The Party

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Patricia's P.O.V

I making sure everything that they had ordered was here. Ryan is supposed to be helping me, but no he isn't here. Then Ashton comes over and I'm just a little nervous talking about this relationship we have. "Patty? Do you need help?" Ashton asked. "Yes... Your my lifesaver". I said as he pulled me to him and kissed me. "I checked everything and they are all here". He said with a smile. "You did that all". I said. "Yeah, because I wanted to kiss you and you do sat with me at the table". Ashton said as we walked to the table and sat down. He see his dad talking to everyone. "Okay, the braid and groom are on there way over, also we got entertainment from my sister in law dance company... Here is Sugar Girl". Thomas said as they came to the floor.

Brooke's P.O.V

We were at the hall. I got to have a minute with my husband before we entered. I was holding his hands as I walked closer to him. I kissed him and he then holds me in his chest. "My Queen". Christian said. "Yes my King?" I asked as I kissed his cheek. "You had made me the happiest man today". He said as he rubs my cheek. "And you made me the luckiest girl in the world". I said as I leaned closer to him. And he kissed me in perfect sync as I moved my hand to his face. "There is something I want to take you". Christian said as we walked to somewhere. There was lights on the trees, lights on the ground and around bridge. I walked upstairs to steps as Christian walks behind me. I looked around to hear a group of musicians playing soft sweet music. "This is amazing". I said as Christian turned me around and pulled me to him as I put my hands on his shoulders. "I did it to you because it wanted to do this before we dance together in front of everyone". He said as I kissed him. "Yeah, I'm a bad dancer if I'm dancing solo... But I might be good with you". I said as he spinned me around. I had laughed as I rested my head on his shoulder. "I love you". I said as he looked at me. "I love you too". He said and kissed me. After a while we walked to the hall and Thomas was introducing us as we walked in. "Bridesmaids we have my wife Rosa, my sister Cole and Kathleen, for the best men we have my dad, Drew, Ryan and now Mr and Mrs Alexander". Thomas said as everyone clapped and cheered as we stood in the middle of the dance floor. I kissed him as he placed his hands on my neck and cheek. We walked to the table and sat down.


"I'm happy my dad found his second chance of love after sad story of my mother. I'm glad Brooke is my stepmother because the other women dad was dating in the pasted won't liking him for him... But Brooke has she had to put up with my playerness and my attitude. And I'm happy they are my family". Ryan said and passed the microphone to Cole. I see Christian slipped out a tear and I whipped it away as he holds my hand. "Hey guys, congrats little brother. I'm happy you found your second love... I'm happy to see you happy... I'm happy that Brooke is my sister in law... I'm happy that my family treated Brooke like family, when she didn't have her parents... I hope I get nieces and nephews... I have a letter from our grandpa. He said to you Christian he proud of you from the day you were born. He's happy that your happy and he's hope to see you and your new wife soon love grandpa Nathan". Cole said as she cries in between and saved it to Thomas. "Now, since it's a father and daughter dance. Humphrey is going to dance with you Brooke". Thomas said as Humphrey walked to me and takes me to the dance floor. And we started dancing when the music started as we dance more dad's and daughter's come to the floor. After the dance I hugged Humphrey and walked back to the table and Christian kisses me. "Everyone, food is ready to eat". Thomas said as slowly everyone starts walked to the food.


Christian and I walked the table were the cake was. Ashton was taking photos all day. "We have a candle for both of you... Make as with and blow it out". Thomas said as Patricia gave us a candle each and we looked at each other. We both have a same wish and that is to start a family. And we blow it out he gave our candles to Rosa as I take the knife. Christian puts his hand on mine as Ashton takes photos. I kissed him and we cut two pieces. I take one as he take one and we feed each other. And we put the knife down as I pulled him to the dance floor and I nodded at Noel who is the DJ for the night. Then he played Little Things and I wrapped my hands around his neck as we started dancing. I looked in his eye's and he smiles as he leaned closer. Our nose touched and we kissed as I moved my hands to his face.

After that dance we sat table. And Humphrey was talking about Christian life when he was born. "I'm proud of what he has become today. I love you son". Humphrey said as Christian shouted I love you too. After our guests were leaving and we thanked them for coming. "You guys go home and we will see you when you get back". Cole said as we got in the taxi. "Take us here". I gave the paper to the driver. "OK". The driver said as he started the car and drove home. We were leaving in the morning since we were tired. After after half an hour we arrived home as Christian payed him. I unlocked the door as the taxi drove off. We walked in, I shut the door as he closed the blinds, we walked upstairs to our room, we walked in and shut the door. "Mrs. Alexander?" I turned to see Christian taking his clothes off as he walked to me. "Yes Mr. Alexander?" I asked as I sat on the bed and take off my heels. He sits on the bed and pulled me to him as I leaned closer. "I love you". He said and kissed. "I love you too! I'm ready". I said. "Are you sure beautiful?" He asked as he unzipped my dress and I pushed it off me. I moved to the pillow and I pulled him on top of me as he kisses my side. He takes off my undergarments and I take his underwear off. He makes his way inside of me. First pain and the pleasure comes in. We both moans at the same time and I kissed him as I put my hands on his neck. "Brooke". He called. "Oh, Christian". I moaned. "Fuck! I love you baby girl!" He shouted. "I love you too!" I shouted back. "Baby". He said as he kisses my shoulder to neck. "Oh.... Baby... stop.... talking... Oh... fuck". I said as I moaned in between them.


We were under the covers and he was whispering what happens next in this marriage of ours. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me. "I hope you get pregnant". Christian said. "I hope so too babe". I said as he starts nibbling on my neck. "But don't die on me". He said. "If I do get pregnant I promise I won't die on you on us". I said and kissed.

A/N: Hello Yellowbirds, I hoped you like the party. Next week on Monday I'll start the second book for this one because after I come out of the hospital but,  I won't publish it because I don't have the WiFi on my phone. Why? Because I love with my mum, stepdad, step brother and step sister and he won't put the internet on it because my real dad got it for me. I have exams and I got a B in bonics technology in science. Love y'all xox

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