Christian Is Home

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Brooke's P.O.V

I felt two arms around and I turned back to see Ryan. I got out of his arms. I walked in the bathroom, done my business, brushed my teeth and then I did a inside our braid. And I got my outfit from the closet and got changed in the bathroom. "Sorry, I had a nightmare". He said. "Where is the girl you came home with?" I asked. "She left after I had told her I'm in my dad's gang". He said. "She might have been scared... She'll come around or not". I said and we walked downstairs to the kitchen. There was a man standing there. I looked at Ryan and moved behind him. "Hey! Who are you and what are you doing here!?" Ryan shouted. "Don't use that tone on your uncle Thomas". He said and turned around. Ryan walked to him and hugged him.

I walked to the pantry and got bread. "Who are you?" Thomas asked. "I'm Brooke... I'm dating Christian". I said. I grabbed the slice of bed and walked out the house. I just realized I forgot my shoes. And Ryan comes with my boots. "Thanks... see you later". I said, I put my shoes on and walked to school. And someone car comes in and the person who got out was Christian. He looked at me and dropped his bags. I ran to him and smashed my lips into his. "I had miss you". I said against his lips. "I had miss you too baby". He said against my lips and I kissed him again. "Can you get a room". Ryan whined. "Be quite... Be happy for your father". Thomas said. I kissed him one last time, I pulled back and waved to him.

I got to school and everyone was around Treyvonetta who was crying. "You are a stupid whore!" One of them yelled. "You should live in the dumpster at the back!" Another person yelled. I pushed them both off. "Get loss! Before a girl from a gang will come out!" I yelled. They all slowly walked away. I turned to Treyvonetta and helped her up. "Are you okay?" I asked. She hugged me and I did the same. "I'm sorry about everything... And I'm fine". She said as she pulled back. "It's cool, I need my sister back". I said. "So, I heard you got a new foster carer". Treyvonetta said. "Hey, and he's my boyfriend". I said. "He can't... Your-". I cut her off. "In two weeks I'm out of adoption". I said and the bell rang for session one.


"Brooke, you can leave early for lunch if you answer this question?" My English teacher said. "What things do you hear in speeches?" She asked. "Reputations". I said and she let me out. I walked to my locker, opened it and see a bunch of flowers and a box of chocolates. I grabbed the note and it from Christian and see you tonight. How sweet of him and might be special to him. "Hey girl, is this from lover boy?" Treyvonetta asked me. "Yeah, he is so sweet Etta... Sometimes, I feel unlucky and at the same time I feel lucky". I said. She put her arm on my shoulders as I closed my locker door. We walked out and to the oval. So we can hang.


We were laughing at 5SOS funny moments. Treyvonetta was gasping for air and I was recording this. "Why are you recording this?" She asked. "I'm not recording this". I said and a Lukas sat next to Treyvonetta. "Hey Etta, I'm was wondering if you want to go out with me". Lukas asked. He was the top hot guy on the list. "Sure". Treyvonetta said. "Do you want to walk around?" He asked her, she looked at me and I nod. They left so I was alone. And then I saw Christian who parked his car on the rode. I walked to him and he smiles at me.

I jumped over the fence and I ran to him. I smashed my lips into his as he wrapped his arms around me. I pulled back and he looks at me. "Did you get your flowers and box of chocolates?" Christian asked me. "Yeah, your a sweetheart". I said. He kissed me again and kisses my neck. "Only because your mine girl". He said against my neck. He moved his face from my neck back to my face. I rested my forehead on his forehead. I traced his lips with my thumb and kissed him. "So, how's your brother?" I asked. "He is in town, so he is staying the week at our place". He said. "Our house?" I asked. "What's mine is yours too". He said. "Like this car?" I asked. "Uh, um... fine just for now". He said. We got in the car and I was top of him.

My hair was in his face. He saw a rubber band and tied my hair back. I just smiled at him and leaned closer. "You are gonna be a full member of my gang". He said. "Our gang". I said and kissed him. And that turned into a make out session in the back of the car. This is different than the one we did before. His hands went around me and mine was in his hair. And he gets on top of me and still lip locking.


