Chapter 22

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*Niall's POV*

I woke in Delilah's messy room,the sheets still barely around us. Her leg wrapped around mine and my arm resting on her waist. It reminded me of how you put headphones in your pocket and an hour later it's just a shitstorm of tangles. Not the best metaphor, but you get the gist. The sunlight coming through the window made me think that it was almost noon. I smiled as I thought back to last night.

It was so perfect and natural and god, Delilah was so beautiful. Harry'll probably have a heart attack when I tell him what happened. I turned my head to look at Delilah, who was still snoring with her messy hair covering half her face. Looking at her I realized that I didn't want to tell Harry, or anyone. They had all been pressuring me to just sleep with her, and now that I did I didn't want to treat her like some cheap trash and tell everyone about it. I had been there before and I am never going back.

I let Delilah sleep longer, last time I tried waking her up she had almost ripped my head off. She was much more pleasant as she slept than when she just woke up. I played with her hair, being amused by the way the strands bounced back into curls after I pulled on them. As I looked at her I found it really weird that I had only known her for four months but I know so much about her.

I know her favourite colour is purple, that she despises green apples and that her favourite movie is Brave (although she refuses to admit that Merida is exactly like her). Even though all these facts are small and silly, it's like every time I find out something new about her she becomes clearer. Like I can see her better.

Eventually Delilah woke up, and I had to get to work. I was reluctant to leave the comfort of her bed. Even though she wasn't even awake at the time, it felt so perfect and peaceful. It made me hopeful for the future, maybe it could be like that every morning one day. I mentally slapped myself as I left her apartment because we've been dating for only three months and sure, I love her but I can't start planning a future for us.

I stopped by my apartment to pick up some papers and to check on Harry. Before I left the party last night he was already wasted, and I wanted to see if that idiot was okay. I walked in and was suprised when I saw a random girl standing in my kitchen. She was short,blonde and slightly familiar. "Uh, hello?" I said.

The girl turned around and I figured out why she was so familiar, it was Lily. "Niall? What are you doing here?" She asked, she was wearing nothing but a big tshirt. "I live here, actually. Why are you here? And where's Harry?" Her eyes widened as I kept questioning her. "Ohhh, you're Harry's roomate. I had no idea."

"Well,where is he?" Lily blushed and giggled a bit. "In his room,probably still asleep. You want lunch?" I was really taken aback. Lily was a nice girl and all, but why the hell is she making a sandwhich in my kitchen? "I'll take a rain check." I said and left to go find Harry and demand an explanation, even though I had a feeling I know what those two did.

I storm into his room and slam the door begind me, hoping that it will wake up Harry. Since I hear him groan, I guess it does. "Niall?" He says, voice gruff from sleep and a possible hangover. "Yeah, it's me. I have a question for you, mister." I say as a plop down on the bed beside him. "I guess you saw Lily then." His eyes are closed, but he smiles. "She offered me a sandwhich. I didn't even know you guys had met."

"We didn't, not until last night." He explained. "You two must have really hit it off then." I said, pushing his shoulder. He grinned wider and finally opened his eyes. "I have to get to work, but listen man. Lily had just gotten out of a bad relationship a couple of months ago. So I don't know if you guys had a one night stand or whatever but don't be a dick to her." I said softly. "I got you Niall, I'm only ever a dick to you."

"Aren't you a sweetie pie." I said and bent down to kiss his cheek. "What have I said about that?" He yells as I leave the room.


I've spent about two hours at the shop and I was going nuts. The manager Paul was on leave, and since I had the second highest title I was left to handle all the god damned paper work. The only other people that are working is Zayn and Louis, and they are about as useful as a white crayon. "NIAAAALL, YOUR GIRLFRIEND HAS COME TO ANNOY ME." I hear Louis shriek from the front desk. "YOU'RE THE ONE ANNOYING ME." I chuckle when I hear Delilah yell back.

I get up from my desk and make my way into the parlour. Delilah is standing by the front desk, still arguring with Louis. She looks up and smiles as she sees me. I make my way over to her and pull her into a hug. "What are you doing here, babe?" I heard Louis make gagging noises. "I had nothing to do and thought I would come by. Hope that's okay?"

"You're always welcome here. You can come help me pay bills." She makes a face but follows me to the backroom anyway. "Remember, this place has very thin walls!" Louis calls out behind us. Delilah says a quick hi to Zayn, who's currently with a customer. "Seems like a slow day." Delilah remarks.

"Thank god, Harry's out with a hangover so I have no one else to even make the tats. Oh, guess who was at my apartment?" I tell her the story of finding Lily in my kitchen. Delilah takes a moment to think,"I'm sure those two will be okay, whether it was a hook up or something more." I nod and try my best to get back to work, while Delilah pulls out a book and reads in the corner. She's wearing one of her endless supply of band shirts, jeans and her favourite combat boots that are completely worn out. She looks the same as always, but better.

Another half hour passes and there's a knock at the door. I look up and see Zayn standing there. "Hey Niall, the guy that has the interview is here." Delilah looks up from her book. "Interview?" She asks, I completely forgot to tell her that the guy was coming today. "Yeah, we're looking at hiring some more people." She nods and I leave the room to get the guy.

*Delilah's POV*

I move from my seat and go to sit on the windowsill behind the desk to give this guy a chair. I take the moment to breathe, Niall hasn't talked at all about last night. I guess it's kind of nice that he's acting like nothing weird is between us. But seriously? Not even a "last night was awesome, we should do it again" kind of thing? I know I'm over thinking this, but I can't help it.

Niall walks back into the room, followed buy a tall guy with bright pink hair. He's seems very tattoo-less, compared to the rest of the boys. "Delilah, this is Michael. Michael this is my girlfriend Delilah." I say hello to Michael and he says hi back and sits in the chair. I start to zone out as Niall starts questioning Michael in favour of looking at Niall's arms. I've finally started to make out all his stupidly attractive tattoos, and have even tried counting them.

I snap back to reality when Niall calls my name. "Huh?" I ask, and both Niall and Michael chuckle. "I was just wondering if you wanted to see Michael's work. I know you love looking at tattoos." I smile when Niall states that random fact about me, I love when he does that. I take the folder that Niall's holding out and start flipping through tattoos that Michael has done. "These are great." I state, "I like the flower, tulip right?" I ask as I come to a picture of a flower.

"Yeah, I actually did that one on my girlfriend Hollea." He explained. "Aw, how long have you two been dating?" I ask. "Nine months in about a week." He says. I just realized that he spoke with an accent, but I couldn't place it. "She pretty?" Niall asks with a grin. "Beautiful." Michael replies without giving it a thought. "I like you Michael, I think you'd be awesome here." Niall says.

"You sound like an old man." I quip, which is true. It's weird seeing him all business. "Would you shut up?" He says, but the corners of his mouth twitch, so I know he's trying to hide a smile. "Anyway, you can start next week if you want?" Michael's eyes widen and he grins. "Wow, yeah. That's great."

"Cool. And the guys and I are having a little party this weekend. You should stop by and bring your girlfriend." Michael agrees and he leaves the room. "How come I never heard of this party?" I frown. "Oh shit, I was going to tell you last night but I was,er...distracted." He blushes and rubs the back of his neck. I felt my own face heat up. "Oh, okay." I say and move on.

A/N REALLY CRAP CHAPTER UGH I AM SO SORRY. And by the way, the name Hollea is pronounced like Holly, and is also the name of my bestest friend who is writing a fanfic of her own which you should go read. It's seriously amazing. So here's a link


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