Chapter 22: For Me

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"Oh my god.."

"I'm so stupid! Why didn't I think of that? How could I be so close-minded? Look where I am now, in a small room talking to a crazy chick."

A hand, a large Polynesian hand, came in contact with Cuban skin. A loud shriek erupting inside the living room.

"Oww Dinah! That hurts!" Camila whined, rubbing her left arm.

"That's what you get for calling me crazy." Dinah dusted her hands off and stood up.

"Now go get Lauren back." The Polynesian girl urged with a smile, Camila returning it in an instant. "Thanks Dinah. I knew I could come to you for help."

"Anytime Chancho." She hugged the small girl. She turned her around and pushed her towards the door, slapping her large backside in the process. "Go! Shoo! Don't come back until you get her back!"

Camila gave her best friend a smile right before jogging out of the house and onto the open world. Her jog slowly transitioned to a sprint when she saw Lauren start to cross the street on a green light, and a gray SUV speeding up towards her. Her brown chocolate eyes widened as she called out for the raven's name.


Lauren's head snapped to her direction with a wide smile but it was quickly replaced by a gaping mouth when a loud honk and screeching wheels shrieked from beside her. She ducked down and hugged her body, her hair covering her face as the SUV swerved away from her and towards a tree. Adrenaline and fear took over Camila as she made a mad dash towards Lauren.

Her heart broke to pieces when she heard Lauren's whimpers up close. She immediately pressed the girl on her chest and allowed her to sob there, as the driver of the SUV hurried towards them.

"Oh my god, are you girls okay?" a guy at his mid-40s approached them. He was still on the phone with someone. "Linda, I'll call you back." he retreated his phone back on his pocket.

"I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was supposed to. Are you okay?" the man asked.

Lauren still sobbed on Camila's chest. The man's face contorted. "I'll call an ambulance and have you girls checked. Everything related to this incident will be all on me. I'm so sorry." the man said as he took out his phone and dialed for an ambulance.

Lauren was cautiously lead to the back of the ambulance. Even though she only had scratches from the fall, the man insisted to drive them to the hospital via ambulance. Before Camila could ride on the back, the old man grabbed his wrist gently. 

"Could I please talk to you for a second?"

He wasn't creepy in anyway and looks to be really guilty of his doing. The man sighed and adjusted his wrist watch. "I'm so sorry. I can't believe this is happening."

"It's fine sir. I think Lauren isn't harmed in any way. But it'll take her a few weeks to recover some possible trauma."

"I know I know. And that's why I'm so worried." the man said. He sighed and took out his wallet, pulling out a calling card. "Here have this. Call me if ever you need financial support with any sort of treatment."

Camila grabbed the card and her eyes widened at the imprinted name on it. 

Carter Mahone

"Oh my god." she gasped, covering her mouth with her free hand.

"What's wrong?" the man, Austin's father, asked. Camila looked up at him with watery eyes.

"Are you Austin's dad?" Camila asked, as if the answer wasn't obvious already.

"I was his dad. I don't have a son that's a rapist." he spat out. Camila shook her head. Mr. Mahone's eyes widened slowly in realization. "Wait, are you Camila Cabello?" Camila nodded slowly as tears began to slide down her face.

"Oh dear, I'm so sorry." Mr. Mahone engulfed her in a hug, to which Camila gladly melted in. "I'm sorry for this and I'm sorry for what Austin did to you a few years ago. That man doesn't deserve the Mahone surname."

"Please don't say that." Camila weakly defended. Mr. Mahone looked at her with discerning eyes. 

"Are you defending your assailant?" he asked incredulously. "Are you mad right now?" he asked, not believing that the very person his son attacked tries to defend his actions.

"You need to hear me out Mr. Mahone. Austin is going crazy because of you." Camila starts.

"I don't-" Mr. Mahone started to cut Camila but failed.

"Austin is lacking the love and affection he needs from his own parents. He doesn't have any kind of support in his life anymore. He's slowly spiraling down to madness because he's all alone and scared in this cruel world. He did make a mistake, but he's still a person. You need to get him back. Show him the love he needs, and maybe he'll be the old Austin I knew and once loved." Camila said sincerely, looking into Mr. Mahone's eyes the whole time. Austin got his hazel eyes from his dad.

A long silence lingered. When Camila didn't see any sign of the man to speak, she added in. "Please do it for me, and for Lauren. This is the only way for him to get back his sanity." she pleaded.

He finally gave up and sighed, after having an inner battle with his thoughts and his heart. "You're right, Camila. I guess it just made me lose my respect and love for him when he did what he did to you. If that's what'll bring my old Austin back, then I'll do it." the man said with a smile.

Camila couldn't be happier. She reached up to the man and hugged him tight. "Thank you so much. It means a lot to me, and to Lauren."

"Anytime sweetie. Now let's get going, shall we? We still need to check Lauren for any injuries or mental trauma."

Camila just nodded. The thought of Lauren having mental trauma twists her stomach. She couldn't even keep herself sane when she was dealing with her own psychological problems, let alone take care of Lauren if she's gonna have trauma. 

But this is Lauren she's talking about. The love of her life, the apple to her pie, the rock that keeps her grounded every single day. Lauren didn't give up on her when she lashed out on her several times. She was just there, gifting the comfort of her presence to her. 

Camila is now determined to be there for Lauren. 

Be the rock to keep her grounded.

The same thing the green eyed girl did for her during the darkest times of her life. She has always been there, and now she's gonna return the favor.

She climbed the back of the truck with a newfound confidence and determination. 


oh my god this chapter is so short, im so sorry. I just did something horrible and I can't tell anyone :X

But anyways, soooooooo sorry for the super duper slow update! I'm like literally dumped with school work and its getting me super stressed that i just can't. Someday I'm gonna pull of a 'fuck this shit im out' move at school xD

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