Ryan! Your Here

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Brooke's P.O.V

I woke up with the sounds of sweet birds. I see the blinds moving and I looked at my Mr. CEO. I rubbed my hand over his head to move his hair out of the way. He wakes up with a smile. "Morning sunshine". Christian said. "Morning Honeybun". I said as he pulled me to him. Our nose touched and I kissed him. "So, what is the plan today?" He as we walked to the bathroom. I plugged in the stopper in the tub and opened the tap. "I'm going to sit in the tub for a while". I said as I turned the tape off. I hopped in the tub and he sat on the edge of the tub. "I'm coming in". He said and got in with me. I turned my body and faced him as I put my hands on his shoulders. I smashed my lips into his as he holds my face. He moans in my mouth and I pulled back. "After there is something I want to show you". He said. "I hate surprises". I said as he kisses my neck. "But you'll love this surprise". He said as he starts massaging my cupcakes. "Okay, and what's the plan after that?" I asked. "I don't know?" He said and winked at me as I blushed a bit. "You are cute when you blush". He said and kissing my lips. "Stop making me blush so hard". I said against his lips. "What if I don't want to Brooke baby?" He asked. "You'll be sleeping on the couch". I said and we laughed as I played with his hair.


I put my undergarments on and see through robe on as Christian puts his boxers on. "Your sexy baby". Christian said and kissed me. "Now how about my surprise". I said. He pulled me out, we walked to the room next to us and he told me to cover my eye's as I did. He opened the door as we walked in the room. "You can open your eye's". He whispered to me. I opened my eye's to see a nursery and I covered my mouth. I looked at the things he got and he painted the walls in light blue. I turned to him and I hold his hands. "Baby, when I had some free time when you were in school I've done this". He said and kissed him in perfect sync. "I love it and I love you!" I said and kissed him again. "I'm glad you like it". He said as Ryan comes in. "Ryan! Your here!" I shouted and hugged him. "This looks cool... Are you pregnant?" Ryan asked. "No, not yet". Christian said as he pulled me to him. "If I was I would be young to be". I said as I kissed Christian's cheek. Then a girl comes standing next to Ryan. "I'm Brooke". I said to the girl. "I'm Nora". She said. "This is my dad". Ryan said. "I'm Christian... I thought you were busy studying". Christian said. "I wanted to talked to you dad in person". Ryan said. I kissed Christian and Nora and I walked downstairs. "Do you want a drink?" I asked. "No thank you, I heard Ryan is a year older than you". Nora said. "Yeah... I'm finishing school soon and I'm not going to college". I said. "Why don't?" She asked. "My brother told me, our family never went to college because we had people stopping us". I said. "Then who is stopping you?" She asked. "People which I don't want to talk about it". I said. Then Ryan comes into here and hugs me tight. "Ryan... In... Need... Air". I said gasping for air as he let go of me. "Sorry step mum". Ryan said as Christian span me around. "Do you call me?" I asked Ryan. "Yes I did and I'm going to show Nora around, and I'll see you later". He said as Nora walked out.

I turned to Christian as he sat on the bench top. I was facing him as I sat on him and I wrapped my hands around his neck. "He wanted to know, how to make it special". Christian said. "Oh, he must really like this girl". I said as I played with his hair. "Yeah, he has changed 35% and the rest still the same". He said. "He will change, by the time he finished college". I said as he pulled my face to his face. He kisses me in perfect sync as he pulled me to his chest. I put my hands on his abs as he unties my robe. I pulled back and start nibbling on his neck as he pinches me. "Do you want to take us to the room?" I asked as I jumped off. I pulled his hands and ran upstairs to our room. I shut the door and we got on the bed. He gets on top of me and we undressed each other. I wrapped my hands around his neck as he made his way inside and I was kissing him.


We under the covers as he kisses my shoulder to my lips. I placed my hand on his face and he kissed my jawline. "What's for lunch?" I asked. "I'm going to make something special for lunch and dinner". He said and kissed my neck. "How many things are you going to do for me?" I asked. "Well, I'm going to treat you like a Queen". He said as I kissed his abs. "Then my King, I love you". I said and he suddenly kissed me. We put our clothing back on and we walked downstairs to the kitchen. "You go watch a movie while I make lunch". He said as I walked to the living room. I put Netflix on and watched Whitehouse Down.

