Chapter 15: Tease

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She keeps me warm..

The room was silent for a few seconds before loud claps erupted and filled it. Mike stood up and wiped a tear off his eye then clapping hysterically.

"That's my girl." He said proudly. Everyone had smiles on their faces, except for Chris and Taylor who had smirks instead. Camila stood up and hugged Lauren, nuzzling her face on her shoulders.

"That still makes me emotional." Camila admitted. Lauren laughed and kissed the crown of her head. "Anything for you, Camz."

"That was amazing, mija." Sinu complimented. Ale shook his head in disapproval.

"No. It was beyond amazing." He emphasized. This made Lauren smile further, happy that everyone loved the song.

The rest of the night went on with easy-flowing conversation. Everyone got to catch up and it was overall a fun night. After the small gathering, everyone said their goodbyes and the Hispanic couple made their way to their bedroom.

Camila took of her jeans and replaced her blouse with a loose white t-shirt. She immediately plopped down on the bed, releasing a satisfied moan. Lauren chuckled and made her way to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

After a few minutes, Lauren found herself in front of a drooling Camila. She found the sight very endearing. She felt little bugs invade her stomach, a red blush creeping its way to her cheeks.

She slowly made her way on the bed, careful not to wake the sleeping girl up. When she leaned back on the bed, Camila repositioned herself so that she was side hugging Lauren, snuggling her face on the older girl's chest. Lauren froze. She just looked at the sleeping girl beside her, entranced by her flawless beauty.

"Stop staring." Camila mumbled.

Lauren blushed and defended herself. "I wasn't." She defended weakly. She felt Camila's lips curl into a smile, slightly tickling her skin.

"Sure you didn't." Camila lets the subject go. She was still smiling, full of content.

"I love you Lo." She said a few minutes of silence later. Lauren leaned down and pressed a kiss on forehead.

"Love you too."


Lauren felt her eyes flutter as they were being cradled by the bright light from the window. She rolled over to her side and her hand instinctively reached out for her partner. She jolted awake when she realizes that no one was in bed with her. Her eyes frantically looked around the room to look for Camila but she was nowhere to be found. She stood up and started to scout the house, but no luck whatsoever. She decided to get some fresh air and so she walked through the back door, blocking her face from the strong bright rays.

She sees a familiar figure sitting on a hung tire. There sat Camila with her dog on her lap, petting her gently while looking out to nothing in particular.

Lauren sighed and slowly made her way to the girl, having a hunch as to why she's out. She sat directly in front of her on the grass, crossing her legs over each other.

"Hey Camz."



Camila rapidly blinked then focused her orbs on Lauren's. "Oh hey Lo." She said flatly before gazing off into nothing in particular again. Lauren sighed and scooted a bit closer, making the dog scurry out of Camila's lap. The girl didn't notice and kept moving her hand as if the dog was still there. This disturbed Lauren so she gently took hold of Camila's hands, making the girl resurface back to reality once again.

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