Chapter Thirty-Three

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^Kayla Martins


Chapter Thirty-Three

I kissed the forehead of two months old Summer, who finally fell asleep after three hours of incessant crying. I walked over to her crib and carefully placed her in it. I almost bit on my lip in order to stop the coo that I would let out, by seeing this insanely gorgeous baby girl sleep, sucking onto her thumb unconsciously.

Just a month to go, I assured myself as wrapped my arms around my whale-ish belly.

"She's asleep?" Damon asked, as he stepped into his sister's room with a tired look.

"Keep your fucking volume low, Damon." I whisper-hissed at him and immediately turned around to see if Summer was disturbed due to her airhead brother. Seeing she was fast asleep, I bent down a bit and placed a kiss on her forehead. Damon, who was standing by the door smiled at me as I trotted over to him. He swung his arm around my shoulder as we walked out and descended to the living room where Kayla, Damon's fifteen year old sister and Blake were currently playing Wii. "God, I'm so in love with Summer." I said with a sigh. "She's such a beautiful baby." I beamed at Damon didn't seem a bit amused by the compliments I passed for his baby-sister.

"She's a simple pain in the ass." Damon commented. I hit his shoulder and narrowed my eyes at him for being a heartless dick. I mean, come on! Sure kids have their ways to annoy the hell out of us but they do have strong grip over our heart, too. "She's either she's crying, or sucking onto my mom's tits or shitting. It's fucking annoying." Damon snorted.

"That's because she's a baby, you prick. Her job is to eat, sleep, poop and play. That's all, and that's exactly what you did when you were little." I deadpanned, rolling my eyes at the knucklehead best friend of mine.

"I like times like now, when she is asleep and I can do the shit I want, no torturing cries, no cleaning stinky diapers, nothing." Damon said with a shrug.

"It's funny to see how a person can despise babies! Babies!? You need help, dude." I stated.

"Nah, I just need to get laid." Damon countered with a smug smile while I was wondering how to knock that annoying yet adorable smile off his face.

Two months ago, while Stephanie was in labor, she had certain complications during the delivery. Since the position of the baby was not normal, the doctors had to do C-section, since they were running out of time, which could put Stephanie as well as her baby's life in danger. All of us were there by Damon and his family's side since there was a slim chance of the baby to not survive.

But Summer did. The moment our eyes fell on her, we were goners. It's been two months since she arrived and it amazes us how her grip on our hearts is so strong. All the time that I spent with Summer, I couldn't help but wonder about how it'd feel to hold Alyssa, my sunshine, in my hands.

"When will your parents be back, Damon?" I asked him.

"By evening, I guess." Damon shrugged. "By the way, what flowers do you like?" He asked, sneaking glances at me whilst we settled down on the sofa and watched Blake and Kayla play the tennis game on Wii.

"Wait, why with the twenty questions suddenly?"I asked suspiciously. Damon avoided my gaze and kept his eyes ahead on the duo who were bickering over who is the cheater among the two. "Damon? Hello?" I asked, clicking my fingers in front of his eyes.

"Um, I don't know what is your favorite color, so ." Damon said nonchalantly.


"What?" He asked.

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