Chapter 19: Delayed After Effect

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Lauren heard the door open, then shut close. Her once tired body felt a surge of energy when she heard the sound she has been waiting for the last four hours. As if having a mind of it's own, her body shot up and her legs dashed off to the front door.

There she saw Camila who had a light smile on her face. Although it erupted butterflies in Lauren's stomach, her mind was too cluttered and anxious to notice the feeling.

"Where have you been?!" she shouted at Camila, gripping her by her shoulders. Camila's eyes widened at the sudden movement and she looked at the anxious green orbs in front of her.

"I just went out for coffee with.. a friend."

Lauren felt her blood boil and her mind go rampant at the sentence. She furrowed her brows and her green orbs darkened.

"Which friend?" she spat. She doesn't know why she was like this. Was it because she has been petrified when she didn't find Camila when she went home? Or was it just her protective side?

"He's just a friend Lo. Calm down." Lauren's eyes opened when she heard the first word.

"He?! Who is he?!" she asked sarcastically, with a lot of venom in her words. Camila was taken aback by the venomous nature of the once caring and loving girl in front of her. But she felt the need to defend herself.

"Lauren you're being abnoxious. Stop!" Camila screamed. Lauren's grip tightened on her arm, which stirred a familiar feeling in Camila.

"Lauren, please! You're hurting me!" she screamed. Lauren's raging orbs slowly began to shrink. Her once fuming green eyes were slowly diverting back to the soft emerald ones. Her grip loosened and her arms fell on her side. She looked up to see a teary-eyed Camila who was slowly backing away from her. She mentally slapped herself.

"Shit. I'm sorry Camz. I didn't mean to-"

"Just.. stay away. For a bit, okay?" Camila whimpered. Lauren felt her heart shatter as she watched Camila's figure retreating to the bedrooms. She balled her fists and felt hot tears streaming down her eyes.

"Fuck!" she hissed to herself. She went to a nearby wall and leaned on it. She tightened her jaw and slammed her fist on the wall. She felt a stinging sensation climb up her arm and she mentally cursed herself for not remembering that the walls were cement.

She pushed herself off the wall and trudged her way to the kitchen and sat on one of the stools. Her hand grasped her head as she mentally cursed herself for doing it. Again.

Camila locked herself inside their bedroom. She rolled herself into a ball and held herself on the bed. This change of attitude in Lauren has been going on for almost two weeks now.

At first, Lauren would be hesitant in letting Camila go alone to school. The girl often offers to drive her to school, even though she's tired or busy. She somehow finds a way to do it. A few days later, she wasn't allowed to go out with the guys or girls after school. Lauren made sure of this because she always waits at the university exit, to make sure that Camila comes home. Another few days later, Camila wasn't allowed to go out on her free day. Lauren kept her locked up in the flat. At first, Camila was kind of okay with it but as time went by she got frustrated. She was either alone or bored at home.

So she decided to sneak out.

And now look where it led her. She's now crying in her room, curled up in a fetal position. Lauren has hurt her a few times, yes, but today was by far the scariest it has been. She has never seen Lauren so angry, enraged, infuriated. And it scared her. She's scared the Lauren she once knew and loved could be gone and replaced by.. that girl earlier.

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