Chapter 13: Trying New Things

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"Camz, you're phone is ringing."

Camila was in the kitchen making them some turkey sandwiches. It was the holidays and there was no school for about three weeks. They were in their flat at the first day of their break, just chilling out and resting, when Camila's phone blared out it's annoying ringtone.

"Lolo lunch is ready!" Camila called out from the kitchen. Lauren stood up and made her way to the kitchen where Camila was frantically wiping her hands. Camila hurried to Lauren's side and pecked her lightly on the cheek before dashing past her to her phone in the living room. Lauren laughed as a blush and content smile crept its way to her face. She sat down and grabbed her turkey sandwich, biting into it and moaning in delight.

A few moments later, Camila came in the kitchen with her phone in hand. She gave Lauren a small smile before pressing something on her phone.

"Lauren's here, mami, papi." Camila held the phone out between her and Lauren.

"Lauren, mija, how've you been?" Sinu asked brightly from the other line. Lauren smiled at her happiness.

"I'm great. How are you and Ale?"

"We're great mija. We called to ask you over for the holidays, if you don't have any plans."

"That'd be great. We don't have anything planned, actually." Lauren pecked Camila on the cheek, eliciting a blush on the soft skin. Lauren held in her laugh as she witnesses her girlfriend's cuteness.

"What about the girls? Do they have anything planned?"

"They're spending the holidays with their families." Camila answered. Sinu sighed from the other line.

"Oh well." Sinu said, genuinely wanting to have the girls over for the holidays. "Lauren, you're family's coming to Christmas dinner too." She said with pure happiness on her tone.

"Thanks Sinu. Tell them I love them and I miss them." Lauren said. She hasn't called home for a while because of school and responsibilities.

"Of course, mija." A deep distant voice could be heard calling Sinu's name in the background. "Sorry girls I have to go. Take care of yourselves, love you both."

"Love you too mami!" Camila cheerfully said. "Bye Sinu. Take care!" Lauren waved her hand, even though Sinu probably couldn't see it. The call ended and Camila set the phone down and immediately devoured her sandwich.

"Slow down there tiger. I don't want you to choke." Lauren said as she went back to her sandwich. Camila shrugged her shoulders dismissively.

"Smorry camt hewp it. Aym humgwy." Camila responded with a full mouth. Lauren just laughed and shook her head, entertained by her girlfriend's antics.

"Are we gonna tell them?" Lauren asked out of the blue. Her mind went back to what happened a few years ago, in high school. Her mind couldn't forget how protective Camila's parents were of her. Hiding the truth from them would be preposterous and just stupid.

Camila looked at Lauren with less puffy cheeks. She titled her head to the side, not on the same page as her. Lauren sighed and set down her half eaten sandwich on her plate.

"Are we gonna tell them about what happened?"

Camila looked at Lauren while swallowing down the last piece of her food. She looked at her serious face for a second before sighing and looking down.

"We should tell them. They deserve to know Lo." Camila said, she was nervously fumbling with her fingers.

"But I don't wanna disappoint them, you know? This happened two times already. Two freaking times. I don't want them to think of me lowly. I don't want them to think that I can't handle myself. I don't want them to think that their daughter is so vulnerable and weak. I don't wanna be a disappointment Lo. I can't bare to look at them giving me disgusted looks. I've already let them down once and I don't wanna tell them just to let them down again."

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