Cuddling In The Morning

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Christian's P.O.V

We both were awake. Were cuddling each other. "Your beautiful". I said and she blushed. "You beautiful on the inside too, your gorgeous blue eye's sparkles when the lights shines on your eye's, your rose pink lips are warm... And now, they are all mine". I said and she was blushing madly. I laughed just little bit. "Stop making me blush real hard". Brooke said. I looked at her and she moved up to me. "I'll give you a kiss". She said. "No". I said. "What... You had took my first and virginity too! What else is there!?" She shouted. I kissed her and she softens. "I wanted to heard you say that". I said. She hit my arm playfully and smiles at me. "There's nothing else... just waiting for you to be Mrs. Alexander". I said. I kiss her she played with my hair. "This cuddle is always the best". She said.


"Ryan, I'm gonna miss you". I said. "Dad, I'll come and visit when I can". Ryan said as he put his bags his car. "Study hard, come home with a better attitude would ya". I said. "No promises". He said and got in the car. He rolled down his window. "You are like your mother and the rest like me". I said. "Yeah, I better go... Tell her I said bye". He said. I nod as he rolled his window up. And he drives off and I stood as I see the gate close. "Hey, you okay?" Brooke asked. "Ryan left for college and the house is too us". I said. "He'll come and visit... Don't worry too much". She said and I turned around to her. "I'm not worrying that much.... I'm glad he's gone because I don't have to deal with his temper and I get to kiss you all the time now". I said and crashed my lips into hers. "God, your a good kisser". She said against my lips. "Good enough for you?" I asked against her lips. "Yeah, good enough baby". She said and my lips. And I kissed her again. I was pushed to the wall and Brooke started kissing me and I kiss her back.


We were still kissing each other. I pulled back and she rested her forehead on mine. "That was the longest make out we ever had". I said. "That's because we're amazing". She said. "Your right... We better get inside before the wolf's, vampires, mummies, big foot etc... come for you". I joked. "Ha,ha,ha very funny Chris". She said as we walked in. I locked the door, put her on my shoulders and running around the house. I stopped at the living room and put her down. She smashed her lips into mine and we fell on the couch. I pulled her top and she wears a lace bra on. Then she pulled my shirt off and then someone rang the doorbell. Brooke puts her top on as I walked to the door.

I opened it to see a man and a lady. "Hello, may I help you?" I asked as Brooke comes next to me. "I'm Cameron Carson and this is Serbia Carson... We are Brooke's parents". Cameron said. "This is a mistake". Brooke said. I turned to her and hugged her. "Brooke, what do you mean?" I asked. "Not us... They left me in from of someone's house... And you come now to find me". She said. "They took you as a from me... We were in high school when I was pregnant with you". Serbia said. "Well, what now? Your gonna take me away to where you are staying?" Brooke asked. "Well... We haven't told of that yet... We needed to see you". Cameron said. "Well, I'm not going anywhere... I'm engaged with this guy who his name is Christian by the way". Brooke said. "Isn't Christian your foster carer?" They asked. "Yes I am". I said. "We don't really know anything about foster care... But we aren't gonna ruin your happiness". Serbia said. "We want to know our daughter... We have another child and he is a year younger". Cameron said. "You keep your son and not me". Brooke said, she got out of my arms and walked away.

I took a deep breath and look at them. "I think you should come back later tomorrow... when she is calm down". I shrugged. "Yeah, we'll come back later". Cameron said and they walked out. I shut the door and signed. I walked around the house to see where was Brooke.

Brooke's P.O.V

I was packing my bags. I can't do this at all. They think they can come up here, but they can't. I hit my head on the closet door and my scrap book fell. Rebecca made me when I was 10 years old. I looked through the and see pictures I wish they were there. I threw the book, got on the bed and cried. I felt two arms around my waist and pulled me. "I'm here... Baby, I don't like it when you cry... It hurts me to see". Christian said, turned my face and whips my tears. I bit my lip and placed my hand on his neck. "I'm sorry about what happened just then". I said. He pulls me and kissed me. "It's alright, I thought you needed a kiss that you have people love you if they want you". He said. "Your so sweet". I said and kissed his cheek. "When it comes to you I'll be your sweet boyfriend". He said. We were talking about things to calm me down.

Now, it was dinner time. "You stay here while I'll make our food". Christian said and walked out. I grabbed the TV remote and turned it on to the news. "Two people across the street to see a car crash". The looks very familiar to me. "We got new information... the driver was Treyvonetta Gorilla. And young teenage girl, who planned to go to college at the end of the year". I felt my heart was breaking again. Christian put the food on tallboy and pulled me for a hug. "It's okay, baby". He said. "I just lost my best friend". I said and cried in his chest. He rubs my back, I pulled back, I whipped my tears and I kissed him. "I'm sorry... We should eat". I said.


He put the plates on the TV and turns the TV off. I sit up, I was listening to my music on my phone and I was reading Hush Hush. I like it so far I can't believe that Chauncey father is half mortal. And I felt warm kisses on my neck to my cheek. I put my book mark and closed the book. I put the book down and turned to Christian. Who was half naked, he lift my top up and kisses my stomach. I pulled my top off and I pulled my pants off. I start kissing him, but he gently pushed me back. "I love you, but your friend just died and you are kissing me like nothing happened". He said. I walked out and walked downstairs to close the blinds. "Brooke, I didn't mean to hurt you". He said. I walked in the kitchen and got the tub of choc mint ice cream. I opened the lid, grabbed a spoon and started eating. Christian saw me and he stood next to me. "What? I didn't want to have sex okay... I just wanted to lay in your chest... I wouldn't have sex when someone I love dies". I said as I was eating ice cream. He takes the spoon, puts it in the dishwasher, closed the lid for the ice, put it in the freezer and puts me on the bench top. He sits next to me and I kissed him. "I can taste the chocolate". He said and whips my mouth. He pulled me to his chest and holds tight. "I'm sorry, I should've let you explain so w-". I cut him off with a kiss. He wrapped his hands around me, he wrapped his legs around mine, and I wrapped arms around his neck. He pulls back and we hopped off and ran upstairs to our room.

We closed the door and he sits on the bed. I clawed to him and I got on him. He wrapped his hands around me and I leaned closer. He kissed me and I kissed back. His hands went down my back and I moan. He pulls back and nibbles on my neck. I played with his hair and he moans. "You like it when I play with your hair". I said. He looks at me and smiled. "Yeah, the billion air likes it". He said. I kissed him and moans again.


He plays with my hair. I was playing bubble witch 2, I was on level 100 now. Then I fell asleep.

Christian's P.O.V

I put her phone away and pulled the blankets over her. I got up, I kissed her forehead and walked to the bathroom. I had a shave and done my business. I cleaned my mess up and threw the towel in the dirty basket. I got the back, walked downstairs to the laundry. I put our clothes in the washing machine and put half a cup of washing liquid. I take the basket up to our room again. I walked to the office and turns the lights on. I walked to the desk and sat down. I turned the computer on and I got an email. I clicked on it and it was from Harry. Great it is a threat letter.

Dear Christian,
How is your darling soon to be wife? We just hoped you remember what we said about her dying soon. You better tell her or else your niece or nephew or even your son will die.

From Harry Charm A.K.A your Worst Nightmare

He is doing it again. I'm gonna make the worst choice in my life. I was going through work things to keep my mid off the threat email. And then I fell asleep.

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