Chapter 28

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*Niall's POV*

"You do realize we have to go back down eventually?"

"Actually no, we don't have to go back down. It's a free country." Delilah said into a pillow. She was currently lying face down on her bed, covers drawn up over her as if trying to block out the world. "They're probably going to think we're having sex up here." Delilah snorted, but didn't reply. I decided to give her a few more moments so I could look around her childhood room. 

The room was small and painted a soft purple. Empty shelves lined the walls, the occasional book and movie on them. Ones Delilah didn't take to New York with her, I guess. I tried to imagine Delilah as a teenager, someone shorter and quieter. Locked away in her messy room alone with a book. Or maybe with her sister. 

I caught a glimpse of an old picture downstairs, it had Delilah and another girl who I'm guessing was Sarah. She had light blonde hair, but other than that Sarah looked exactly like her sister. You could tell they were all a family, both Delilah and Sarah looked like a mixture of their parents. 

My first impression of her parents was scary. Her mom was a tall and broad woman, with perfect makeup and perfect hair, not a strand out of place. Her dad on the otherhand, was shorter and rounder. Rustic hair that was a pale comparison to Delilah's firetruck red hair. Both of them looked like impressive lawyers or doctors, not owners of a cafe like Delilah hold told me.

"Okay. Okay, we can do this. Let's go." Delilah groaned from the bed. She sat up and smoothed down her hair, which had gone frizzy. "And put on a tshirt or something, they'll see the tattoos eventually."

"You sure? I really don't want them to hate me." She just shrugged and started going trough my luggage. She pulled out a simple grey shirt and handed it to me. "Just don't finger me under the table, they'll definitely hate you too. And so will I." She said with a sly smile. I really did love this woman.

My tattoos now exposed, we made our way downstairs. The house was small and neat. Didn't seem like a place to raise a family at all.  Delilah lead me to the kitchen and let go of my hand as her parents came into sight. Delilah's dad, James, choked on his drink when he saw me. While Kelly's eyes just widened a bit. "Hey guys, sorry we took so long. Just wanted to show Niall around." Delilah said smoothly, sitting down at the table across from her mother. I took the empty chair beside her and grabbed her hand under the table. 

My palms were sweaty and my heart rate had sped up. Get it together. Get it together. I thougt. I had never been scared of anything but I was absolutely terrified of the snotty people sitting in front of me. 

"No worries, your dinner is still hot. So please, dig in." Kelly said, that stupid fake smile still on her mouth. I stared at the food in front of me, salad and lasagne. At least they had good sense in food. The four of us filled up our plates in platonic silence, I glanced at Delilah who had gone paler than usual. She was trying to smile but it was shaky.

"So Niall tell us about you! Delilah has been very secretive about you." Kelly said earnestly. "There's not much to say really. I study business at NYU and work at a tattoo shop."

"Which he's thinking about running himself, the manager is clueless really and relies mainly on Niall." Delilah added. I could tell she was trying to impress her parents, but it was a weak attempt. "That's amazing! Do you have any hobbies?" Kelly asked again, her green eyes trained on me. "Um, well I play the guitar?" 

"Oh you should hear him, Mom. I actually started falling for him when he sang me a song." Delilah said, voice softer at the end. I thought back to that night so many months ago when I sang at the party. It was a great night. The memory calmed me somewhat. Her father was still silently eating his dinner, which worried me. But I'd be more afraid if he started asking me questions. 

"So I noticed the Irish accent." James said (not really a question, so we're good). "Er yeah, I moved to America when I was eighteen."  He nodded and went back to eating. 

The rest of the dinner passed quickly, it wasn't until dessert (I hadn't realized people actually made dessert on a regualr basis until now) did things get rocky.  "So Delly, Cameron called the other day. He said he would love to catch up when you're in town." I looked to Delilah and saw her glaring at her mom. 

"I haven't talk to him in years, Mom."

"I don't know why, you two did date." Kelly said calmly. Delilah's whole body tensed and her eyes flickered to me. "He was Sarah's boyfriend!" She exclaimed. "Then why did I catch you two making out in the basement?" James deadpanned. "Because he attacked me!  You guys know that!"

"No need to raise your voice,Delilah." Kelly snapped. I sat their in disbelief, I always thought Delilah and her parents got along. At least, just a little bit. But now I could see why she didn't like them at all. Delilah and her mom entered a staring contest, James and I both watching them. "Well. I think that's enough for one night. Why don't we all go to bed?" James said, despite the fact that it was only nine.

Delilah nodded tersely and stood up, leaving the room with a quiet 'goodnight'. "Great to meet you guys, I'm looking forward to staying here." I lied, then followed Delilah out of the room.

HI YES HELLO I AM NOT DEAD. I just happen to be a terrible person for not updating, but I hope this chapter made up for it. Sorry for any mistakes since I suck at editing. I also hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday and a happy Christmas to those who celebrate it :)

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