Bonus Chapter

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Brooke's P.O.V

Six years later

It was Christmas and my husband, my son Lucas and daughter Avery where eating lunch at Sweet Food. "Mummy, can we go to the park after?" Lucas asked. "We will see if we have time Lucas". I said as Christian put his hand on my thigh. "Dad, will we see big Ryan?" Avery asked Christian. "I don't know what he's doing princess". Christian said. "I'm not a princess! I'm a rebel!" Avery raised her voice. "Don't raise your voice at your father or your not going to the park nor opening your presents". I said as she crossed her arms. "My classmates say Santa Claus isn't real". Lucas said as we got our meals. "Do you believe in him son?" Christian asked as Lucas nods and eats his chicken nuggets. "Queen?" Christian called me. "Yes King?" I asked as he placed his hand on mine. "I love you". He said and kissed me. "I love you too". I said and kissed him again as our children said gross mummy and daddy. "Your gonna to that Av when you get a boyfriend". I said. "She's no getting a boyfriend until she's 60 years old". Christian said and chuckles.


We parked the car as we see Ryan at the front door. Avery and Lucas got out and ran to him as he hugged them. We got out of the car and walked to Ryan. We hugging him as we walked inside to the tree. Avery and Lucas grabbed their presents as they sat on the couch. We sat with them Ryan was talking photos of them. "I thought you would be with Nora". Christian said. "I saw her kissing my friend and I broke up with her". Ryan said as I hugged him. "Ryie, I bet you'll find someone better than her". I said as he smiles. "Any I got cards for all of y'all". Ryan said as he hands a card each. We opened it to see gift cards and the kids hugged him again. "You didn't have to son". Christian said. "Your my family and I wanted to dad". He said. "Mummy, can we go to the park now?" Lucas asked as he shakes my pants. "I'll take them mum". Ryan said as I nod. "Yeah!" They said as they left the house.

Christian and I were picking up the wrapping paper as we threw it in the bin. Christian may be in his twenties, but he's still hot. He wrapped his hands around me and kisses me as I unbutton his top shirt. "I got something for you". He said. "We talked about this Chris". I said. "But it had your name written all over it". He said as he pulled a small box from his pants. He gives it to me and I opened it to see a ring that said queen. I put it in me, I had looked at it and then I kissed him. "You love it?" He asked as I nod. We walked to our bedroom and I left a note on the door as we entered and shut it.


I came out of the shower and putting my undergarments on and then my bear onesie too. Then someone knocked on the door, I opened it to see Ryan and he walks in. "Avery is having a shower and Lucas is changing into his penguin onesie". Ryan said. "Well it is onesie night... I don't want to wear it on, but I get something out of it". Christian said and winked at me as I smiled. Lucas walks in and I picked him up. "He's a mum's boy". Ryan said as Lucas nods. "And I'm dad's little rebel". Avery said and walked to Christian as he put her on his shoulders. "Can you stay the night so we can be a family again?" Lucas asked Ryan as he nods. "Go change into mine spare onesie". Christian said as he threw it to him. "Do I have too?" He asked as Avery nods. And we walked to the bathroom and changed. He came out and we walked downstairs to the living room. Lucas grabbed a board game as he gets it ready. After twenty-five minutes Lucas jumps on the couch and and saying he's the winner. "Mummy, I'm going to bed". Avery said. "Have dinner first before you sleep". I said as we walked to the kitchen. I grabbed pasta I made yesterday and served her as she puts it in the microwave. "Your getting older and I want you to look after your brothers". I said. "Are you having another baby mummy?" Avery asked softly as I nod. "Your ten and Lucas is nine and you might have a sister or brother. Don't tell dad okay". I said as she nods and the microwave beeped. I take it out and I put it down as she sits on the chair. I gave her a spoon and Ryan and Lucas walked in. "Where's your father?" I asked. "He's in the office why? I can go get him". Ryan said as I stopped him. "I need you keep this a secret from him". I said. "What is it mummy?" Lucas asked. "I'm pregnant". I said as the boys hugged me. "Brooke". I looked to see Christian with a smile. I walked to him and I wrapped my hands around his neck. "I'm so happy". Christian said and kissed me. "Ew! I'm eating here". Avery said as Lucas laughed.

Ryan was looking after Lucas dinner as Christian and I was outside. "When were you going to tell me?" Christian asked. "When the kids were asleep and Ryan was wake". I said as he rubs my stomach. "I bet Avery wants a sister". He said and kissed me. "Yeah me too... I hope she doesn't turned into a bad girl". I said as he hugged me. "She is still our daughter and daddy's girl. And she'll change each day pasts by". He said and kissed my forehead. I rest my head on his shoulder and intertwined my fingers into his. "I love you my Queen". He said as I hold his chen. "I love you too my King". I said and kissed him. We walked inside it was quiet and we walked into to the guest room to see them sleeping together. I walked over and kissed their heads and Christian walked out to the kitchen. He takes the pizza out of the fridge and puts it into the microwave. And after it cools down, we started eating and then we went to our room. We hopped in bed and he hold my in his chest. "I'm tried". I said as we laid down and I wrapped my hands around him. "Goodnight gorgeous". He said kissed me. "Goodnight baby". I said as we drifted to sleep.

A/N: Hey Yellowbirds, I hope you like this bonus chapter. I'm making the second book. A sneak peek: you'll get to know when the kids that Brooke is pregnant in the second book and they are twins. Love y'all xox.

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