Chapter 2: It Started With Friendship

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It's been two days since they went to Harry's welcome party. Niall called them up asking them if they would like to tag along for a friendly game of golf later that afternoon. Now, Lauren was jogging down the stairs and into the living room where she saw a smiling Dinah. She plopped down the couch but the girl didn't tear her eyes off her phone. Lauren cleared her throat loudly, hoping it would catch her attention. But nothing. She raised her brows and cleared her throat one last time, still nothing. Dinah's smile widened and she cover her mouth with her free hand. Now Lauren was really curious. She smirked as an idea popped into her head. She snatched the phone free from Dinah's hands, making the girl freeze and then look over to Lauren who was spinning the phone around her hand.

"Hmm what could be in this phone that made a certain someone so smiley all of a sudden..?" Lauren indirectly teased Dinah who's eyes widened in realization. She pounced on Lauren and attempted to get her phone back but the green eyed girl extended it out of the girl's reach. Dinah didn't give up and kept on reaching for her phone held up in the air. She grew frustrated and flustered.

"Lauren, give it the fuck back!" she hissed. Lauren kinked her brows at the girl who's cheeks were growing red. Dinah met Lauren's questioning stare and the girl just grew more flustered. Dinah struggled more to reach her phone. She groaned, "Lauren, just give me it!"

Dinah stood up and she almost reached it but Lauren was quick to dash off upstairs. She turned to the master's bedroom where she found Camila pulling up her jeans. The smaller girl tilted her head towards the door when she heard it slam shut. She found a terrified Lauren grasping for air. "Uhh Lo, what are you-"

"Babe, find me a place to hide!" she huffed. "Now!" Lauren said with urgency which just made Camila laugh because she was red as a tomato. "Okay calm down, Lo."

"Calm down?! How am I gonna calm down if there's a beast on the lose?!" Lauren said exaggeratedly. Camila tilted her head to the side in confusion but soon realized what was happening. "Lo, what'd you do?" she asked her girlfriend, who was now holding her at arms length. "I'll tell you everything later. I need to hide."

Camila giggled. "Okay okay." she looked around their room and her eyes landed on the walk-in closet. She pointed towards it, Lauren followed her finger and smiled gratefully when the spot was passable. She looked at her girlfriend and pecked her lips. "Thanks babe." Lauren hastily made her way into the closet, closing it shut just in time as Dinah bursted through the door which made her jump and clutch her chest. Dinah covered her eyes with her hand. "Eww Walz. You know jeans have zippers right and you need to zip them up?" She asked as if Camila didn't know. "I cannot just unsee that.." The smaller girl zipped up her pants and then crossed her arms on her chest and huffed. "It's not my fault you barged in here in the middle of me getting dressed." she rebutted. Dinah lowered her hand from her face and crossed her arms over her chest. "Well, it isn't my fault your girlfriend stole my freaking phone!" Camila tilted her head to the side in confusion. "Where is she!" Dinah asked more to herself because judging from Camila's expression, she seems clueless. After looking around the room, she frustratingly hung her hands on both sides. "Have you seen her?" she asked the smaller girl who was now on the bed burrying her nose in a book. She looked up and shook her head. Dinah trudged out of the room.

Seconds later, Lauren peeked out of the closet door to make sure Dinah was already out. She fully stepped out and locked the door. She joined her girlfriend on the bed who was giving her a questioning stare. "Camz," she asked with urgency. Camila didn't look up from her book but replied. "Yes?"

"Have you noticed that Dinah has been acting pretty weird lately." Lauren voiced her observation for the past two days. Camila looked at her. "Lo, she's always been weird." Lauren shook her head. "No like a different weird. Like..happy weird." she pointed out. This caught Camila's attention and nodded. "Yeah. Since the party." Lauren nodded and smiled. "Exactly." She held up Dinah's phone in front of them.

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