an alcoholic."

"Oh you know, I went swimming in a pool full of vodka. Now let's go." I said. I guess Liam managed to see through my sarcasm and saw how desperate I was to leave. "Okay,let me say goodbye to Louis. I'll meet you at the car."

I nodded and said goodbye to Hollea, "good luck with that dick biscuit." She said. I admired her strange vocabulary. I didn't really have anyone else to say goodbye to, so I left. Trying to get my anger under control.

A/N okay so I suck at updating don't look at me. Nevertheless, I hope you all liked it! and thank you so so much for 1.5K reads, you the bomb.

And friendly reminder that Hollea is actually my best friend in real life and is also making an incredible fanfic so go check it out.

and also 1D Day can we just take a moment to remember that lilac niall became real.

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