Chapter 23: Old Matters

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Who knew Lauren would wake up in the middle of the night because of a terrible nightmare that seemed too real to be called one?

No one did, except for Camila.

So finding Lauren take ragged breaths and clutching her stuffed toy didn't take Camila by surprise.

She just came back from the canteen right after the doctor briefed her of Lauren's condition.

She would have nightmares, which are actually just flashbacks of the accident, ever so often these upcoming weeks. She wouldn't be as sociable as she was before, but just for a couple of weeks; patience was something Camila should lay out on the table. A new phobia would probably develop, but this is still yet to be observed.
Lauren would have to stay in the hospital for a few weeks, but Camila didn't mind. Not at all.

Entering the private room, she saw Lauren clutch on the new stuffed toy Camila gave to her. It was Nala from the Lion King movie, one of Lauren's favorite Disney movies. Both of them settled on naming it Nala.

Camila slowly shut the door close, making sure not to make any noise that'll startle the girl. She tiptoed towards the bed until she was in the green eyed girl's view. Green met black, calming the green one's and returning it to its natural state.

"Another nightmare?" Camila asked as she placed the fruits in a fruit bowl on the table. She made her way to Lauren, a banana in hand.

Lauren nodded at the question.

Camila gave her a sympathetic look. She slowly wrapped her arms around the older girl's waist, noting on how the previous night went.

Sudden affection scares Lauren. And she learned it the hard way.

She placed a gentle kiss on Lauren's cheek. "Don't worry Lo. I'm here. Those nightmares are never gonna get to you, as long as I'm here."

"What if you're not here?"

Camila smiled at the fact that Lauren has spoken actual sentences to her, not just hums of approval and single word responses.

But her heart ached at the question. She sighed and rubbed Lauren's back. She faced her, instantly being met by wide, anticipative green eyes.

"Do you remember the story you told me when you were asking me to be your girlfriend?"

Lauren nodded. Good thing she still remembers. It was one of the most unforgettable days of her life, and one of the best too.

"Well you told me how I was the cause of your agony, but still I was the one who saved you from it?"

Lauren nodded.

"And do you remember the story of the sun and moon?"

Lauren absentmindedly nodded.

"Well, all of those were your points of view. Now I'm giving you mine."

Lauren just nodded, too enthralled by the beautiful chocolate pools in front of her.

Camila saw that Lauren was just staring. She shook her head with a light smile playing on her lips.

"Lauren please listen to me. I want you to know how I feel."

Lauren tilted her head, confused.

"You love me." Lauren simply said. "And that's all I need to know to get me through the day."

Camila couldn't help but blush at the statement. That's probably the longest she's uttered. But other than that the other girl was insanely blunt, but in the good way.

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