It's settled

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Christian's P.O.V

I walked reading the newspaper while drinking my coffee. Brooke walks pasted me to the kitchen. "Morning Brooke". I said. "Morning Christian". Brooke said as I walked to find her. "What's going on?" I asked as I wrapped my hands around her. "Did you use a condom?" She asked. I thought about when we... Oh, shit I forgot to put it on twice. "I forgot twice... Are you pregnant?" I asked. "I don't know". She said as I kissed her cheek. "I'll call a friend". I said and called Drew.

Drew: Hey Chris, what's up?
Me: I need the test that says if your pregnant or not
Drew: I'll stop by after I leave the shops
Me: Thanks man
Drew: What are best mates for?
Me: I don't know, you tell me... alright bye
Drew: Word g man

He said and cut off. I walked back to see Brooke who was looking at something. It was a pregnant test and I kissed her. "I'm not pregnant". She said. "I just call a friend... And they were... I love you". I said. "I love you too baby". She said as she stood on her tippy toes and kissed me. "I hate being short". She said and we both laughed. "But I love for you". I said and started to sing Kiss You by One Direction.

"If you want to kiss me, just do it". She said as I kissed her. Then the doorbell rang as we walked to the door. We see Drew with Kathleen with a bag full of pregnant tests. "I didn't know, but she already had one and she isn't pregnant". I said as they hugged us. "We're sorry and we're having a baby". Kathleen said as Brooke hugged. "And we want you two to be our kid God parents". Drew said as I hugged them. "Of course we will". Brooke said as I kissed her. "We should celebrate... How you two get ready while we wait". They said as I shut the door. "Sure". I said as I pulled Brooke upstairs. I shut the door and we were putting our clothing on.

Brooke's P.O.V

I grabbed my outfit as Christian button his shirt backwards again

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I grabbed my outfit as Christian button his shirt backwards again. I my clothes on and Christian puts my white heels on me. I brushed my hair, put my watch on, my necklace on and earrings on too. I grabbed my purse and fixed his shirt again. I put my eyeliner and lip balm on. We walked downstairs to the living room and Drew and Kathleen walks to us. "I take our car too". Christian said as he went to the garage. Kathleen and I walked out of the house. "Are you going to college?" Kathleen asked. "No, I'll miss big boy over there". I said as we both laughed. They looked at us and they walked us as they wrapped there hand around our waists. "What are you two talking about?" Christian asked us. I turned my body as I felt his abs and he kissed me. Drew and Kathleen were looking at us with a smile. "Nothing, Big Boy". I said as Kathleen and I laughed. "Brooke is coming with me". Kathleen said as she pulled me to there car. We got in and she told to meet us at the restaurant. We drove off.


The guys were waiting for us as Kathleen parked the car. We got out of the car to them. "We've been waiting for you two for a hour". Drew said as he kissed Kathleen. "And I hate waiting for my lover to come". Christian whispered in my ear. "But you love me". I whispered back as he smiles at me. "We are going to meet you inside". Drew and Kathleen said as they walked inside. I placed my hands on his neck and my thumb on his cheek. He pulled me closer to him and he kissed me. "Did I do something wrong... Are you breaking up with me?" I asked. "No, no, no... I don't like waiting. I love you". He said and kissed. I moved my hands to the back of his head, one of his hand on my back and the other hand on my neck. He pulled back and we looked at each other. "We should get inside". I said as we walked inside. We walked to Drew and Kathleen and sat down as Christian put his hand on my thigh. I put my hand on his and holds my hand. I rested my head on his shoulder and they took a picture of us on his and mine phones. "Awe, you two are cute". Kathleen said. "I'm lucky to have this Big Boy in my life". I said as we looked at the menu. The waitress came, we ordered our meals and drinks. "Kathleen can I asked you a question?" I asked. "Yeah". She said. "Your the second person that I have met... And big boy has a best man, so will you be my bridesmaid?" I asked as her eye's widens and she nods. "To our future". Drew said with his glass up. "To our future". We repeat and take a sip of wine. "Did you find a wedding dress yet?" Drew asked. "I didn't like the dress at all". I said as Christian rolled his eye's. "What?" I asked. "But you looked sexy in them... I know, you hate the idea of dresses but it's our wedding". Christian said. "I know that... I think some of them were me". I said. "My grandma had a dress that she wear on her wedding and she was similar to you.... And when I find it I'll sent it to you" Kathleen said as I nod. Then our meals come and we started eating.

