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I wake up from my nightmare of last night's events to someone shaking my shoulder and calling out my name repeatedly.

"Alex, wake up. It's okay. You're safe," I open my bloodshot eyes to see Matt, and I sigh in relief.

I can't believe I was almost raped last night. Of course, I've always been aware of the dangers of the world, especially for young girls like myself. And I know last night I should've been more careful, more aware.

"This is all of my fault," I shakily say as I sit up and I feel my lip start to tremble. I bit on my lip to stop my squeamish actions, I need to be strong.

Matt's eyes soften and he leans towards me, wrapping his long arms around my shoulders. "None of this is your fault. Don't you ever say or think that again, okay?" He whispers into my hair as I lean my head into his neck. We sit there in silence for a minute as he rubs circles on my back, comforting me.

As I sit here in his arms, I can't help but think about how I always end up here. No matter how much I've tried to resist, tried to pull away and do the right thing, I always end up in his arms in some way.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there earlier, you know, last night. I should've been there by you, defending you, and because I wasn't-"

"Shhh," I whisper with a hoarse voice as I scoot closer, and I stretch my legs out so their resting on either side of Matt's legs. I'm practically in his lap.

I hesitantly reach my hand up to brush his cheekbone with my thumb, holding his face in place in front of mine.

"Nothing happened. You got there in time. Yes, I'm still shaken up, but I'll get through this. I'll get through this because of you," I softly say, emphasizing my last sentence to get through to him. How could he think this is his fault?

He slightly smiles in response, but I can tell its a bitforced. His eyebrows are still furrowed, there's a slight scowl on his face, and he's biting the inside of his cheek. I can't help but want to kiss him on all over his face, hoping to ease away his adorable scowl.

He glances down at my lips, and my hand stills on his face. My eyes widen slightly, and so do his. He must be feeling it too, the electricity pulsing through the heat of our touch. His eyes meet mine again, and I'm just noticing how close our faces really are. My heartbeat quickens when he sticks out his tongue for a moment to wet his lips, and my breathing becomes ragged. No, no, no. This can't happen.

But oh, do I want it to.

We both jump at his phone ringing, interrupting our heated moment.

I shift slightly, so I'm seated next to him but still in front of him. As I shift, I realize that my underwear's damp. What the hell? We didn't even kiss and he made me wet. What have I gotten myself into?

As soon as I'm off his legs, he reaches for his phone in his jean pocket and answers the phone, tensing up and clenching his jaw as he does so.

Fücking hèll. I wanted him to kiss me. I practically asked for it, I was leaning into him just as much as he was with me. I need to control myself and my stupid womanhood that's battling against me.

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