Chapter 8 (part 1): Kidnapped

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It was a sunny Saturday. Camila was still sleeping like a snorlax, Lauren already up early feeling conscious about the presentation. She and Zayn have practiced multiple times already but there was this nagging fear inside her that she'll mess up. She wants everything to be perfect. She was out on the balcony sipping a cup of coffee. It was 8am. The traffic has died down a bit. The sun shone brightly. Many thoughts swam in her mind. What if everything won't go as planned? What if she hates the song? What if—


Lauren cringes as she hears the doorbell ring. She hurriedly but quietly made her way to the door only to find Zayn leaning against the doorway. He eyes her up and down. "Why aren't you ready yet?"

Lauren looks down at her body. She's still in her pajamas and tank top and pink fluffy bunny slippers. She face palms herself, completely forgetting that she needed to change. "Fuck. Sorry. I just worried so much that I forgot to get ready." She looked at Zayn apologetically. "Be right back. Make yourself at home." She closes the door behind him and dashed towards her room.

She opened the door slowly to avoid any possible creaking from it. Sprawled across the bed was the petite body of Camila, mouth open a bit and drool evident at the corner of her mouth. Lauren carefully walked to the closet and began dressing herself. She was currently wearing dark ripped jeans, a lose red flannel, and a pair of doc martens. She grabbed a small bag and placed the things she needed for the program later.

She walked out of the closet and saw the figure on the bed move a little. She froze on the spot, hoping Camila wouldn't see her. What is she, a t-Rex? She released the breath she didn't know she has been holding when Camila didn't move. She carefully made her way out of the room and saw Zayn munching on an apple. He threw the core away and wiped his hands.

"You got everything packed?"

"Yeah. We should go."

They made their way to the auditorium which was absolute chaos. Students were doing things here and there. Some set up the lights and curtains while some arranged the props. There was gonna be a little program later that afternoon. The performing arts class and Lauren's art class were the only ones to perform that afternoon. Students were allowed to watch, but Camila knew nothing about this.

Lauren and Zayn made their way backstage to hopefully practice a little bit. They went through a door which led to a decent sized room where the students' desired instruments were placed in preparation for the program. The room was empty, which is good news. They made a round or two of practice and Lauren held the last note a bit longer.

"What if she won't like it?" Lauren blurted out.


Lauren sighed. "What if she won't like it?" She hung her head down, embarrassed and feeling discouraged. Zayn scurried to her side. "Are you kidding me? Camila adores you Lauren! More than she adores pizza." He said trying to lighten her mood up. This elicited a chuckle from the green eyed girl. "Well if she adores me more than pizza, then I should be pretty special to her." she concluded cockily. "Damn right you are. Now come on, let's help setup."


"How's everyone doing today?"

The auditorium was full to Lauren's surprise. She didn't know this amount of people would show up. She was by the entrance going backstage, leaning against the doorway. She made her calls to make sure the guys were ready. It was 6:30pm, the sky was already dark. Everything was ready and the MC was very hyper and active when greeting the crowd.

"Are y'all ready for tonight?!" Ally, who was their guest MC/teacher shouted to the crowd. A loud chorus of yeahs echoed around the room which made Ally smile.

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