I got up and walked to the rest room. I washed my hands and I turned around to see Aria. I stepped back and she got in my face. "I'm coming to school tomorrow and your gonna wish I wasn't". She said walked out. I start to imagine what she might and imagine what Christian would do to Harry. I walked out to see Christian standing there with his arms opened and I hugged him and he kissed me. "Did Aria say something?" He asked. "She threatened me and I want to go home". I said as I kissed Christian's neck. "Okay, let's tell them and we can leave". He said.


I was in the tub having a bubble bath because Christian thinks I'm stressed and getting angry about the wedding. He comes in the tub and he massaging my body. "Are you calm babe?" He asked. "Yeah, I wasn't stressed about the wedding... I needed you to myself". I said as he leaned closer and I kissed him. "I'm scared that Aria is going to hurt me". I said as he hugged me tight. "You going to be okay, when I tell Noel". He said. "And we are getting married in thirty day". I said. "And I had calling the restaurant, the church and I had invited our friends and family". He said. "I love you". I said as I moved his head to mine. "I love you too". He said and kissing me. I pulled back, hopped out of the wrapping the towel around me and walked to the bedroom to choose what linger to wear. I had numbered them, I thought for a while and I grabbed number seven as I put it in the bed. I dropped my towel and put it on as Christian comes out. "Hot damn! Fuck you sexy!" He shouted. "Oh Big Boy, stop it baby". I said as I wrapped my hands around his neck and my legs around his legs. "Your principal call me and your finishing school in three weeks". He said. "And then I get to call you husband too". I said as he starts nibbling on my neck and I moaned. "Brooke baby... I got to go to work because there was a problem". He said as he let got of me. "Okay, by the time you get back I'll be sleeping". I said as I got in bed. "Okay". He said as he put his clothes on. "I'm going to put your shirt on since you put it the wrong way a few times". I said as he sat in front of me. I button his shirt from the top as I kiss his abs and button his bottom shirt. He gets on top of me and I put my hands in his shirt as I rub his abs. He kisses my shoulder to my lips in perfect sync. I then rub his face and he lifts my back. He pulled back and looks at me as I traced his lips. He gently kissed me as he walked out and puts his shoes on. I leaned on the door as he kissed my cheek.

Christian's P.O.V

I walked to the car and opened the garage. I drove out and closed the garage dooor. I drove to work as I thought of my life after I get married with my second chance of love. We have a daughter name Avery and a son name Lukas. Brooke still beautiful when I first saw her in my class I had thought her. Ryan a grown man and the leader of the gang with his wife. I had parked the car and hopped out. I walked in the front and it scan my eye as it opened the door. I walked in and see Lixy pinned to the wall by Harry. "Harry put her down!" I shouted as he dropped her and walked to me. He punched me and threw me to the wall. He punched me on the nose as it starts to bleed. I got up, kicked him, then I punched his jaw and he wines. "Leave or I'll call the security". I said sternly. "Fine this isn't over". Harry said and walked out. I walked over to Lixy and helped her up. She kissed me as I heard a gasped. I turned to Brooke standing there and she looks at me. "I meant to kiss your cheek Christian... I didn't mean to Brooke". Lixy said as I walked to Brooke. "Brooke". I said as I see a tear slipped out. She pulls off the ring and puts it in my hand. "I can't be with you". Brooke said as she walked away.


I was in my office and Lixy comes in. "I'm sorry about your-". She was cut off when the phone rang. "I'm quitting... It was nice working for you". Lixy said and walked out. I picked up and it was Ryan

Me: I'm at work son
Ryan: You should be with Brooke! I think she is cry because of you!
Me: I do love her
Ryan: Then get your lazy ass home... And be with her!

He cut off the call and I looked at the phone of Brooke and I. I picked it up and I let a tear slipped out. "I had fucked up". I said to myself. Then Noel walked in and I put the photo down. "I know you didn't mean to hurt her... But know she's crying while eating ice cream and watching sad break up videos". Noel said as I get up. "Where are you going?" He asked. "To Brooke". I said as I ran out of the company. I hopped in the car and drove home.


When I had entered the house, I kicked my shoes off and walked the kitchen seeing Brooke on the floor. "Brooke?" She looks at me and gets up. I hold her hands and I kissed her choc mint lips. "I fucked up... When I was driving I see us having a daughter and a son... I see Ryan and he's married... I see you beautiful as I always who married to me... The CEO of his own company... I love you Brooke Carson". I said and suddenly she kissed me. "I-I love you too Christian Alexander". She said and we kissed again. She wrapped her hands around my neck, I lifted her by her butt and she wrapped her legs around my waist. She gets the ring from my shirt pocket and puts it on. "I can't wait to marry you". She said against my lips. "Me too baby". I said and kissed her again.

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