I laid on his lap as he played with my hair. I look at his watch and I have five minutes to get back or I'll get detention. "I have to go back or I'll get a detention tomorrow". I said and got out. "Go to the office your going home and come back here". He said. "So, I can make it up to you beautiful". He added. I rolled my eye's and told him I'll be back. I walked to my locker, grabbed my bag and walked to the office. And told them I'm leaving because I'm going to the doctor's and they let me go. I walked back to Christian and he was there with a lady and a little girl. "Hello, I'm Cole and this is Riley". Cole said. "I'm Brooke". I said and them. Christian pulled me to him and kissed my cheek. "Uncle lissed her mummy. Ew". Riley said. I bend down and shake her hand. "You are adorable". I said. "Tank you". She said. "I'll meet you at your house". Cole said put Riley in the car and they drove off. I turned to him and kissed him. "Come on, we have guest waiting to meet you". He said as I got in. He got in, he leaned closer, kissed me and we drove to our house.

We arrived at our house. We got out and walked in the house. They stood there and I was holding his hand. "Christian is home!" They yelled. "Hey, everyone this is Brooke my girlfriend". He said as I blushed at the word girlfriend. "Go get change and come back down". He whispered to me, I nod and walked upstairs to our room. I shut the door behind me and grabbed my flower dress. I stripped, put my dress on, untie my hair and my hair was wavey. I put my flat shoes on and walked downstairs to the living room. I walked to Christian and he made me to on his lap. Then some older lady came in the room. "Hello everyone, Christian who is this beautiful young lady?" She asked Christian. "This Brooke my girlfriend mother". He said. "Finally son, you have a lady in your life again". She said as she sits next to Riley. "Granny Lisa". Riley said. "Brooke this is my wife Rosa and son Ashton". Thomas said as I say hi to them. "I never thought you'll follow my path with Robert, Cole". Lisa said. "Not now mother". Cole said. Ryan, Ashton and Riley walked out. "Why do you like Robert so much?" Cole asked Lisa. "I like him and I thought you wouldn't have gone through my path". She said. "Mother, is this is why you came? You are worst than dad". Christian said. "Is your parents and your siblings like this too?" Lisa asked. The thought of my family who ditch me hurt. I had a tear falling down and I walked out of there to Christian's office. I shut the door and looking at some of the photos he has on the wall.

I stopped at one at the desk. It was me and him. I felt two arms around me and I turned to see Christian. "I'm sorry about my mother and she said she leaving like my father did". He said and I faced him. "It's alright, is your brother's family and you sister and her daughter still here?" I asked. Yeah, I promise they know about your... you know". He said. I kissed him and he holds me. "I know baby". I said. We stood there and kissing each other for a while. He pulls back and we walked out to the backyard. They were playing soccer great a game I can't play. I ball came to me and I kicked it to Ryan. I sat on the swing and Christian went to play. "Just like the old times". Thomas said. "Brooke, come and boin". Riley said and pulled me. "I'll bhow you how". She said. We were playing boys versus girls and we girl's won the game. "Cha boo ya! Girls rule!" We girls shouted. I jumped on Christian back and he caught me. Riley jumped on Ashton's back too. And Cole jumped on Ryan's back and Rosa jumped on Thomas's back too. They walked inside and Christian put me on the swing. He sits next to me. I wrapped my hands around his neck and legs around his waist. "In two weeks it's your birthday". He said. "However, did you know that?" I asked. "I was your teacher, but now I'm your boyfriend". He said against my lips. And I kissed his lips. "Do I still owe you Brooke?" He asked. "Not, anymore since you had made it up to me at lunch today". I said against his lips. I kissed him and we heard a flash from a camera.

We saw Ashton with his camera. "I'm posting it on tumblr and it's a private another". He said and walked away. We looked at each other and laughed. He moves my hair behind my ear and we kissed again. We walked inside and the house was empty. We walked to our room and he locked the door. We got on the bed and he was top of me and we were kissing each other.

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