Chapter 8 (part 2): Princess..

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Lauren was casually leaning on the doorway when she felt herself get pulled inside the room. She almost tripped but she was kept on balance by the guy who she assumed pulled her in.

"What the-"

"Lauren, I need you to listen to me." Brad held Lauren in arms length. Lauren's face contorted in disgust. 

"Get your hands off me." she tried to pry his grip from her arm but he held on to her tightly.

"Just fucking listen to me for once goddamit!" Brad screamed at a squirming Lauren who froze when she heard the tone in his voice. She squinted her eyes at him. "What do you have to fucking say?! That I'm a dyke?! A cunt?! Now what, a whore?!" Lauren spat all her pent-up anger at him. He squirmed. Yes, he admits he did some stupid shit and said some stupid shit but that's because he's just not used to being rejected. He took a deep breath and exhaled.

"I'm so sorry for everything I said to you. I shouldn't have said it and I honestly don't mean it. It's just that.. Im not used to being rejected, you know. And it would kind of ruin my reputation as the bad boy that get's everything he wants. But I realized that reputation is shit. And now I'm trying to make it up to you by helping you."

Lauren kept a strong gaze at him, still not trusting him, but curious as to why he had to pull him inside an empty room. "What do you have to say to me that's so important?"

Brad lets out a sigh of relief. "It's Camila.." he started off slow, not wanting to scare off Lauren. "What did you fucking do to her?!" Lauren stomped towards Brad and gripped his gray shirt. 

"No no I did nothing to her. Just hear me out first, okay?"

Lauren growled and forcedly lets go of his shirt. "Camila.. I saw her get kidnapped by five guys at your flat. I was passing by on my way to school and I saw her walk out of the building with a sack on her head. She was thrown into a black van and I tried to run after her but the van's too fast. I couldn't do anything." Brad admitted in defeat, regret in his tone. If only he moved quick enough to reach her.

"How could you be sure it's Camila if she had a sack over her head?" Lauren challenged Brad. He held Lauren in arms length. "She was screaming your fucking name..." Brad said in all seriousness. "And I recognize her voice."

Lauren ducked her head, angry. "Fuck." she hissed. She paced around the room, clutching her head between her head. "Fuck fuck fuck.." 

Brad stood up and held her in place. "Hey hey. Calm down, okay? We're gonna find him. I'm gonna help you. Lauren was too paranoid as to where Camila could've been taken that her anger with Brad didn't surface. She lets Brad comfort her, rubbing her arm and saying that everything's gonna be okay and that they'll find her. "Come on Lauren. You need to be strong, for Camila." he looked her straight in the eye, seriousness evident on his gaze. Lauren hastily wiped her tears away and shook her head, getting her thinking straight. "Okay.." she breathed out. "Let's find Zayn and tell him everything. We'll need him."


"Lauren, there you fucking are. You got me scared for a bit. I actually called Camila because-... Wait, what's this dipshit doing here?"

Lauren hastily stood in front of Zayn and grasped him by the shoulders. "Zayn, listen to me. Brad saw Camila being kidnapped and he's gonna help us find her."

"Wait, Camila got kidnapped?!" Zayn shouted out of the blue, realizing the situation. Lauren just simply nodded, too heartbroken to speak. Brad came up to them, seriousness etched on his face. "We need to hurry. Come on."

They dashed off to Brad's car. Just as Lauren was done buckling herself in, she sees a text from Camila and froze. "Guys.." She said with worry. They both looked at her, just as worried as she was. She meets them in the eye before reading the text out loud.

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