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As we make our way back to the Luke and Matt's apartment, my mind wanders off to the day I picked them up from the bus stop, my heart stopping when I saw Matt. I look over to him in the driver's seat, his left hand resting on top of the steering wheel, while his other sits on his thigh comfortably. His expression is emotionless, and I wonder what's going through that thick skull of his. He tended to be a little more closed off than Luke, but it's not like I could judge him for that. I'm the same way.

I look to Luke in the passenger seat, and his expression matches Matt's. He stares at the window, bouncing his leg as his elbow is leaning up on the window, his hand supporting his head. I wonder if they talked at all while Luke was gone this past week? I swear to god, if Luke actually replied to Matt this week and not me, he's going to want to protect his manhood.

I never knew they were best friends when I picked them up that day, I only knew that Luke lived with this guy named Matt. Luke never had many friends, he never really made time with having me, his job, and school to handle.

I think of the day they got back, how Matt and I fought, only to have him defend me an hour later from fúcking Bryan while Luke was at the store.


I roll my eyes and become annoyed just by the thought of him, a scowl reaching my face. My expression softens a little as I think of running into him, or rather is drink running onto him, at the mall not even two days ago. I couldn't help but replay his strange words in my head; 'What the hell did I do?! If you should be pissed off at anyone, it should be Luke, not me!'

What could he have meant by that? Is Luke hiding something from me? No, it's Luke. He couldn't lie to me if he wanted to, he's probably the worst liar I know.

We make it to their complex, which is about fifteen minutes from my house, and Matt and I help Luke with his stuff up the steps to their apartment.

"Good god, what do you have in these bags? Rocks? You pack more shit than a girl," Matt huffed as his chest heaved heavily while carrying two of Luke's bags in each arm.

"Shut up, dickhead," Luke laughs and pulls out his keys to the door as we approach it.

We step inside slowly one at a time, and drop the bags as soon as we enter the door. Matt immediately plops his stomach onto the couch, letting his long arm dangle off the edge.

Luke rolls his eyes and shuts the door, grabbing his bags and dragging them to his room. I stand there awkwardly for a moment at the entryway, until I take a seat on the matching chair beside the couch.

I rub my small hands together, since it's practically freezing from no one being here for almost a week. I lean back into the chair and close my eyes for a moment, just wanting some peace and relief from my dizzy head. Too much has been happening lately, I can barely keep up anymore.

"Here." I hear Matt's voice and I open my eyes to see him stretching out a blanket over me, tucking it into my sides as his head leans in close by mine. I gulp at the close proximity, but remain calm and collected. My boyfriend is in the other room for gods sake.

"Is that better babe?" He pulls back a little and we're sharing a breath, his face lingering over mine. My wide eyes look into his beautiful blue ones, and his hands resting on the sides of the chair, his swollen arms barricading me from leaving. I almost forget that last word that hangs off of his lips, babe. Babe? A smile tugs at his lips as he tries to hide it, he knows exactly what he's doing. He's enjoying teasing me and watching me squirm. Jerk.

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