It Wasn't A Quite Morning

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Brooke's P.O.V

I woke up hearing yelling. Christian gets up and yells to them to shut up. And he walks back to me and hugs me. I was holding his hands on my stomach. "I'm sorry. It wasn't a quiet morning like I wanted". He said and kissed my shoulder and neck. "It's fine baby, I didn't want to get ready". I said. "So, your ditching school for me?" He asked. "I'm ditching school for the rest of the week since your family is here". I said and kissed his knuckles. He turns me over to face him. "You are the most amazing girl I've met in your school". He said pulling me closer. "You're the most sweetest guy I've ever met". I said and we kissed. I wrapped my leg around his leg, he wrapped his arms around me, my arms around his neck, and our kisses went deep. He gets on top of me and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He pulls back and kisses my chest to my forehead. Then the door opened and then it was shut. "We should lock it next time". He said and I nod. He got off me and we walked downstairs to see they were waiting for us. "Dad, the repossession call and they need you". Ryan said as we step down. "I had planned the whole day and now I've have to bail". Christian said. They all were in upset about that. "We can do something else". Cole said. We nod our heads. I turned to Christian and he was holding my hands. "Don't worry about us... Go to work and come straight here when your done". I said and he kissed me. "Okay, I'll think about you all day". He said and running up. And I hit the radio on and fancy by Iggy Azalea ft Charli XCX come on. We girls started dancing and started singing. "I'm so fancy. You were right in enough. I'm in the fast lane. From planet Tokyo"

We were dancing to the living room. "I'm so fancy. You were right in enough. I'm in the fast lane. From planet Tokyo"

We stopped for a rest. "Bye guy's love y'all". Christian said and winked at me. I just smiled and watch him walked out. "Did you have breakfast yet?" I asked. They shake their heads and we walked to the kitchen. "Riley, come we are going to make chocolate chip pancakes". I said and grabbed all of the ingredients. And I put the flour, baking powder, milk etc... And Riley put the chocolate chips in the bowl and string the mixture. I washed my hands and got the pan out and put it on the stove. I felt a little dizzy and I fell on the floor and close my eye's.

Thomas's P.O.V

I went inside the house and walked in the kitchen. And see Riley trying to wake up Brooke. "Brooke? Can you hear me?" I called. Cole didn't see me on the because she firing the pancakes. Until Riley tells her to look at Brooke. She turns everything off. "We need to get her to the hospital now". Cole said. I picked her up and the boys followed me to the car. I put her in the front and the boy's were in the car. I grabbed my car key's and we drove to the closet hospital here.

I parked the car on the road, I got and got Brooke out of the car. We walked inside calling for help. "We need help". Ryan said as a nurse brings a bed. "I'm worry about your father". I said to Ryan.

Christian's P.O.V

I was reading the comments what our buyers sent. Some are bad and some were good. I wish was with my amazing girl and hugging and kissing her like right now. Then a knock on my door and they opened it. "Speak now". I said. "Boss, we have a lady screaming at the repossession that she needs to see you". Stuff said. "What did you say?" I asked. "You need to book an appointment". Stuff said again. I rolled my eye's and we walked downstairs to the repossession. Then the stuff pointed at the lady and she was shaking. She looked up and it was Cole. "She is my sister. Ms. Love add her to the list that doesn't need an appointment". I said as we walked outside.

She claims down and she turns to me with a worried look. "Christian?" Cole asked. "Is everything alright?" I asked. "It's about Brooke". She said, my heart races fast. "Is she okay? Where is she? Does she need me?" I asked her questions. "Thomas found her on the floor and she is in the hospital". She said. I punched the wall. "I can't lose her Cole... I can't go through that path again". I said. I closed my eye's and felt two warm lips on mine. I pulled back and opened my eye's to see Brooke. "You don't have too... I'm here baby... I'm here to stay". Brooke said. "Chris, I wanted to tell you... but I have to go back with Riley". Cole said. "It's alright, go and drive". I said and she drives away. "Where is Thomas, Ashton and Ryan?" I asked. "I've told them to drop me here and go to ours". She said and wrapped her hands around my neck. I leaned closer and kissed her warm lips.

We walked inside, upstairs to my office and she shut the door. I walked to my desk and sat on the chair. She sits on my lap and kisses my neck, while I was reading the comments still. But I couldn't do it when she is kissing me. I put the paper down hard and she looks at me. I moved the chair into the bedroom and I shut the door. "Well, that's another way to get in the room". She said and laid on the bed. I got on the bed next to her, I put her leg over mine, pulling her to my chest and she wrapped her hands around my back. I started kissing her and she does it back. My hands went down her back and she moans in my mouth. She pulls back and starts kissing my neck. And then I made her kiss my lips. I pulled back and looked at her and we both smiled. She rubs my cheeks and gently kissed my lips. "If you had died today... I wouldn't know what I'll will do". I said. "Well, I'm here now... Okay babe... I love you". She said. "I love you more than anything in this world". I said. She turns around and I know she is blushing.

She holds my hands on her stomach. I kiss her shoulder up to her neck. Then Harry burded in the room and grabbed Brooke. "Let me go! You fucken idiot!" She yelled. He slapped her face and I walked to him. "Shut up! And suck it up!" He yelled. I pinned him to the wall and punched him. He punched me and then he pushed me. "Brooke, run out of here!" I yelled. She ran out of the room.

Brooke's P.O.V

I ran out of the office. Everyone left the company and then I was pinned to the wall. And it was Rex and he was touching me where I feel uncomfortable. I pushed him and ran off, but be pinned me back to the wall again. "You won't get away that easy aye". Rex said and then he got punched by Ryan. "Thanks for saving me again. Ryan, what are you doing here?" I asked. "Dad, needs me I'm going to him". He said. I stopped him. "If you go, what will happen?" I asked. "Nothing, don't worry". He said and kissed my lips. "What the hell!?" I turned to see Christian. "Christian, that meant nothing". I said. "Nothing? I did it because I like you too Brooke". Ryan said. "You know she is my girlfriend Ryan!" Christian yelled and his lip were bleeding. "What the hell happened to you and Harry?" I asked. "Nothing, that I wanted you to see or even get hurt". Christian said. "I don't care if or not your girlfriend I like her". Ryan said and walked out. I walked away from Christian, I know he was going to be mad about the kiss. So I want to give him space.


I was at Treyvonetta's house. We were dancing to Boom Boom by Justice Crew. And then we jumped in bed and laughed. "You is your favorite member?" She asked. "Solo". I said. "Mine is Lenny". She said. "I hope they stay together still after three of them left". She said. "To they'll always be amazing". I said and my phone vibrated to see Christian on the screen. I just ignored him I wasn't ready to talk to him yet. "Why aren't you answering it? It might be a hot boy". She said. "It's unknown number and you know me, I don't pick up if it's a unknown number". I said, but she grabbed my phone. She looks at me with her eye's widened. "Your dating our old biology teacher?" She asked. "Y-yeah... Don't get mad". I said. "I'm not mad... I'm happy, and I thought you were a cute couple in the future". She said. And the doorbell rang and she yelled my name.

I walked out of her to the font of the house. I looked up to see Christian standing next to Treyvonetta. "Why? Did you tell her?" Christian asked. "She didn't tell me... I just grabbed her phone". She said and walked out. I walked to him and he holds my hands. "Why didn't you pick up when I called you?" He asked. "I thought you needed space". I said. "We are going to talk at ours". He said. "Etta, I'm going and I'll call you later". I said. "Okay, and shut the door!" She yelled as I closed the door.

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