Chapter 10: Risk

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"Harry, you called?"

Dinah stepped in the guy's dorm room. Harry was currently pacing around the room, his hands clutching his head. He kept mumbling things she couldn't understand. She was starting to get dizzy just by looking at him. She blinked rapidly her eyes and stood stiff in front of the pacing Harry, avoiding him from further making her sick. His features bloomed worry and fear.

"I can't keep this from him anymore." Harry mumbled under his breath.

"Keep what from who?" Dinah asked confused. She sighed when she saw the look on his face. "Let's sit down first then you have to tell me everything, comprendo?" Harry nodded and she led him towards the leather couch. Harry was looking anywhere but Dinah, frequently running his hand through his locks.

"Spit it out Styles. Worrying ain't gonna do much."

Harry finally looked at Dinah. He looked like a lost puppy.

"I need your help."



Lauren's phone blared its ringtone from the kitchen isle. She and Camila were making lunch together when her phone suddenly erupted. She looked at the assigned name on screen.

"Lauren, hey how've you been?"

Lauren could easily detect the anxiousness on his voice. She immediately knew Louis wanted help with something. She gave Camila, who was grilling their sandwiches, an apologetic smile. Camila returned the gesture and continued her duty.

"I'm fine, Louis. What made you call?"

Louis sighed from the other line. There was a short moment of silence until he spoke up again.

"I just broke up with Melissa."

Melissa, Louis' girlfriend who he doesn't really talk about that much. They don't even see the girl that much with Louis, only on parties. She doesn't know anything about her other than her name and the fact that she was Louis' girlfriend. The first time she met the girl, she instantly noticed a weird vibe with her. It was at a party at a student's house out of school. She was acting very sketchy and left Louis with her when she came. It almost seemed like she didn't want anything to do with him.

"Oh." was all Lauren could say. She doesn't really know how to feel. She's happy that he finally broke up with her because she feels like she's just using him for something but she doesn't know if Louis is gonna take her reaction. Maybe he'll offend him for being happy of his recent breakup.

"She cheated on me." Louis breathed from the other line. To be honest, it wasn't much of a surprise to her. She's always felt something fishy about the girl.

"I've always suspected that, actually." Lauren admitted to her friend. She felt someone put their hand on her shoulder. She turned towards the source and saw Camila giving her a reassuring smile while pointing her finger towards the table where her sandwich and orange juice are ready to eat. Lauren mouthed a thank you and gave her girlfriend a light kiss on the cheek, making the other Latina blush in response.

"I need you to come over, Laur. I really need your help."

There was disparity in his voice, and need. He sounds like a lost puppy abandoned by his owner on the street. Lauren looked over to Camila on the couch, nibbling on her sandwich while watching another episode of 'Friends'.

Lauren and Camila had been attached to the hip lately. Wherever Lauren would go Camila would follow. Whenever Lauren would go grocery shopping, the younger girl would willingly follow, not wanting herself to be alone in the flat. Camila was utterly terrified of being left alone. It just reminds her so much of what happened and she doesn't want it to happen again.

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