My Day With Christian

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Brooke's P.O.V

I woke up in an empty bed. I walked to the bathroom to see an cute outfit hanging on bathroom door. There was a note. I brushed my teeth and them my hair. I changed into my outfit. I walked back to see Christian in a suit. I kissed him and he kissed my forehead. "You look cute". He said. We walked downstairs to see a group of men with boys. They all looked at me. I can recognize one boy. He was the one who saved me and he walks to us. "Hey dad". He said. "Hey Ryan, this is the girl you've saved". Christian said. "Hey, I didn't get your name... And I can't stop thinking about you". Ryan said. "Anyway, I'm going to work and Brooke is coming with me". Christian said. "Ryan, your the leader today while I'm gone". He said as he nods. Christian turns to me and picked me up. We walked out of the house, he put me in the car, he got in, I pulled him for a kiss and he drove us to his work.

When arrived he parked the car where nobody can see us. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked and got in the back of the car. He gets up and comes in the back. I smashed my lips into his, my hands moved around him neck and he wrapped his hands around me. That kiss turned into a make out session. I'd pulled back for air and I rested my head on his chest. He holds my hands as I looked up at him. "Didn't know you had a son". I said. "Well, his mother died when he was born... And when he told me he saved you he wanted you... But before you do be with him I want you for a while". He said and I kissed him. "Shouldn't we get to work?" I asked as I got off him. He gets out, fixed himself up and helps me out. He fixed me and I kissed his cheek.

He had to scan his eye's, so we can enter. The door opened and we walked in. I was scared and I was walking close to him. He stops and looks at me. "Brooke, there is nothing to be scared about". He said and hugged me. We walked to see people with there own desk. "Morning everyone". He said. "Morning boss". They said as we walked upstairs. We walked to his office. One was a bathroom and the other side was a bathroom and in the middle in the office. He sat on his chair at the desk. I pulled a chair and sat with him. "Your breaking a rule". He said and leaned closer. "But, I'm your lover Mr. Alexander". I said. He chuckles, then smiles and then he kissed me sweetly. Then suddenly comes in with a briefcase. "Christian, we have a problem". The guy said, they looked at me. "Baby, can you go to the bedroom I'll be there after". Christian whispered and I nod and walked to the bedroom.

Then bedroom was different that he has. I sat on the bed and watching TV while he does his business. I fell asleep for a while. I felt cold breath on my skin and I opened my to see Christian. He rubs my face and gently kissed me. "I'm sorry baby, I left a note on the door. So I'm all yours". He said. "Can you cuddle me in your arms because I feel just a little scared". I asked. He laid next to me and hugged me.

Christian's P.O.V

I was cuddling her as she asked. I want her and my son wants her too. Anyway she'll be perfect for Ryan. She turns my head and she leaned closer. I kissed her as she wrapped her hands around my head. I put one hand on her face another on her waist.  "Christian, why did you like me, when there was plenty of hot girls in the school?" She asked. I got from the opened the window. Brooke comes off the bed and walked to me. "Look out there. They are the hot girls, but they starts fights. And you are more prettier and you don't fight". I said. She blushed madly as I pulled her to me. I was kissing her.

Then the door fell off, I pulled back and Brooke turned. It was Harry and Rex. They laughed as they walked in. "Oh, hey Christian. Why your girl scared". Rex asked. I looked at her she look fine. "Everything is gonna be okay". I whispered to her. Rex took Brooke away from and sat her the bed. I walked to Rex so I can punch him, but I was pushed back by Harry. I fought with Harry.  He punch me hard. "Leave Christian alone!" Brooke shouted as they pushed her. I got up and walked to her. I hugged her tight and she was scared. Then I kissed her I don't care if they see. Then they pulled me and taking me out, I hear Brooke shouted my name, they stop pulling. "Tell goodbye and come back". Rex said. I walked to her and smashed my lips into hers. "I love you". I said. "I love you too". She said and I gave you her one last kiss. "I have to go... promise me that you'll tell Ryan everything". I said. "I- I promise... But promise me you'll come back". She said. "I promise baby". I said and letting go. Then they grabbed me, I knew she was following us they put me in the back. I looked back see Brooke crying, she looks up and I give her a flying kissed and they drove off.

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