Thirty One

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What's something that helps get you out of writer's block? One thing that always works for me is music, pretty much every time. 
Anyways, I decided to give you guys this chapter a little early since you all have been very patient with me. My goal is 5 votes and 5 comments for the next chapter (aka chapter 32)!! Enjoy. xx

(play the song as soon as you start reading)


We're escorted to Matt's room, the walk alone dragging by. I just want to see him.

I glance to my mom for reassurance, and I receive it with a smile. I smile hesitantly back and suddenly we've come to a stop in front of a big door. The nurse gives us a heartfelt smile and opens the door for us, my mom walks in with no hesitation. I already feel tears prickling my eyes, I don't know if I can stand to see him in this condition. I hear my mom call my name and I know its time, that I need to suck it up and be brave. For him.

I close my eyes momentarily as I step into the room, taking a deep breath. I open them to see him laying in the hospital bed, tubes and wires hanging all over him. I almost don't recognize him, my happy and smiling Matt, as he lays peacefully asleep.

The doctors said he should recover after a few weeks and return back to normal, but the first twenty-four hours are critical, anything can happen. I feel my cheeks heating up once again, and I take deep breaths to keep myself together. I step closer to his side, seeing his hand with minimal blue and yellow bruises peppering his hand and arm. My hand reaches for his as I slip my fingers between his, feeling tiny as his hand swallows mine whole.

I look to the handsome boy in front of me, his right eye swollen along with other bruises and cuts dancing along his features. He looks weary and tired, but nevertheless, his beauty is intimidating. How can one be so brave and strong, yet so gentle and loving? I wish I would have saw it sooner, how crazy I truly am about him. He lit me up, a beacon of light throughout all of my darkness.

I think deep down I knew I loved him, but I was scared of letting go. Scared of something real, something I knew would change everything. Of course now I've realized how much I need him, but is it too late after all that I've put him through?

I squeeze his hand as I watch his chest slowly rise and fall with each breath he takes, thankful for each one. I distinctly hear a voice talking, but I can't make it out. I can't focus.

I feel a hand on my forearm and I look up to see my mom with a concerned face, and I finally realize she's the voice that's trying to reach me.

"Honey, are you sure you're okay? Why don't you go get some rest and come back later when he's conscious? You look drained, honey." My mom softly asks.

"I-I can't. Not now. He needs me, mom."

She nods her head and rubs my arm gently. After a minute or so, she moves to take a seat in the chair placed against the wall. I watch her movements and see another chair placed by the one she's seated in. I grab the arm of the chair with my free hand and pull it behind me. I adjust it close to the bed, never taking my hand out of his. I lean back in the chair, watching him and his heartbeat on the monitor.

I trace the prominent veins in his right hand, the one I'm holding, appreciating the fact his skin is as warm as it always is. I take a shaky deep breath once more, trying to contain my hormonal emotions.

I notice the bed he's sitting is pretty large in fact, so I carefully inch my way onto the bed, trying not to move or disturb him. I lay on my side facing Matt with my knees bent, admiring him up close. He smells of his usual Curve cologne, and somehow or in some way, it makes me feel at home. I cuddle closer to him, placing my hand gently on his shoulder and resting my head onto my hand. I close my eyes just for a moment, and before I know it, sleep has already swept me away.

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