Our Argument

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Christian's P.O.V

When we got home yesterday we didn't even talk to each other. I woke and Brooke was beside me. I walked downstairs to see her drinking coffee. "Baby, don't give me the silence treatment". I said. She put the cup down and walked to me. "I don't like it when people ignores me". I said. "And I don't like been ordered around by my boyfriend either". Brooke finally spoke. "What do you mean?" I asked. "You told me to go out when Harry A.K.A the dickhead come! I could've helped you!" She yelled. "I didn't want you to help!!" I yelled. "Why not uh? Wait, don't tell me I'm just a pretty girl who can't defend herself!" She yelled and walked off. I had followed her and pulled her to me.

She looked me in the eye's. "Don't look at me like that!" She yelled and pushed me. "I'm not thinking about you as a pretty girl who can't defend herself... I'm protective of my girlfriend... And you are my girlfriend". I said. She look at me and her face softens. "Our first argument ends here". I said and kissed her. "I love you baby... All I want is for you to be safe in my arms". I said and kissed her cheek.

Ashton's P.O.V

I walked inside the house. "I love you baby... All I want is for you to be safe in my arms". Uncle Christian said to Brooke. "I love you too player". Brooke said and they lip lock. I walked fast ahead to Ryan's room. "Hey, where did you go?" Ryan asked. "A walk around the block". I said. He nods and grabbed his phone and started playing games. I grabbed my basketball and walked out of the house to the park.

I see a gorgeous girl who was being pushed around and made fun of. "Lukas, I thought you liked me". She said. "It was just a bet". This Lukas guy said. I walked in and pushed them away. "Get loss and die in a hole". I said in my angry Irish accent. I help her up and she looks at me and smiled. "Thank you". She said. "No problem, a gorgeous girl who shouldn't be treated like that". I said. "Are you from Ireland?" She asked. "Yeah, I'm Ashton Alexander". I said. "Treyvonetta Gorilla". She said. "Do you know them from school?" I asked. "Yeah, hey aren't you Christian Alexander nephew?" Treyvonetta asked. "Yeah, he is dating a girl called Brooke". I said. "She is my best friend". She said. "Really, his son likes her too. And she wants my uncle and she doesn't know what to do with Ryan his son". I said. "She'll figured it out... But I gotta go, but I hope I'll see you again". She said. "Yeah, me too. Bye". I said and she walked off.

Brooke's P.O.V

I was eating a box of mint slices biscuits. And Ryan comes in with a black eye. He grabbed a pack of chopped carrots and put it on his eye. "What happened to you?" I asked. "Nothing, my things fell on me". Ryan said. "Look, Ryan we need to talk". I said. "About what?" He asked. "About you liking me". I said. "So, I like you". He said. "So isn't a answer... I'm dating your father and you have to get over it soon, because I'm not ending our relationship for you". I said. And threw the pack in the bin. "I'm getting over it!" He yelled. "Don't yell at her like that". Christian came in the kitchen. "I'm sorry okay, I'm trying". Ryan said. "Well, try harder". Christian said. "Guy's have you seen Ashton?" Rosa asked. We shake our heads as she walked out the house. "Ryan, one day she'll be your stepmother... And I hope you get over this crush soon". Christian said as we walked out.

He kisses my ear and he put me on his back. We walked to our room and he locked the door behind him. We laid in bed and he watched TV. I was in his chest as he played with my fingers. "I'm think I'm ready". I said. "Are you sure about this?" He asked.

A/N: If you are my friends in school don't make fun of me. You'll do this when you get older. But not me I'm gonna be a single women for the rest of me life. And this may get dirty.

I was ready for this. He closed the blinds and he pulled his shirt off. He walked back to me and I kissed him. I pulled off my pink dress and I pulled his pants off. He gets on top of me and kisses my neck. I unhook my bra and pulled off my underwear. "Are you sure". He asked again and I nod. He pulled his boxers off and makes me his way inside. He kisses me and I wrapped my hands around his neck. First was pain and soon came pleasure. I moan in his mouth, he pulled back and kisses my cheek. He moans against my neck. "I love you". He said. "I love you too". I said and smashed my lips into his.


