Chapter 12: Plans With Side Plans

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"Nice place."

Brad took note of the girls' flat. It was very cozy and welcoming despite the modern look to it. Lauren and Camila asked him to come over for some help.

Louis has been wanting to surprise Harry. He proposed a plan to both of them and there was a special part of it where they needed to work on. Louis wanted something original and romantic playing in the background for his big finale. Lauren and Camila, seeing the obvious stress on the guy's face, took it upon themselves to do it. At least to carry some burden off his shoulders.

With the past few days of getting to know Brad, they found out he's a talented musician. Although Zayn meeting Brad was kinda rough, he took it upon himself to give the guy a second chance. Everyone bonded fairly well with Brad. They found out he can play the guitar very well, has some amazing vocals, and has written some songs himself. Now with the task at hand both girls thought 'why not ask help?'

Lauren was leading Brad up to the study where Camila was already preparing their stuff. On the table were some pen and paper, and a few sticks of gum. Everyone sat on a chair. Brad was thinking of what the beat of the song should be but he needed some information first.

"So what's the song gonna be about?" He asked, picking up a pen and paper. Lauren crossed her right leg over the other, her left hand scratching her chin as if in deep thought.

"He said he wanted it to be romantic."

"Oh. Any more things I should know?" Brad asked, taking note of the first information.

"He's asking Harry to be his boyfriend." Camila said bluntly, tapping his fingers in the armrest of the seat.

"Is he the kind to talk about beautiful smiles and gorgeous eyes or is he driven personality-wise?" He asked,meant in got know what kind of content the song should have.

"I think both. He always gushes about how Harry is so hot and caring at the same time." Lauren filled in the blanks. She saw him scribble some things down on the paper.

Brad went over his notes with the girls, opening up some suggestions for the song. They went over what beat the song should have. Since Louis was asking Harry out, they decided that it should be a slow meaningful song. The one that touches the soul.

They've spent a good three hours and a half working on the lyrics alone. They were looking over it and working on the tune when Brad stood up and made his way to the keyboard. He plugged it in and began playing a melody. Camila and Lauren's attention was on Brad. He didn't tell them he could play the keyboard. They looked at each other with wide eyes. Lauren shrugged and took Camila's hand in hers, intertwining them and swaying her torso to the melody. Camila smiled and joined her girlfriend. Brad played this glorious melody over and over and he struck the last note, prolonging it for effect. The girls stopped their swaying and stood up and clapped their hands at the performance. Brad gave them a cheeky smile.

"That deserved a Grammy!" Camila gushed out, feeling herself get emotional.

"I couldn't agree more." Lauren piped in, clapping her hands slowly. Brad rubbed his nape, flustered by the comments.

"Thanks. Was it good?" He asked, hoping the melody was enough. Camila grinned widely. "Duh." She said, as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Babe, Dinah's virus is getting to you." Lauren said jokingly, hugging the girl from the side. Camila playfully pushed her off and slapped her arm. Lauren rubbed over the throbbing skin and pouted.

"Babe, Dinah has no virus." Camila defended her friend. Lauren pouted and continued rubbing her arm, Brad entertained by the playful banter in front of him.

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