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Btw: important update is at the bottom - read it!


I slowly wake up from deep slumber, and a smile creeps it's way onto my lips as I recall the events at the mall with Bryan.

My phone buzzes on the nightstand beside my bed and my eyes as nearly blinded by the screen. 2 missed calls from Luke and 4 text messages.

7:45 a.m.
Luke: Hey babe, haven't heard from you in a day or two. The funeral was yesterday and it was pretty rough. Call me back when you can.

8:52 a.m.
Luke: By the way, have you heard from Matt? He hasn't been returning any of my texts or calls all week.

Way to act casual about what's happened, Matt. I decide to text him back, since I haven't even talked of him in two days.

Me: Hey, I'm sorry I was asleep. I haven't really heard from Matt either. I'm so sorry about your cousin, I know it's hard. I won't be able to talk for a few hours, I'm going to a wedding with a friend. Talk soon x

9:00 a.m.
Ashley: Hey, we need to talk soon. I don't even know what's happened to be honest but please just talk to me. I love you

10:11 a.m
Matt: Hey, I had to run to go get some clothes from my apartment for the wedding, but I'll be back to pick you up. Remember, be ready by two.

I glance at the clock and it's 12:08 p.m., shit! I jump from my bed and immediately get in the shower.

It feels nice to wipe away all the stress and built up frustrations by the warm water cascading down my body. If only washing away my problems were that easy, I'd never leave this place.

I curl my hair into long, beach waves and decide to actually try at doing my makeup. I apply eyeliner to the top lids of my eyes and wing them, making the light brown in my eyes pop even more so. Usually, I never care to wear bold lipstick or anything bold at all, but I figure what the hell and dress my lips in a deep, dark red that matches the shade of my dress. 

Shit. I forgot to buy some new shoes yesterday. I look through my closest and decide to go with some black, closed-toed heels that have two laces to wrap around my ankle. I glance at myself in the mirror and I have to admit, I look pretty good.

The doorbell rings and I grab my purse and phone as I walk to the front door. I open it to reveal handsome Matt, wearing a dark suit with a white undershirt and a brown belt matching his brown shoes, standing in the doorway with dark red carnations in his grip.

Oh my god. He remembered.


A smile peeks out from my lips as I walk towards one of my now favorite people, sitting in our usual spot as the moonlight dances on water.

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