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*comment who you imagine as the characters*


"Just come with me," Brad says as he grabs my wrist and pulls me out of bed and down the stairs.

Before I reach the bottom, I hear a familiar voice and laughter following. Oh god, what has he done now.

I walk into the living room of the frat house to see Matt sprawled out on the couch with a bottle of bourbon on his lips. He's singing some rock song I can't make out, and he's completely wasted. I roll my eyes at him.

He sees me and stands from the couch, or at least tries to after stumbling over his own feet. "Theeeeere, she is! The girl of the hour!" He laughs as he stumbles his way to me until I have to reach out and grab him from actually falling. I grab his waist and try to steady him. "Hey there missy, I know your tongue was down my throat earlier and all that but before you try putting your little fingers on me, at least buy me dinner." He lazily smiles. God, that smile alone could end wars.

"Ha ha, okay then! I think it's time for us to leave, it's only eleven thirty so we can have someone drive us to my place. How does that sound, sunshine?" I say as I look to Brad to see if he'd drive us, since he wasn't wasted, thank god. He nods his head at me in confirmation as we make our way to the front door.

"You are my sunshiiiiine, my only sunshi-" I place my hand over his mouth and he unexpectedly kisses the inside of my hand, making my stomach flicker. How could that little gesture turn me on?

"Ew! Matt, stop!" I yank my hand away in fake disgust.

He smiles that smile at me again and I feel my knees almost go weak. "Sunshine is my word. And you know you liked it," He slurs his words as he points his finger at me and presses it on my nose, making me involuntarily smile.

Brad helps me get Matt into the backseat of the car finally, and since he wouldn't let go of me, I was stuck with him.

He leans on me for support the whole way there, which wasn't too long. Brad pulls up in front of my moms house and helps me get Matt out of the car and to the front door.

"Do you have him from here? Or do you need-"

"Brad, you've done enough. Thank you so much, I owe you big time." I smile at him as Matt still leans against me.

"No problem. Call me if you need anything," He says and he turns back to his truck and pulls away.

I practically drag Matt to my room, since it's the closest. I knew he was broad and fit, but damn, he is pure muscle. Plus, he's twice the size of me so it was nearly impossible to make it even to my room.

I lay him on the bed and take off his shoes, helping him on the bed. "Alexxx." He says as he stirs in his drowsiness as I pull the covers over him.

I be careful to push him to the opposite side of the bed, and slowly creep into the covers on the opposite side of the bed. He falls instantly asleep, and I can't help but stare at him. He looks angelic, so peaceful. His lips are parted and have a tint of dark pink to them, probably from whatever it was he drank. His soft brown curls are messy over his forehead, and it's honestly hard to resist to not sweep them away from his face.

I know I've gone over this a thousand times, but what the hell am I going to do? I'm dating Luke. I love Luke. Don't I? God, I've been telling myself Matt is a distraction and I don't need him, but that kiss tonight spoke for itself. It was like a soul-burning fire was erupting from my stomach, it was so heated and passionate. I can't help but also be in awe that after all this time, Matt still has feelings for me.

But how could I deny Luke, the man I'm dating that has been here with me these past few months, while Matt left me last summer without a word? Would he don't again if I gave him another chance? I need to figure out what to do and fast.  But how could I deny what was right in front of me?

I have feelings for Matt.


I wake up from the heat, it feels like a thousand degrees in here as usual when I wake up. I open my eyes and realize the heat isn't from the house, it's from Matt's body lying on top of mine.

He has his leg swung over mine, with his head lying on my chest and his arm draped over my stomach. God fucking bless.

I poke at his arm and try to wake him. "Matt! Wake up! Matt!" I say.

He stirs and slowly opens his eyes, and looks up to me. His blue eyes are sleepy and adorable, I almost melt on the spot. "Hey, sorry." He slowly removes himself from me and begins to stretch his arms. "What the hell happened last night?" He yawns.

I sigh heavily. "Well after our little accident, you ran downstairs and got wasted and I had to drag your ass here. You're welcome for not letting you rot there," I say as I sit up with my legs crossed.

"Accident? Is that what people are calling it these days?" He smirks as he sits up.

I roll my eyes at him for the millionth time it seems. "Calling what?" I say, annoyed.

"Making out. But we both know it was more than that." For a moment I think he's joking somehow, probably trying to embarrass me, but he remains still and serious as ever.

"No, it wasn't. I mean, it sort of was, I guess... No! No, you're-" I'm interrupted by his index finger pressed to my lips.

"Hush. Don't give yourself a heart attack from overthinking for christ's sake," He laughs. "I'm not asking for an explanation right now. I wasn't thinking clearly last night after we kissed, so I'm truly sorry I acted like an asshole and left you alone. And I realize that Luke is still in the picture, so I think it's best if I just give you time to think it out."

What? Was I dreaming? Did Matt actually apologize to me and say he's going to give me space? Was he still drunk?

He notices my stunned reaction and scoots closer to me, catching me off guard once a freaking gain. "Just tell me what you're thinking when you decide. I won't try to kiss you or even flirt with you until then, I swear. Just think about it. For me." He smiles a boyish grin and my eyes nearly pop out of my head from shock for what he does next. He leans over and kisses my cheek and gets up from my bed. I stare at him bewildered as he walks out of my room and shuts the door.

I'm still taken back by his words, but surprisingly, my mind is lingering over what he said lastly the most.

"I won't try to kiss you or even flirt with you until then, I swear."

I was glad that he respected the fact I would need space and time from him. He knew what to say and how to say it without me even telling him how I truly felt about him and the kiss. He was even apologetic about getting wasted.

I know it's the logical and morally right thing to do by staying away from him, but a part of me couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness from his missing touch.


Say 'I' if you think these three (Alex, Luke and Matt) need to get it together 


Btw, Alex has been trying to avoid her feelings due to the fact that she truly wants to remain loyal to Luke, despite her feelings for Matt. So this isn't going to be an easy decision for her at all, and I'll explore more of that in the next chapters when we slow down. I may even do a flashback or two from Matt & Alex from last summer ;)

Comment on what you think Alex should do or what you would do?

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