He was saying sweet things to me under the covers. He rubs my back and my face. "You know, that was amazing". I said and kissed his cheek. "That's because I'm your boyfriend". He said. "Yeah, so did mean that I'll be Ryan's stepmother soon?" I asked. "Yeah, when we ever get married". He said and kissed me. "Do you know how much I love you?" He asked as he leaned closer. "Let me guess... More than your favorite food?" I asked. "Yeah, more than that baby". He said and kissed me. He walks on the bathroom and comes out in ten minutes. He pulled me to the bathroom. To see a bubble bath and two glasses of wine. "I did this for you baby". He said and I hopped in the tub.

Come in the tub too. I rested my head on his chest. He wrapped his hands around me and kisses my cheek. He gives me glass of wine and he takes his. "To us baby". He said. "To us baby". I repeat, we hit the cups and sip on our wine. I put my cup on the side. Christian starts messaging my shoulders and he kissed my cheek. "Dad! Uncle Thomas, aunty Rosa and Ashton left... They came up and they were hearing noses, so I've told him that I'll say bye for them". Ryan yelled. "Okay!" Christian shouted. I flinched and faced him. "Sorry". He said. "I hate you". I mumbled. "Love is hate". He said. "Of course wise one". I said. "Don't call me that... You make me sound old". He said. "But you love me". I said.


I got out and wrapped my  towel around me. I walked out of the bathroom to the room. I put on my black undergarments and my blue mini dress. I felt two arms around me and I turned to see Christian. "Dammit, you look sexy". He said. "Oh, stop it... hurry up I'm hungry". I said. He walk to the closet and got some clothes on. We walked out of the room to smell something nice in the kitchen. Ryan was making dinner. He made chicken, fish, chips, salads, chocolate cake and apple pie. He was washing the dishes and then he was drying them. "I made dinner... I'm going to take a shower, the food is hot so wait for a while". Ryan said and walked out. "His food he makes are amazing... But we should savour the moment because he does it once a month or once a year". Christian said. We served ourselves and sat on the table.


We were all eating together peacefully, for now think. The last time, father and son got angry. "Ryan, this is amazing". I said. He smiles and he looks at Christian. "What?" Christian asked. "I had found it". Ryan said. "Found what?" I asked. "Nothing, baby". Christian said. Ryan shows a diamond ring. "I was going to ask you later... until he found it". Christian said, he takes the ring, walks to me and bend down on one knee. "I know, it might be soon... I love you and I want to spend my days with you... I was going to wait until Ryan found the ring... Brooke Carson, will you marry and be Brooke Alexander?" Christian asked. "Yes". I said, he slides the ring on and we both got up. I smashed my lips into his and Ryan was clapping his hands. I pulled back and rested my head on his chest. Ryan puts the music on and we started dancing.

Now it was 9PM. Ryan said we was going to bed. Christian was in the kitchen putting the food in the fridge. He walks to me and he had spin me around. "You made me the luckiest girl alive". I said. "You made me happy today". He said. I pulled him close, wrapped his hands around me, I was holding him by his shirt and I kissed him. "Best kiss from future Mrs. Brooke Alexander". He said. "Of course Mr. Christian Alexander". I said and kissed him again. We turned all the lights off, walked to our room and shut the door. I opened the window and I pulled off my dress. He rips his shirt off and pulls me on the bed. He gets on top of me and kisses me all over. I started kissing him back and he tickles me. I try to hold them back, I can't. "Ha,ha.. Stop please... Ha,ha,ha". I said with laughs between. "Tell me you love me soon to be Mrs. Alexander". He said. "I love you Mr. Alexander". I said and he stop straight away. I hold his hands on my stomach and I kissed his jaw. "I have a meeting tomorrow around 10am to 11am. And then I'm yours baby". He said. "Good, I'm cuddling up in your chest". I said as I cuddle in his chest. "Okay beautiful, do you want to watch TV?" He asked. I asked him for my phone so I can read story.


I put my phone down and turned off the TV. "Hey, I was watching that". He said. "Christian, I love you and you need your sleep". I said. He turns the lights and move closer to me. "Goodnight". He said. "Night lover boy". I said and kissed his lips. And drifted to sleep.

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