Chapter 14: Scared Of Happy

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They were waiting for their flight at the airport. Camila had her head on Lauren's shoulders, her eyes looking at a distant object. Probably a bird that flew by. Lauren was growing worried. Since they arrived at the airport, Camila hasn't been herself. She just kept staring at random objects and occasionally zoning out here and there.

Only thirty minutes left 'til their flight and the girl is still quiet. She hasn't spoken to Lauren since they arrived at the airport. Lauren sighed and ran her hand through her dark locks. She faced her girlfriend and gently intertwined their hands. Camila slowly turned her head to find the source of distraction, even though she already knows because there's only one person who can give so much comfort with one touch.

"What?" she asked in a monotone voice. Lauren gave her a small smile although she was slightly hurt by the reaction. She ran her thumb comfortingly across the back of her hands.

"How are you?" she innocently asked. Camila kept her poker face and shrugged. "I'm fine."

"Camz.." Lauren knows she's not telling her the truth. Although she knows why the girl is acting this way, she just wants to hear it from her.

"What do you want?!" Camila snapped. Lauren retracted back a bit from the sudden change in tone but she kept calm. She looked at Camila straight in the eyes.

"I want you to tell me how you feel." she demanded softly. "Remember what I told you? Talking about it helps."

"Talk about what? What are you talking about?!"

"Camila.. You know what I'm talking about."

Camila ran her hand through her hair and huffed out in frustration. She frantically looked around the area to get her mind off the topic in hand, turning her back on the green eyed girl. She was trying to handle the situation as best as she could and as calmly as she could but she isn't doing a good job at it.

Lauren looked at Camila's back and sighed as lightly as she could. She scooted closer and draped her right arm on the girl's waist, engaging in a side hug. She intertwined her left hand with Camila's right, running her thumb softly on the back of her hand. She placed a light kiss on Camila's left shoulder and leaned her head on it.

"I'm sorry." Lauren softly said. Camila immediately felt guilty. She didn't mean to blame the situation on Lauren. She quickly shifted herself to face Lauren and grasped her face, looking in her eyes.

"Lo, it's not your fault. It's just.." Camila sighed, not knowing how to put this. This is Lauren she's talking to. The girl that saved her multiple times. The girl that trusted her with everything in her. The girl who loved her dearly. There should be no reason to lie to her and it shouldn't be this difficult to tell her how she feels.

"I'm scared." she admitted. Lauren didn't wait for a follow up. She acted on her instincts and engulfed Camila in a hug, soothing her back while the younger girl was crying her eyes out. Camila hates being vulnerable and weak. She wanted to stand up for herself, but she couldn't at the moment.

She cried on Lauren's shoulders while Lauren just kept the girl safe in her arms. She doesn't care if they got stares from people. All she cares about is protecting the fragile nugget in her arms. They were in that position until the call for their flight was announced. No words were needed, though. Lauren knew that just by being there she's already helping her.

Lauren helped Camila on her feet. The younger girl was wiping her eyes frantically to rid of the tears. She was constantly looking around her, catching the stares from people, which only made her quicken the action. Lauren frowned at the scene. It hurts her to know that Camila was afraid to open up, and be vulnerable for once.

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