Were Setting It Up

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Christian's P.O.V

I was brushing my teeth as Brooke curled her long hair. She turned it off as she let's it cool down. "You put your shirt the wrong way". Brooke said as she unbutton it Andre put it the right way. And she kisses my abs when she was finished the top. She was finished and I pulled her up. I leaned closer to kiss her. "Thank you baby". I said. "Your welcome... so what is the plan?" She asked. "Getting my notes ready for the meeting tomorrow". I said and put my hands on her neck. "If you need me message and I'll get Drew to pick you up". I said. "Okay, now come here". She said as I move and we were kissing each other. I pulled back and we walked downstairs, I walked to the office and she walked to the kitchen. I grabbed my briefcase and her present is in here. I was putting the present away until she came in with cup of coffee. "He is your coffee... Don't tell me that's my birthday present". She said as I nod. I put it down, I put the coffee down and walked to her. I get the present and put the box in her hands. "Open it". I said and she opened it. She smashed her lips mine and she pulled back. "I love it and I love you!" She said and kissed me again. I put the necklace on as she put the new earrings on. She wrapped her hands around me and I wrapped my hands around her. She kissed me and I smiled. "I have to go, I'll see you soon". She said and walked out. I drink my coffee and grabbed my briefcase and walked to the kitchen. I put the cup in the sink and walked to the car. I started the engine and drove to work.

I see Brooke waiting for me. I parked the car, I got out and she ran to me. She was crying as I hold her. "Baby, what happened?" I asked. "There was a car crush and my parents were in the car". She said. I remember they had a son. "What about Noel?" I asked. "He's at school and he going to be living with Toby". She said. "Here is a deal... We can go in and let me do half the work then I cuddle you, so you can let it out... or we can go home". I said. "We can go in okay... I'll be fine". She said as I kissed her cheek. We walked in to see Ms. Kimming in a sexy outfit, which Brooke can rock it better. Told Brooke to go to my office as she does it. I walked to Ms. Kimming with my arms crossed at her and she walks to me in a sexy way. "I heard you are leaving". I said. "Yeah, but I'm not gonna leave without a kiss". She said and leans closer. I pushed her away and she does a fit. "Fine, but it's your loss I'm double jointed". She said and walked away.

Brooke's P.O.V

I saw what she was doing to Christian and I'm happy he didn't kiss her. Because if her did my heart well be broken. I sat in the bathroom floor and crying. If I wasn't an idiot they wouldn't died. Then I felt two arms around me and kisses on my shoulders to my neck. I turned to see Christian and he kissed my tears. "It's alright baby, I'm here for you". Christian said and I smiled at him. "I love you Brooke... I'll do anything for you". He added. It made me smile more and I kissed his lips. "Thank you baby and I love you". I said and kissed him again. We got up and walked to his desk. I sat on his lap as I played on his laptop and he reads the notes as he played with my hair. I turned to him and he looks at me. "Can we change the wedding date in one month?" He asked. "If you haven't booked the hall and book our honeymoon tickets then yes". I said and kissed him.


He fell asleep in his chair while I was looking through his closet since I was bored. And I saw a mint tie and it was with a suit. I put the suit on and tie, I walked to the window, grabbed my phone and take a picture of me. I hear footsteps and I stake off the the clothes and dumped it in the closet. "Why were in my clothes?" Christian asked and pulled me to him. I felt his hands messaging my waist and I realized I was in my undergarments. "For a reason... Are you busy?" I asked as I pulled him to the bed. He kisses my shoulder and neck. "I'm not baby". He said and nibbling on my neck. I moan and he looks at me. I pulled his jacket off, I unbutton his shirt and pulled his pants down. I kiss his abs all the way to his lips. He pulled off his shirt and threw me to the top of the bed. He crashed his lips into mine and we both moan at the same time. And my phone and his phone rang. "What the hell!?" We both said laughed and he kissed me. We walked to our phones and answered.

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