Chapter 17: Claim Me..

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Camila woke up to find herself tangled with pale limbs. She groaned and stretched her arms. Lauren, who was tangled with Camila, stirred at the movement and gripped the smaller girl's body tighter. Camila chuckled and ran her hand through the green eyed girl's hair.

"Lolo.." She said in her husky morning voice. All she got was a hum, Lauren snuggling her face more on Camila's chest. Camila felt the dam in her lower area tighten.

"Lo, I really need to pee." She said, rubbing her thighs together. Lauren just groaned and held her tighter, making Camila roll her eyes and groan.


"Okay fine." Lauren sighed as she lets her limbs hang lose to allow Camila to slip through. The younger girl scurried out and dashed towards the bathroom down the hallway. Lauren chuckled as she heard the girl scream profanities on the way there.

She stretched her limbs and yawned before finally opening her eyes. They were still in Dinah's living room. She then remembers the slumber party they had last night. It was filled with movies, food, bickering, and banters.

She looked around the room and saw Normani sprawled on top of Dinah, on the floor. Ally was snuggled comfortably on the recliner to her right. She almost let out a bellowing laugh as she saw Normani unconsciously kick Dinah's face. The Polynesian girl groaned and rolled over, making Normani fall face first on the floor. But both of them were still asleep.

She was brought out of her thoughts when she felt a pair of hands cover her eyes. She gripped the wrists and immediately knew who it was since she felt the hair tie on the person's right hand. But she decided to play along.

"Who is this?" Lauren asked. The mysterious figure giggled and cleared their throat.

"You have to guess.." The mysterious figure said in a poor attempt of a deep manly voice. Lauren almost let out a laugh but she held it in.

"Oh no.. Who could thou be?" She said in a melodramatic tone. "Please spare thee, beautiful maiden." She over exaggerated.

The figure chuckled and let go of her, then placed a kiss on her cheeks. "Dork." Camila said. She circled around the couch and plopped herself down on Lauren's laugh. The green eyed girl wrapped her arms loosely around her waist, then pecked Camila on the lips.

"But I'm your dork." She said with a cheeky smile. They were staring at each other for god knows how long until they heard a word all too well known by the both of them.


They heard a groggy voice say. They immediately turned their heads to Dinah who was struggling to get Normani's legs off her body. She groaned when the body part just wouldn't move. Both the girls laughed at the Polynesian.

"What are you lovebirds laughing at?" she turned her attention to the couple. They just kept giggling at her. "WHAT?" she screamed, tired of the girls' laughter.

"SSSShhhhhhhh!!!" Normani and Ally both shushed the girl with their eyes still closed. "Shut your mouth." Normani said.

Lauren looked at Camila and they just continued to giggle. Dinah groaned and lied back on the floor.


"Bye guys! See you at school!" Lauren and Camila said their goodbyes to their friends. They are now driving back to the Cabello's house to have their Christmas dinner then later tomorrow, they're gonna open their presents.

Both Latinas retired to their bedroom. Lauren plopped down on the bed while Camila was anxiously pacing around the room.

"Camz.." Lauren called out from the bed. Camila just continued pacing around, her hands clutching her head.

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