Twenty Six

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I arrive to his dorm fairly quickly, so now I'm standing at his door waiting for his lazy ãss to answer it. I hear the lock click and the door swings up, revealing a tired-looking Brad with a long-sleeved sweatshirt and gym shorts. He yawns before opening his door wider and stepping aside to let me in. "About freaking time!" I huff and walk into his dorm.

It's rather small as I imagined it to be, smelling like musk and cologne. I already know which side of the room is Brad's, seeing how simple it is dressed in gray and black colors. "Don't get all pissy with me, you're not the one who was woken up for no apparent reason." He sits in a chair near a desk that sits at the end of the bed. I sit on his bed and tuck my leg underneath the other as I narrow my eyes at him. "You and I both know that I didn't call you for no apparent reason, you ass."

He chuckles to himself and rubs his eye. "Really? Unless you've discovered a cure for cancer or made a decision for once in your life, then it was for no apparent reason."

"Hey, I make decisions! All the time to have you know," I pout.

"Not about your feelings," He remarks sarcastically. I take a pillow from my side and chunk it at him, hitting him in the chest as he catches it.

"For your information, I actually did make a few decisions regarding my feelings so you can shut the hell up," I smile. He raises his eyebrows and waits for me to continue. "Well first of all, I have to figure out what's up with Luke. He's been acting super weird and secretive, it's like he's a different person now. So I'm going to help him with whatever shít he's got himself into, then call it quits. We've been falling apart for awhile now, I was just too blinded by my own stupidness to realize. So, I'm going to do a little soul-searching, and maybegivemattanotherchance," I say the last part under my breath.

"You're going to what?" He asks with seriousness.

"Um, I-I was thinking about giving Matt another chance.." I almost whisper.

"And what made you think that was a good idea? The fact he left you hurt and alone last summer, or when he made out with your best friend right in front of you? I mean don't get me wrong, Matt's my friend and all, but that doesn't mean he isn't a jerk."

"We've already talked about everything and come to terms with it. We've been getting along really well lately and becoming closer. I really like him, Brad." That's one way to say, 'he fingered me and we ended up cuddling and watching movies the rest of the night'.

"You're telling me you've talked about what happened last summer and you're actually okay with it?" He asks with disbelief.

"Well we h- wait. How do you know about last summer?" I ask. I don't recall ever speaking a word to anyone about it except Ashley... and look where that got me. Her sticking her tongue down his throat.

"Matt. Told me about it a few months back on a drunken night," He replies and I shake my head in acknowledgement. "How could you forgive him after what he did? Or at least talk about it, for heavens sake. What he did was pretty low, Alex." His voice becomes softer, as does his eyes.

"I know, I know. I don't mean to sound like some loved-up teenager with all of this, it's just how I feel. I don't know what I was trying to pull by being with Luke, I think a part of me knew it wouldn't last. I just didn't know it wouldn't because of Luke being an secretive a s s h o l e," I chuckle and tuck a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

"All I'm asking is for you to take some time for yourself and think about what you're doing. For your sake and theirs," He says seriously. I bite the inside of my cheek and nod knowingly, because he's right. Our conversation is shortly then cut off by Brad's phone ringing, and he looks like he's been shaken from a dream and pulled back into reality. He mouths 'sorry' to me as he steps out the door to take the call, and I sit back on his bed, recalling the events that have slowly caused me to question everything about myself and my life, starting with meeting Matt last summer, to this very day.

I've always had a tendency to be rash and impulsive, and I guess even Brad's realized it too in the short time we've been friends. My emotions have been on a high for the past week, and I know a great deal has to do with the obnoxious two guys that happen to be best friends in my life. When I say I don't know how things got this way with Luke, why things are ending this way, I'm speaking the honest truth. I did always have a gut feeling that he was just there, to fill this empty void in my heart. Maybe what they say about daddy issues actually has some truth to it.

I silently curse myself for being 'that' typical girl, the one who sounds like a broken record that keeps playing on repeat. I mean, what the hell am I thinking? Trying to fix my boyfriend, to only then break up with him for his bestfriend. Whom, by the way, I haven't known in a year. I've spent so much foolish time thinking about his physical changes, how much of a man he is now, that I've almost forgotten about how he could've changed mentally also. I've spent our time avoiding him, his body and his captivating smile, I haven't made time to know his heart and mind as I did before.

One more reason my life is in the great mess of trouble, I suppose.

Thinking about it more and more, what point am I trying to prove by being with Matt so quickly? What am I doing? My thoughts are soon cut short by the door swinging open with Brad standing in the doorway, with alert wide-eyes and his breathing hard.

"We need to leave. Now," He says as he rushes in, grabbing his jacket, keys and cigarettes off of the kitchen counter to my left.

I sit there in a daze, confused by his rapid movements and words. I try to will my body to move along with him, but I'm frozen in my spot.

"What are you doing? Come on, we should've been out the door by now!" He nearly yells as he stops at the door, eyes blazing into me. If I didn't know him any better, I would think he's a mad man just by the look on his face.

"Where are we going?" I ask quietly, a little afraid of his answer, as I rise from my spot and walk to join him at his side.

He walks through the door into the drizzling rain, which must be started while he was on the phone, and looks at me with a softer look to his face. He looks almost pained, or even guilty. He breaks his gaze from me and continues with me to his truck, unlocking the doors with his key and jumping in. I look at him with an expectance, waiting painfully for his reply. Just spit it out already!


"Los Angeles police department."

I finally updated, yaaaay! :) lol I'm so sorry, I've been on vacation and just now have had a time to actually write lol. Sorry this update is a little shorter than usual!

Debating on making a sequel or traveling to different ideas I have for another story. Would you guys read my other stories?

Please don't forget to vote and comment, my lovelies!

Happy reading!! Xx

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