Chapter 4: Falling is a Norm

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Camila and Lauren approached their sobbing friend carefully, trying not to scare her away. Normani snapped her head up and looked at her friends. Another round of tears went barreling out of her eyes when she remembers a certain someone when she looks at her friends. She ducks her head down again and tries to wipe away the tears. Camila and Lauren looked at each other confused, Camila nodded. Lauren sat beside Normani and slowly rubbed circles around her back. Camila sat the other side and swiped the hair covering her friend's face. Normani looks at Camila and immediately hugs her, seeking for comfort. Camila looked at Lauren sympathetically, in which the older girl nodded.

"What's going on Mani?" Lauren asked cautiously. "I..I..I.." her friend stuttered against Camila's shirt. Lauren looked at Camila in help, the smaller girl sighed and rubbed circles around Normani's back. She held her at arms length and looked her straight in her tear stained eyes.

"Shhh hey hey.. What ever happened, we're always here to listen, okay? Remember that we'll always be willing to listen to your troubles no matter how small they may be. Got that?" Camila said in a soft tone. Lauren knelt beside Normani and squeezed her. Normani looked at them with sadness and hurt in her eyes. Lauren and Camila comforted her. They say by each other in silence for about ten minutes until it was disturbed by Normani.

"I think I'm falling.." She said just above a whisper. Camila kinked a brow and looked at Lauren who was just as confused as she was. "Falling? Don't tell me.." Lauren gasped, finally catching on. Camila had a stern look on her face and she forced Normani to look her straight in the eyes.

"Say it." She said in a stern tone. Normani looked hesitant. Camila's features didn't falter though. "I want you to say it. Admit it." She demanded. "You will feel better, I promise." Normani hesitantly looked at Camila, then Lauren. She lets out a long sigh and then inhales a large breath in.

"I think I'm falling for Dinah." She said barely above a whisper. Camila wasn't satisfied though. "Louder." She strictly demanded. Normani takes another deep breath in.

"I think I'm falling for Dinah." She admits fully. This spread a proud smile on Camila's face, Lauren looking at her in awe. She didn't know Camila could be that hard.

"Then why are you crying?" Camila asked. Normani looked down at the phone on her hands. She tentatively looks at Camila.

"Do you know the feeling of liking someone who doesn't like you back?" She asks, hurt evident on her tone. "You'll never know they like you unless you ask them. It's worth a shot you know." Lauren butted in. Camila gave her a small smile. "Yeah but I read her messages—"

"Fuck those messages. Those things aren't always right you know." Lauren said, placing a hand on Normani's shoulders. Normani nodded, understanding where the girl came from.

"By the way, where's Dinah?" Camila asked, noticing their roommate was nowhere to be found.

"She's on a date." Normani murmured. Camila looked at Normani who's face shows pure sadness.

"With who?"


Lauren and Camila looked at each other, their suspicions confirmed. Lauren saw a tear drip down her friends cheek. She reached up and wiped it off.

"Just wait it out, okay? Maybe it's just infatuation.." Lauren dead panned.

"I-I'll try.." This was enough for both of the girls. They hugged Normani for good measures and told her it would be okay. What goes around, comes around right?

"How about we go to the mall and get some snacks, yeah?" Lauren suggested, trying to find ways to keep the girl's mind out of its current state. The girl nodded and Lauren swears she saw a glimmer of happiness in her eyes, a smile on her lips. "Let's go."


"Dinah, I wanna say something important.." Harry said sternly. He lets out a sigh when he saw a glimmer of disappointment in Dinah's eyes. "What is it?"

"I think we should see other people," he began hesitantly. Dinah tilted her head to the side, confused. She furrowed her brows and a few moments later an 'Oh' comes out of her mouth. "Yeah, I'm actually.." Harry leaned over the table to whisper to Dinah. "Gay."

Harry braced himself for Dinah's reaction which caught him off guard. The girl smiled and  gave his hand a comforting squeeze. "I've always got a hunch."

"Am I that obvious?" He asks playfully. Dinah shook her head and laughed. "Not really. I just have a good gaydar." Both of them laughed, other people in the restaurant were giving them glares. They payed for their food and decided to go to the nearby park. They sat down a bench underneath a tree.

"So who's the lucky guy?" Dinah looked at Harry with a smirk on her face. Harry looked around, making sure no one was tuning in on their conversation. "Promise me you won't tell anyone."

Dinah laughed and raised her hand. "Promise." Harry smiled.

"I think I'm falling in love with Louis."

Dinah squealed and stood up and jumped around in joy. "I knew it!" She screamed. Harry stood up and cupped his hands over her mouth. "Shhhhh.." Dinah finally calmed down and they both sat down.

"I always knew you liked him. I saw the looks.." She dead panned. Harry's eyes widened. "Oh my god, was I really that obvious?" He asked, somewhat terrified.

"I feel a deja vu all of a sudden.." Dinah commented.

"Deja vu?" Harry asked. Dinah concentrated on thinking. Camila and Lauren.

"This was how it began with Lauren and Camila."

"Sit down, Styles. I'm gonna tell you the story of Camren."


"I hope things were easier for me.." Harry wondered off into the sky after hearing Dinah's story. The girl looked at him confused.

"Louis has a girlfriend." he informed. Dinah's lips shaped a wide O, as she pats Harry on the back. "That's fine. If it's destiny, he'll come around. Just like what happened to Mila and Lauren." Harry looked at her and gave her a small appreciative smile. Dinah sighed and leaned back on the bench. Now it was Harry's turn to look at her confused.

"I think I'm falling for Normani." Harry gave her shoulder a squeeze and gave her a small smile. He leaned back on the bench and chuckled. "I guess we're in a pretty complicated situation, don't you think?" Dinah nodded and laughed. "Yeah."

Harry looked at his wrist watch to check the time. "It's already past eight. We should head home now." Harry stood up and extends a hand for Dinah to reach. She accepted it and smiled in appreciation. "I'll walk you home."

Dinah opened the door just to be greeted by an intense stare from Normani.

"Where were you?"

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