Chapter 3: Casanova or Playboy?

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"Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao. If you won't get your ass out of bed right now, I will drag you out myself."

Camila groaned and rolled over in bed, not willing to get up. Lauren kept looking at the time, really conscious for their first day. Camila gasped when she felt two hands grip her ankles. She felt a slight tug and her body immediately shot up. She raised both her hands in surrender. "Fine fine. I'm getting up."

Lauren's scowl was replaced by a grin. "Thanks babe," she said sweetly. "Now hurry up." Her sweet tone changed into a sinister one. Camila raised a brow as her girlfriend skips out of the room. "Must be on her period or something.." She mutters under her breath, she got up and stretched herself and went on to do her morning routine.


Lauren and Camila pulled up on the university parking lot. They got their bags and Lauren locked the car as they made their way towards the huge building. Students were walking around, either wondering or lost. Camila stuck close to Lauren's side, afraid she might get lost. Long wavy locks caught Camila's attention. She nudged Lauren, catching the girl's attention.

"Isn't that Harry?" she points to a set of wavy locks somewhere in the crowd. Lauren stood on her tiptoes. "Yeah. Let's go." Lauren took hold of Camila's hand as they traversed their way to Harry who was currently handing out papers.

"Hey Harry."

"Oh hey guys." Harry hands them a piece of paper each. Lauren looks over it. It's a list of the university's clubs. 

"Dance club, Men's soccer, Music society, Swim club, Tennis club, Drama guild..." Camila began to read off the list, which by the way is long as fuck. Harry notices Camila's eyes widen as her eyes reached the bottom of the paper. "A lot, right?" Camila nodded making Harry laugh. "Well, that's what you should expect from the state's number one university."

"This is interesting.." Lauren glanced over the paper again and again. 

"What's your first class?" Harry asked, handing the last of the papers to a group of students who were squealing when they were a few meters away. Lauren kinked a brow but brushed it off.

"We're having English together." Lauren replied. Harry clasped his hands together. "Good. That's my first class too."

Harry looked at his wrist watch and smiles. "Well, it's still early. I can give you guys a tour on our way there.." He suggested. Camila looked at him and gave him a grateful smile. "That's a plan."

They walked through the hallway filled with students. The sea of students parted when Harry began walking, Camila and Lauren following close behind. There were girls squealing when Harry simply looked at their general direction. Many of these girls were giving Camila and Lauren weird looks. Lauren looks over at Camila who was just as confused as she is. The smaller girl shrugs, not really knowing what exactly is going on. This continued for about fifteen minutes, and soon they were entering their classroom. It wasn't crowded and it wasn't empty, most of the students currently in the room were girls. One of which, who came from a group in the back, stood up and made her way towards them.

"Hey Harry.." she said in a low seductive voice. "Oh hey Marissa." he answered in a bored tone. "If you'll excuse us.." he side-stepped around the girl and they successfully made their way past her. They found good seats in the middle and situated themselves comfortably. The girl earlier by the name of Marissa, gasped dramatically and trudged her way back to her group who were giving heated and questioning stares towards Lauren and Camila's direction.

"Uhh what was that?" Camila asked Harry in a hushed tone. Harry sighed and ran a hand through his long hair. "Don't mind them. They're just flirting.." 

"Flirting?" Camila asked, raising a questioning brow. "Are you a casanova or a playboy or something?" Lauren hinted. Harry laughed. "Nah, I'm just good looking." He ran another hand through his hair cockily, which made both girls laugh. Yeah, they sure can get along. The guys are as crazy as they are.

More students piled in to the room. A few minutes passed and a guy in who seems to be in his mid 30s, entered the room with a stack of papers. Harry stood up and helped the professor, earning a thankful smile from him. After helping, Harry went back to his seat. The professor stood up in front and clapped his hands together. 

"Good morning everyone," he went over to the white board and wrote something. "My name is Khael Williams. You can call me Professor Williams."

Choruses of 'good morning Professor Williams' was heard throughout the room. He smiled. "Since most of you are new to college, we'll introduce ourselves and get acquainted, yeah?" He gets out a sheet of paper and studies it for a few seconds. "Old students, come here in front please and introduce yourselves."

Five students stood up, including Harry. They went in front and organized themselves in a line, almost like they've done this before. They introduced themselves one by one and the professor nodded his head. "Now for our noobies." he faced the class. "Let's start with the girl in a cool leather jacket." his eyes landed on Lauren. The girl looked at her girlfriend who gave her an encouraging smile. She stood up and cleared her throat. 

"My name is Lauren Michelle Jauregui, 18 years old, from Miami Florida."

The professor gave her an appreciative smile. "Thank you Ms. Jauregui. Next would be the beautiful girl beside Lauren. Please introduce yourself."

"Hi my name is Karla Camilla Cabello, 17 years old, from Miami Florida."

The professor nodded. "So you two friends?" he asked nicely. Lauren looked at Camila who nodded her head. "She's actually my girlfriend." Lauren told the teacher, who both gave them a wide smile. "Well you two look like a cute couple." he commented. "Next will be..." the class went on with the introductions. Harry helped him distribute some notes to the class. And soon he dismissed them. Prof. Williams asked Lauren, Camila, and Harry to stay on the room for a while for a little chat.

"It's been a long time." Prof. Williams stood up and made his way over to Harry, giving him a manly hug. "I see you're Harry's friends." he faced the couple who were looking at them with questioning stares. The professor laughed. "I'm an older friend of Harry. His family actually helped me push though college and now here I am."

"It's nice to meet you Mr. Williams." Camila held out a hand for the man to shake. He laughed and ruffled her hair. "No need to be formal when class is over. Just call me Khael."

"Well it was nice to meet you Khael." Camila corrected. They went by a smooth conversation for about ten minutes until Khael got a text message. "Sorry guys I gotta go," he held up his phone. "Duty calls. Bye guys!" He waved at everyone before he went through the door. "Look out for them, okay Harry?" Harry nodded and laughed. "Yes sir." Khael smiled and waved one last time before disappearing out of the room.

"How 'bout I show you around a bit more, yeah? Then we can get some ice cream across the street." Harry suggested to the girls. As if on cue, Camila's stomach grumbled making both Harry and Lauren laugh. "I think we're gonna go with ice cream first." Lauren said as she kissed her girlfriend's cute mole on the forehead. "You guys are too cute for me, I think I'm gonna barf." Harry commented, earning a playful push from Lauren. They made their way out of the campus and across the street where Camila dashed off immediately on to the counter. Harry looked at Lauren with raised brows and the green eyed girl laughed and shook her head. "That's Camila.." she commented, making Harry laugh.

They found some seats and ate their ice cream there, together with some cupcakes to fill their stomachs a little. After their ice creams, Harry took them on a tour around the university. They went through the different rooms, the cafeteria, the dorm areas, the pool, the tennis court, the music room. They eventually called it a day when it was nearing 4pm. They said their goodbyes and the couple made their way back to the flat. 

They entered the flat only to be met by a disheveled and sobbing Normani on the couch. They went over and found Dinah's phone clutched tightly around her hands.

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