Day One

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Brooke's P.O.V

I was driving to the cemetery because today is Treyvonetta's birthday. I parked the car and walked out to Etta's grave. I stood here at her grave and I let tears fall down my face. "Baby girl". I turned to see Christian and Noel. They hugged me tight and they let go of me. "I'm sorry I didn't attend to your funeral... I can't bear to see you in a coffin... I wish you were here. .. You to see me walking down asle... And I'm gonna miss you". I said as I started to cry and Christian pulled me to his chest. "Hey, you okay?" Christian asked as he whips my tears. "Yeah, I needed to say my goodbye". I said and kissed him as we walked to the car. I pulled Christian to my car as Noel hopped in his car. "Are you really okay?" He asked as we intertwine our fingers. "Yeah, now that your here". I said and kissed him.


We were walking around town. He takes my hand and kissed it. I take his hat and put it on my head. "You look better with the hat". I said as he pulled me to his chest and wrapped his hands around as I placed my hands on his shoulders. "But I think you look fine... I love you baby". He said as our nose touched and we kissed. "I love you too". I said against his lips and kissed him. Then we walked in the car and drove home.

We walked in the house. I walked to the living room and watching tv. I shut my eyes as I think of Treyvonetta. Then Christian wrapped his hands around me as he pulled me. He started kissing my neck as I played with his hair. I had listed him as his hand went down my back. "Christian". I called. "Yes?" He asked. "I'm hungry". I wined as he carried me to the kitchen. He puts me on the bench top and walks to the pantry. He comes back with a bag full of lollies and I take it from him as he kisses my shoulder to my cheek. I ate a snake and gave Christian as he eats it. "I had invited our friends over for dinner". Christian said as I wrapped my legs around his waist. "Okay". I said and put the lollies down. I kissed him as he wrapped his arms around back and plays with my hair. Then he carried me upstairs, walked to our room and puts me on the bed. He shuts the door and gets on top of me. And we kiss and then it turned to a make out session.


Christian's P.O.V

I was downstairs in the kitchen making dinner for our guests. I was marinating the sauce in the chicken as Brooke walked a beautiful dress. "You look beautiful". I said as I kissed her cheek. "Like always... How long have you been cooking?" Brooke asked. "After we make out and I'm on my last dish". I said as I put the chicken on a tray. "Does this go in the oven?" She asked as I nod when I was washing my hands. She puts the tray in the over, she shut it as I pulled her and she holds my chen. "Go and have a shower". She said as Nora and Ryan walked in here. "Ryan tell your father to have a shower". She said to him as he pushed me upstairs and we heard the girls laughing. "Go dad! Because you might get something if you do want". Ryan as I looked at Brooke and she winked at me. I smiled and ran upstairs to my room. I shut the door and walked in the bathroom as I stripped. I hopped in the shower, I turned to tap on and washing myself.


I put my underwear on as Brooke walked in. "Hey big boy". Brooke said as she walked to me. She rubs my abs as I was kissing her neck and she moans. "Ssh, they'll hear you". I said and kissed her lips. "I don't care if they hear". She said and she started kissing me. "Can we wait until they leave?" I asked as she nods and puts my pants on. I put on my shirt as Brooke buttons my shirt from the top, she kisses my abs and continued buttoning my shirt. I pulled her and threw over my shoulder as I carried her out of the room downstairs seeing our guests walking in. I put her down, she kissed me and ran to Patricia. I walked to my friends while I was looking at Brooke. "Man, can I pop the question to my girl?" Hunter asked. "Yeah, Brooke won't mind". I said as I tap my shoulder. Brooke looks and she smiles as she and Patricia walked away. Me and the boys walked to the kitchen and grabbed a beer. Then Ms. Kimming comes in and she pushed me to the wall. "Don't touch me". I said. "I want a kiss from you". Ms. Kimming said. "He isn't going to kiss you?" I turned to see Brooke walking this way. "So, this is the bitch your engaged with... Well you can do better". Ms. Kimming said. "She isn't a bitch! She is my amazing fiancé and I love her... Get out your not welcome here". I said as she does her fits and walked out. I turned to Brooke and I wrapped my hands around. "Kiss her!" Ashton yelled as Thomas whacked his head. Then Brooke pulled my head down and kissed me, while we heard cheering and awe from everyone. I pulled back and we looked at each other. We walked in the living room as everyone comes in and we stood in front of the tv.

I hold Brooke's hand and she smiles. "Everyone gather around". Brooke said. "Is Brooke pregnant?" Ryan asked. "He wants a sister and a brother". Nora said. "No Ryan for the second time... I like to thank everyone for coming. And I never thought I would have a second chance to find love again". I said as Brooke kissed me. "The gang, I'm stepping down as leader... And I want you to be the leader Drew". I said as Ryan smiles. "Why me?" Drew asked. "Because if he say Ryan if there is problems he can't come from college to here and it takes hours to go back". Brooke said as I pulled her to me. "Anyway, I hope you have a good time at the wedding after tomorrow". Brooke said as I raised my beer. "A toast to our future". I said as they did the same and I kissed Brooke.


Soon the house was quite. I could hear noises from Ryan's room. Brooke walked to the bed and sat next to me. I was looking at a picture of my granddad and me. Then Brooke massages my shoulders and kissed me neck. "Who's that?" She asked. "My granddad and me... He can't make it to the wedding." I said as she kissed me. "Well, one day he'll meet me". She said. "Yeah when he ever comes here from Mexico". I said as I put the picture away and then pulled her to my lap. I start kissing her stomach all the way up to her forehead. "Stop big boy! Please! I love you!" She shouted. "I love you too". I said and I kissed her. "I can't wait baby". She said as she sits on my lap and wrapped her hands around my neck. "Me too baby girl... And I'm going to show you around". I said. "Okay Mr. CEO... I hope no one stops us being together". She said as I leaned closer to her and I kissed her. "We should get to sleep". I said as she got in the covers. And I got in and wrapped my hands around her waist. I turned off the lamp and kissed her cheek. "Goodnight baby". She said. "Goodnight gorgeous". I said as we both drifted to sleep.

Ryan's P.O.V

I couldn't hear any loud noises from dad and Brooke. I pulled off my shirt and got on top of Nora. I love her and we both were ready. "Nora are you ready?" I asked as she nods. "If I hurt you I'll stop". I said as I grabbed a condom from a tallboy. I opened the pack and I put it on my dick. I put my pant on and Nora walked to me. I was kissing her as she unzipped her blue dress. I kicked to the door as she pulled my pants off and we got on the bed. I pulled her underwear off and unhooked her bra as I threw it on the floor. I made my way inside and she started kissing me. She slipped out a tear and I whipped it. "I can stop". I said as she shakes her head and said no. And I go slower and she told me to go little faster as I did that. She moans in my mouth and I did too. "Ryan... fuck... oh my gosh". She moaned as I chuckled softly.


I threw the condom in the bin. I walked in bed again and pulled Nora to me. She kissed my neck and then nibbling on it. "I didn't mean to hurt you". I said as she rubs my face. "It hurt for a while... until it got sweet". She said. "My life his changed since I had met you... I was a damn player like my dad... Now I'm with a Nora who is my girlfriend that I love". I said as she kissed my lips. "I love you too baby boy". She said and hugged me and I had kissed her head. "We should get to sleep because we have a big day tomorrow". I said. We laid down and we drifted to sleep.

A/N: I hope you like this chapter before the wedding. I don't really know braids and grooms do in there boys and girls night. Anyway, hope you like the next chapter. Love y'all xox.

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