Twenty Four

190 14 18

I'm considering giving a song or two for each chapter, what do you guys think?

Chapter goal: 10+ votes and 10+ comments for the next chapter.


MATT (yaaas)

I feel something shift beside me, causing my eyes to momentarily flutter and slowly open. I still at the sight before me, and I honestly think I'm dreaming. I must be.

I see Alex lying in front of me, her back pressed to my front as she lies there in a white tank top and lace underwear. My arm is intertwined with hers, our fingers knitted together on the top of her stomach. Our legs are messily looped together as well, heating radiating off our bodies. I sit there with my mouth slightly parted in awe as I watch her peacefully sleep, her eyelids flickering every once in awhile. I wonder what she's dreaming, or what thoughts are roaming through her mind.

I honestly never thought me dropping by for dinner to get Alex to talk to me would ever lead to this, I hope she knows that. I just wanted to get her to open up to me some more, she had finally begun to open up to me and I wasn't about to just let her push me away again. She frustrates me to no end, god knows that. I just couldn't help myself from kissing her when she was all mad and frustrated, trying her best to intimidate me, while I couldn't help but think of how adorable and sexy she looked. I just wanted to take away her doubt, her anger, and make her happy. Even if its just sexually, for now.

My mind starts to think of her and Luke, if she'll tell him anything. Hell, if she'll finally tell me anything. I push my thoughts of them into the depths of my mind, I'd rather not think of Luke while I'm holding his girlfriend in her bed. I can't help but smirk to myself just a little, she finally gave in to her feelings towards me.

She stirs in her sleep, a little line creasing between her eyebrows and her chest breathing evenly. Her hair is calmly displayed on her shoulders and her neck, reaching to rest on her arm. Her soft pink lips are drawn in a line, making it almost impossible to reach down and place a kiss on them to make her beautiful smile appear. She is truly beautiful, perfect even, and she doesn't even know it. She doesn't know how those eyes resting in her head make me fall weak at the knees, and the sound of her velvet voice can calm me at my darkest hours. She doesn't know how the touch of her small hand to my rough skin electrifys me to my soul, as if my skin itself is being set afire. She doesn't know how long I've wanted to touch her, to fulfill my lustful needs that ache in every part of me. There's so much she doesn't know or realize, and how the hell am I suppose to explain it?

Her eyes then start to flutter as mine did, before her eyes are almost fully open. She yawns and scrunches her face, while I can't help but think of how adorable she is as a smile reaches my face. My instincts kick in and I reach down to place a gentle but firm kiss onto her exposed shoulder blade, and before I can realize I'm doing it, I'm trailing sloppy kisses to her shoulder leading to her neck. My eyes flicker to her face, and I smile into her neck as I see a shy smile placed onto hers as she curls herself further into the pillow. God, she's so adorable.

I lightly bite at her sweet spot just below her jaw on her neck, then nip at it a little to bring blood to the surface, giving her a love bite. I place a wet kiss to it, letting my lips linger on her warm skin a little longer than usual.

"Good morning to you, too," She giggles before turning around slightly to look me in the eyes. Her eyes are now fully awake and glowing with beauty, a certain light to them that I haven't seen before.

She starts laughing and I make a confused face at her, wondering what's on about. Her eyes flicker to the space between us, and I follow her gaze. My eyes widen with embarrassment at what I realize she's talking about and I fall on my back, covering my face with my hand since my other arm is trapped beneath her head.

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