Business Trip

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Christian's P.O.V

I woke up early. I packed my things, I walked to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and done my business. I washed my hand and felt two arms around me. I turned to see Brooke and she kissed my cheek. "Morning baby". I said. "Morning". She said. "Brooke, will you be my girlfriend?" I asked. She jumped on me and kissed my lips. "Yes, boyfriend!" She shouted and I spin her around. I smashed my lips into hers. "I haven't even brushed my teeth yet". She said. "Does it look like I care?" I asked. She shrugs and went to brush her teeth. I walked out and grabbed my black suit out, my white shirt and blue tie. I stripped and put my shirt on, but I put it on wrong. Brooke comes over and fixed my shirt and I kissed her cheek. I put my pants on and my jacket on. "You've forgotten your tie". Brooke said holding it. I rolled my eye's and take off my jacket. She puts on my tie on, it was perfect. I put my black jacket on again. We walked downstairs to the kitchen. I made myself a cup of coffee. I take sip as I read the paper. Ryan comes in with his bag on and he holds his skateboard. "I'll be back at four". He said and walked out. Brooke sat next to me and I kissed her. "I wanted to be here, but I have to go". I said and moved her hair. "It's alright, but you better be back in one piece". She said sternly. I chuckled and placed my hands on hers. "I'll will be back in one piece Brooke". He said. I looked at the time, I walked to the office, grabbed my briefcase, and I see Brooke with my bag. I take it from her and I gave her one last kiss. I walked out and put my bags in the car and hugged her. I got in the car a drove to my business.

I stop at the toilet break. I walked to the car. I saw Ryan in Liam's car in the back with a girl. I honk at the car they looked at me. "Hey Ryan, you better be at the house four. When I call Brooke and she says your not there your going to be grounded". I said and drove off. There was a traffic jam up ahead. Then my phone rang through the car. I answered

Christian: Hello Christian speaking?
Robert: Hey it's Robert, when are you coming?
Christian: In two hours since I'm stick in a traffic jam
Robert: Alright, Ryan told me you have a girl living with you and she is your girlfriend?
Christian: I'm her foster carer, but she is turning 18 in two weeks and she out of adoption. And she is my girlfriend
Robert: When you get here Cole is taking Riley shopping, so you go with her
Christian: Alright, I'll call you when I get there
Robert: Alright, caught you later

He cut off the call. And now, the traffic is moving. And we see the police with a man and it was Harry. "Call Brooke". I said to the car.
It was dialing.

Brooke: Hello, if you are Treyvonetta we need to talk
Christian: It's me babe
Brooke: Hey, are you okay?
Christian: I'm worried about you
Brooke: Don't tell me they are coming for me
Christian: Baby, I saw Harry and in the office. In the draw push the security system. And lock all the doors and windows
Brooke: Okay, I've just done all of that... Will Ryan know?
Christian: Yeah, he'll get a message. Be careful alright
Brooke: Alright you too, I love you baby
Christian: I love you too

I cut off the call.


I have fifteen minutes left. I drive the through streets and I Ser Robert on the driveway. I parked my car and grabbed my briefcase and bag. "Hey man, get to see you". Robert said. As we walked inside. Riley comes and hugs me. "Hey uncle Christian". She said. "Hey, how's my favorite niece doing?" I asked. "Good, how's Ryan?" She asked. "Where's your mother?" I asked as she walked in. "Hello brother". Cole said. "Hello sister". I said and hugged her. "Riley go to your room and get ready". She said and Riley left. We sat down on the couch. "You have a meeting?" Cole asked. "Yeah, Robert said your going out to the shops". I said. "Yes, your coming when your done your meeting". She said and the doorbell rang. Robert finger me and told me our person is here. We walked to his office and we sat on the three chairs. We talked and we came to an agreement. And we walked out and the person left the house.

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