Aria Is Back Guys

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Brooke's P.O.V

I woke up with Christian. I got up as done my morning routine. I closed my eye's to feel two arms around my waist. "Morning future wife". Christian said as I opened my eye's. "Morning". I said and he kissed my shoulder to my lips. "Your gonna be okay with Aria?" He asked. "Yeah and if she makes me angry I'll come home to you". I said as I rub his side. He puts her on the outside of the sink and I pulled him to me. "You better". He said as our nose touched and I placed my hands on his neck. "What if I don't?" I asked as I kissed him. "You'll punished". He said and then kissing me. "I should get ready". I said against his lips. He pulled back and pulled me to the bed. "School can wait". He said and he pulled me on top of him. I kissed him as he unhooked my strapless bra and pulled my underwear off. I pulled his clothing off as he pulled the covers over us. He made his way inside and he was kissing me. And we were both exchanging moans.


I put my black shirt and a white lace sleeveless top. "Christian? Can you button the back of my shirt please?" I asked as he walked to me. I moved my hair, he kissed my neck and button it up. "Thank you". I said and kissed him as he winked. I put my boots on and I put my hair up. And I put on mascara and lip balm on too. "You're looking fine Brooke". He said and kisses my cheek. "Thank you... I better go". I said as he carried me downstairs. He puts me down and opened the door as I faced him. He pulled me to him and he kissed me. "See you soon babe". He said. "Yeah love you". I said and kissed him again. "Love you too baby". He said as I walked off.


Lucky I was first break. I had music next and we had to do solo, which it is going to be great. Then Aria looks at me from her locker and I opened my locker. I see a picture of me when I had shown up in my onesie and there was mean words around the photo. I shut my locker to see Aria being mean to a new girl. "Leave her alone... Go and pick on someone your own size". I said as she walked away. I looked at the girl who were a half smile. "Are you okay?" I asked her and she nods. "I'm Brooke". I said. "I'm Patricia". She said. "Don't worry about her... I had enough of her. What do yo have next?" I asked. "Music". Patricia said. "Same here and I'm going to be your friend until the end of year". I said. "I would like that Brooke". She said as the bell rang. We walked in class and we sat down as our teacher walked in. "Patricia I'm Mrs. Hannity. I hope your having a good day here". Mrs. Hannity said. "Patricia you sit out on this one because the students have to do there task. We are gonna do from A to Z on you last name". She said as one by one was called up. Then she called me and I took a deep breath before I sang.

Say what you want

"There are people out there
They want to bring you down
They say things to you
But I just ignore them

(Say what you want 2x)
I don't really care anymore
If you don't (like me 2x)
Then don't talk to me at all

I'm not giving in
I'm gonna be me, even if you don't like it
Don't come up to me and put me down, (right down 2x)
I don't to be around you

(Say what you want 2x)
I don't really care anymore
If you don't (like me 2x)
Then don't talk to me at all

You can leave, (we don't want you 2x)
Don't start (singing Sorry by JB 2x)
I thought we could get along
But I was wrong, oh I was

(Say what you want 2x)
I don't really care anymore
If you don't (like me 2x)
Then don't talk to me at all

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