My Birthday P:1

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Brooke's P.O.V

I woke up in a empty bed. I did my morning routine and I grabbed my waist high dark blue shorts and black crop top. I stripped from my pj's into my new cute outfit. I put my shoes on and I braided my hair in a fishtail. I walked downstairs to see chocolate chip pancakes and  triple choc brownies. "Morning birthday girl". Christian said. "Morning and thank you". I said and I take a pancake. "Tonight we go together?" He asked as I nod. "Perfect". He added. I wrapped my arms around him and he bends his head at me. "Everything is perfect with you in it". I said. Then he lifted me up buy butt, puts me on the bench top and I'd pulled him for a kissed. I pulled off my crop top. "Not now. You have school". He said. "Your no fun". I said, got off and started walking. Until he grabbed me by my hands, put on the couch and we were kissing each other. I let out a moan, he squeezed my butt, another moan came out and I heard him laugh against my lips. "Think your birthday is gonna be awesome". He said as he nibble on my neck hard. "Oh boy, of course it wil be". I said and bit my lips. And pulled my chen up and kissed me gently. "I wish today was on another day". He said. "I know, but life's like that". I said as I rub his side of his body. I was kissing him as he curled my hair with his fingers. "Hey Chris... Oh shit". I looked up to see a young lady at the door. I pushed him off me and sat up straight. She looks down as I fixed my hair and clothes. "I better go... Love you". I said, I kissed him and walked to school.

As I walked down the path I see Noel and Tessa coming to me with a box. "Happy birthday Brooke". They said as I started crying. "Hey what's the problem? Did Christian hurt my sister?" Noel said. "Who's Christian?" Tessa asked. "My boyfriend, no he didn't hurt me and only two people who would wish me happy was Rebecca and Treyvonetta". I said as Tessa hugs me. "I'm fine, now what's in here?" I asked as Noel hands me the box. "Don't opened it now, I don't want someone taking it". He said as I put it on Tessa's bag. We continued walking to school. And we arrived at school when the bell rang.


Now, it was session two. Christian was to teach this class, but since he quit. Then our principal is looking for a new teacher, that's what I had heard. We all walked in and sat down. I sat at the back of the room in the corner. Then Ms. King comes in with Harry in the room. "Everyone, this is Kevlar Alexander he is your new teacher". Ms. King said and walked out. How the hell did he get out of jail? I know he is up to something, I just know it. And he starts calling the roll and the girls whispered to each other. "Brooke Carson?" Harry called me. "I'm here sir". I said and raised my hand. And he gives a mean look and then after that he begins the class. I sat here writing my song in my book. I got a message on my phone and I was from Christian.

To Brooke,
I miss my birthday girl, how is she?

To Christian,
Your birthday girl needs you here... Guess who's our new teacher? Harry, how did he get out?

To Brooke,
I don't know, but stay away from him as much as possible. I'll be at the back of the gym when you come out for recess.

To Christian,
Thank you Mr. CEO. You don't know how much I love you! So I'll see you soon.
Brooke A.K.A Lover girl

To Christian,
Ha, ha, ha, I know baby. I'll see you soon babe.
Christian A.K.A Mr. CEO

I put my phone away as the bell rang. I grabbed my books and ran out of the classroom. I walked to my locker, I put my things in, shut it and closed the door. I walked out of the gym to the back. I see Christian and he opened his arms out. I ran over and jumped over the fence. I walked to him and smashed my lips into his. I wrapped my hands around his neck and he pulled me closer as he wrapped his arms around me. He found my tongue and plays with it. I had slowly pulled apart and rested my forehead on his. I placed my hand on his face and he pulled my hair out. "Your hair is wavey baby". Christian said. "Is that what you say to me?" I asked. "Is that what you say to me? Of baby there are things I would like to say to you". He said. "Well, it's nice to see you two love birds". We turned to see Lisa standing there and I walked to her. "How the hell!? What are you doing here!?" I shouted as Christian holds me back. "Oh dear, are you on your period dear?" Lisa asked. "Lisa get loss and stay that way". Christian said. "Fine, we don't want any trouble". She said and left. We walked back to the car and we leaned against it. "Why did you do that?" He asked as he played with my hair. "Because I love you! I don't want her or anyone ruin our relationship". I said as I see a tear slipped out of his eye. I whipped it and he crashed his lips into mine. "I love you fucken too much! I'm the one that should be protecting you". He said against my lips. "I know, but I want too as well baby". I said against his lips and kissed him again. Then bell rang and I hugged him as he kisses my cheek. "I love you". He said as I walked away. I gave him a flying kiss to him and said I love you too Mr. CEO. I walked in the gym to the hall. Where the mask ball is happening as I walked in I see the band practicing. They stopped as I walked in and sat down. I clapped my hands as they bounded. "You guy's are great". I said. "Can you sing a song?" Lukas the lead singer asked. I walked to them and he moves out of my way. "Do you know teenage dirtbag?" I asked. They nod and started to play.

Teenage Dirtbag
"Her name is Noel
I have a dream about her
She rings my bell
I got gym class in half an hour
Oh how she rocks
In Kids and tube socks
But she doesn't know who I am
And she doesn't give a damn about me

'Cause I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby
I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby
Listen to Iron Maiden baby with me

Her boyfriend's a dick
And he brings a gun to school
And he'd simply kick
My was if He knew the truth
He lives on my block
And drives an Iroc
But he doesn't know who I am
And he doesn't give a damn about me

'Cause I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby
I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby
Listen to Iron Maiden baby with me

Oh, yeah, dirtbag
No, she doesn't know what she's missin'
Oh, yeah, dirtbag
No, she doesn't know what she's missin'

Man, I feel like mold
It's prom night and I am lonely
Low and behold
She's walking over to me
This must be fake
My lips starts to shake
How does she know who I am?
And why does she give a damn about me?

I've got two tickets to Iron Maiden, baby
Come with me Friday, don't say "maybe"
I'm just a teenage dirtbag, bag, like you

Oh, yeah, dirtbag
No, she doesn't know what she's missin'
Oh, yeah, dirtbag
No, she doesn't know what she's missin'

As I finished Lukas walked to me and hugged me. And then he kissed me. I walked out and ran around the whole school twice.

A/N: Hey guys,
I hope you like this part. I might have gotten the song lyrics wrong... I remembered One Direction singing the song and I remember some parts of the lyrics. If you know the right one tell me and you'll be my song lyrics expert or want you want me to call you. Thanks love y'all. XOXO.

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