Christian's P.O.V

I said as she walked out. I grabbed the pasta and put it for boiling. I grabbed the mince and pasta sauce. Brooke walked back in here and I kissed her head as she wrapped her hands around my waist. "Baby, just a little bit longer". I said and she kissed my cheek as she walked out. I turned off the has for the pasta and drained the water out, then placed it back on the stove. I put the mince and pasta sauce in the other hot pan and mixing it together. After ten minutes, I turned off the gas, I got two bowls, I put the pasta in each bowl and then the sauce. I put the spoon in each bowl, I take them both in a tray to Brooke. I sat next to her as I put the tray on the table, I hand her the bowl as I take mine. "What are we watching?" I asked. "Step Up 5". Brooke said with her mouth full. "Sorry, I'm not lady like". She said as I chuckled. "Well, I love my non lady like future wife". I said with my mouth full. And we watched the rest of the movie.


Brooke and I were mucking around when we were washing up. "I'm going to take you to the beach at sunset". I said as I slashed her and she laughed. "Okay". She said and walked out. I whipped my hands and walked to the closet. I grabbed the beach bag and put a big beach blanket, two chairs and umbrella in the bag. I put it down as I walked to our room. I see her in her bathers already and I tied her hair in a bun. She turns around and wrapped her hands around my neck. I placed my hands on her hips and kissed her cheek. "You should get ready". She said as she let's go. I pulled my shirt off and stares at me. "Like what you see baby?" I asked as she looks away and I chuckled. I pulled my pants and put my swim shorts on. I wrapped my arms around Brooke, I looked at her and was blushing. And suddenly she kissed me in perfect sync. I hold her under her butt as she wrapped her legs and hands around me. She pulled back and looked in my eye's a she rubs my face. "I think put love is unbreakable". She said as I smiled. "I think so too baby". I said and kissed her. I put her down and we were put our slippers on as we walked downstairs. I grabbed the bag, I locked the front door as we walked out the house. The beach was ten minutes away so we just walked. I was holding her hands as we see people from her going to the beach. "We can't go, Rachel is having a party... And if she sees us". Brooke said. "We can go back and go in the pool?" I asked as we walked back to the house. "Yeah, sure babe". She said as we walked in the house and I shut the door. We walked to the backyard to the pool. She puts the bag down and we hopped in. Damn she looks good underwater. "You damn beautiful underwater". I exclaimed as she swam to me. She placed her hands on my shoulders and leaned closer to me. "Tomorrow after school, we are going to visit every wedding dress shop". She said against my lips and I kissed her. "Okay, your turning me on". I said as she kisses my shoulder to my lips. I let out a moan as we got out of the pool.

We walked to our room and I shut the door. We stripped each other as we walked in our bathroom. I was nibbling on her neck and she moans. "Harder Christian". She said as I do it harder. I moved down to her chest and I grabbed her cupcake as I kissed her other one. She moans again as she played with my hair. I pulled back and she pulled me in the shower. We were washing each other as we make out in there. She bends on and kissed me as I was letting out moans. I pulled her back up, we wrapped our hands around each other and kissing each other. "After this let's continue this in bed". She said. "Talk dirty to me all day Brooke baby". I said as she turned off the tap. I wrapped the towel around me and closed the blinds. I see Brooke in bed waiting for me as I walked to her. I get in the bed under the covers and she pulled me to her. I got on top of her making my way and I was kissing her. "This the second time we had sex today". She said and kissing me. "We broke a record in our books Brooke baby". I said as I starting nibbling on neck. She moans and so did I as she massaging my shoulders. I started kissing her side of her body as she giggled and that makes me laughed.


We were still kissing each other. I was playing with her hair as she pulled back and leaving love bites on my neck. "Baby?" I called her. "Yes?" She asked as she rubs my face. "I'm going to return that". I said as I leave love bites. "Christian... Christian... Mr. Alexander". She called me with giggles in between. "Yes future Mrs. Alexander?" I asked her and she smiles. "I love you CEO". She said. "I love you too". I said and kissed her. We were cuddling each other and we were talking about things.

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