The Ceremony

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Brooke's P.O.V

I woke seeing an empty bed. I walked out to see Christian walking out as my bridesmaids, flower girl and Patricia comes in. I ran downstairs and hugged them as I started to cry. Riley whips my tears as she hugs me. "Why are you crying?" Riley asked. "It's happy tears Riley". I said as I got up. "Rosa go make Brooke's breakfast as we get our dresses". Cole said as we walked different ways. I wanted to help, but they said no. I walked inside to the kitchen and see Rosa making me toast with fruit salad. "You didn't have to make me breakfast". I said. "What Cole says you have to do". She said and kissed my cheek. I saw Riley holding her basket with pink rose petals and something behind her back. "I have a present for you from uncle Christian". She gave me a box and ran off. I opened it to a necklace with my name and his surname. There is a note in the lid of the box.

Dear Brooke,
I'm going to be happy to call you my wife. I can't wait to see you baby. I love you. xox
From Christian

I closed the box and walked to the room. I see Cole dressing Riley and Kathleen zipping Rosa dress. "Your clothes are in the bathroom". Patricia said as I get my robe. I walked in the bathroom, I shut the door as I hanged my robe and I stripped out of my into the shower. I washed my hair with berry shampoo and after five minutes I hopped out of the shower as I turned off the tap. I dried myself, put my undergarments on and tied my robe on. I had walked out and I sat on the bed. "I'm going to do you makeup". Patricia said as she got my box of makeup. "Your not upset I didn't ask you to be-". She cuts me off. "No, we only know each other for two weeks". Patricia said. "I'm changing". Cole said as she grabbed her dress to the bathroom and shut the door.
Bridesmaids dress

     Riley's Flower girl dress

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Riley's Flower girl dress

     Riley's Flower girl dress

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Riley was brushing my hair as we wait for the curler to heat up. "You hair is nice with straight hair". Riley said as she puts the brush down. Patricia spray health for my hair, so I don't damage it. I walked in the bathroom and sat on a stool. We heard a phone rang and it was Patricia. "Is that Ashton?" Rosa asked. "Yeah, he wants to know where is Ryan and Nora?" Patricia said. "Oh, never they were in Riley's room... He says hi to his aunties and mummy". She said. "Tell him to get ready and we're busy". Rosa said as she does Riley braid. "I can't wait to see everyone". I said as Cole curled my hair. "I bet Christian is missing his girl". Cole said. "He said your granddad can't make it". I said as they sigh. "That's okay, you will see him one day... Anyway, where are you going for your honeymoon?" She changed the topic. "We are going to London". I said. "Mummy, can we go to Paris?" Riley asked as Cole said when we have the money as she had finished. She walked out and I put my wedding dress on. Then I walked out and they gasped. "I know, I'm ugly". I said as I laughed. And they laughed and I got my heels as I put it on.

 And they laughed and I got my heels as I put it on

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Christian's P.O.V

I was shaving my face. I washed my face and whipped my face too. I walked out and see Nora doing Ryan, Drew, dad, Thomas and Ashton hair. I button my shirt and I had made sure it's the right way.
I put my pants on, Nora didn't walked out of the room. "Christian, if you felt uncomfortable me being when your putting your pants you could've told me to leave". Nora said as Ryan kissed her. "I'm your not your father Ryan". Dad said. "Grandpa I'm a changed man". Ryan said as we laughed expect for Nora. "I have different types of hairstyles for you choose". Nora said as she passed me so photos. I pointed at one and she did it in five minutes. I put my shoes on and we took some pictures as I got a message from Brooke.

To Christian
I love the necklace baby! I miss you! I love you and I'll see you later. XOXO
From Brooke

I put my phone in my shirt pocket. And we walked to the car and drove to the beach. We arrived at the beach and we got out of the car to the beach. Thomas wanted to do what the pastor does. We see our guests arriving and taking there sits. I stood at the front with my best men and we got a message that they are coming.

Brooke's P.O.V

We were here the place I'm having my ceremony. I'm going to be Brooke Alexander with Christian today. Then the girls out, then Riley and then me. My bridesmaids go first, then Riley and three seconds I started walking. I see everyone looking at me and the music stopped when I was stand at the front with Christian and Thomas who was the pastor for our wedding.

"We are gathered together on this amazing morning with Brooke Carson and Christian Alexander as today they exchanged their vows for everlasting love". Thomas said.

"As Brooke and Christian take their vows today l, we are witnessing the joyous love of a new family, a family that will nourish and nurture through two separate individuals growing together the common love. May their marriage bring to them peace, joy, comfort and contentment that is known the hearts of all god children. Brooke and Christian both look forward to each new season of their marriage, as the world's looks forward to each brand new season of the year. And all of them bring them their own special moments and also memories you'll have too". Thomas said.

"An essential requirement for a good marriage is a strong bond, trust and a great friendship. Your love for each other will grow deeper with every passing day". Thomas paused. And he had continued talked and then Thomas asked to face each other and put our hands on each other as I faced him we both smiled.

"Christian, will you take Brooke to be your wife, your partner I life and your one true love? Will you cherish her love and friendship now and forever? Will you trust and honor her, laugh with her and cry with her? Will you be faithful through good and bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?" Thomas asked as Christian nods. "I do". Christian said as he takes the ring from Ashton and put it on me. I looked at the ring as a tear slipped out.

"Brooke, will you take Christian to be your husband, your partner I life and your one true love? Will you cherish his love and friendship now and forever? Will you trust and honor his, laugh with his and cry with his? Will you be faithful through good and bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?" Thomas asked as I nodded, I took the ring and put it on Christian. We looked at each other with big smiles on.

"I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the braid". Thomas said as Christian pulled me and I wrapped my hands around his neck. He kissed me gently and I kissed him again. "I love you wife". Christian said. "I love you too husband". I said as Hunter got our attention. "Can I have everyone attend... especially you Tanya". Hunter said as Tanya walked to him. "Tanya we have known each other from prep... You were the most beautiful girl in high school and you still are now... I have been waiting for the right moment to ask you this". Hunter said as he got on his knees and Tanya covered her mouth. "Tanya with you marry me?" He asked as she nods. "Yes". Tanya said and kissed him. We walked down tapped nd hugged them as everyone throwing flower petals in the air over us. We got in the car and drove to the hall.

A/N: Yeah!!!! Hey guys it happened! Brooke is Mrs. Alexander! I had forgotten what happens at the wedding, because the last wedding I saw was when I was in year three and it's as my mum's cousin's wedding. And I didn't understand stand what they said. And my brother was ring boy and sister was another flower girl. They were adorable, and now they are a pain. I'm the oldest and I know people who hate seeing the oldest. Any hoped you enjoyed this chapter love y'all xox.

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