My Birthday P:2

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Christian's P.O.V

I was making the house nice and clean. I had planned a surprise party when she comes back tomorrow from visiting a friend. "I should get ready". I said to myself as I walked upstairs. I had a shower and changed into the clothes for the mask ball. Brooke walks in with a box. "Hey baby". I said and I went to kiss her, but she dogged me. "Are you alright?" I asked. "Yeah". She said as she opened the box. "Who gave that to you?" I asked. "Noel". She said and gasped. She puts it back in the box and put the box in the closet. "Your getting ready?" She asked as I nod. I closed the blinds and she stripped her clothing off. She walked to the bathroom and she started singing. I sat on the bed and watching TV.

She comes out naked and then she puts her black undergarments on. She puts her dress on and she couldn't zipped the back, so I had helped her. I kissed her shoulder and she kissed my cheek to my lips. I walked to the tallboy, grabbed her red lipstick and put it on her lips. And she brushed her hair as I grabbed the curler out.  I plugged it in, I turned it on and sat it on the heat retains bag. I was talking about I planned the rest of the night as I started curling her hair. I turned it off and turned the switch off. She puts her mask on and span around to me. "You look beautiful". I said as I put the curler away. She puts my mask on and we walked to the mirror. I wrapped my hands around her waist. I rested my head on her shoulder and she placed her hand on my face. "Does the birthday girl want to eat something before we leave?" I asked. "No, I... I mean... I'm sorry". She said and walked out crying. I walked out to see her crying in the living room. I walked to her and keeled in front of her.

I take her hands, she pulled them back and pulled off her mask. "Baby, please speak to me... It's hurts to see you cry". I said as I whipped her tears. "I'm sorry". She said. "For what?" I asked. "I let a guy kissed me... It didn't mean anything". She said. I got up and kissed her. "Why did you kissed me?" She asked. "Because I know you wouldn't do that and you love me". I said. I trust her and she can trust me. I don't even know if she trusts me. "I love you more than my own life". She said and smiled. "I love you too baby". I said and I kissed her. She puts her mask back on and we walked to the car. We got in as I opened the garage and started the engine. "What's this?" She asked. "It's from Rebecca". I said and she puts it by her feet. "We forgot our shoes". She said as I got out and ran inside.


Brooke's P.O.V

We parked the car and got out. He locked the car and takes my hand. We walked in the hall and told a young lady I was here. I see the band playing a song and Ms. King gave me the microphone. I let go of Christian and walked to the stage as the band finished playing. "Hello everyone, we hope you had something to eat because it to put your dancing shoes on... And I'm gonna sing a song my own song call I love you". I said and I put the microphone on the stand.

I started to sing my as everyone were coming with there dates on the dance floor

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I started to sing my as everyone were coming with there dates on the dance floor. As I finish singing the end everyone smiles and then they clapped. "Thank you, now let's welcome back Goof Hills". I said and walked off the stage. I walked to Christian and wrapped my hands around his neck. "That song is about". I said. "Well, when we're at home... You can scream my name". He said as we leaned closer and kissed each other. "This fun... But I want to take off your mask. If I do they might put you in jail or something". I said. "Then let's go to theory room". He said as we walked. I opened the door as we walked in and then shut the door. He pulled the blinds down and pulled me. I pushed my mask up and I did the same with his mask. "You look better without the mask". I said. "I can say the same about you". He said with a smile. I kissed him as he played with my hair. He pulled back and starts nibbling on my neck. "Christian". I screamed out. He pulled back and kisses my cheek. "Yes baby girl?" He asked. "Well, good to see the odd couple here". We turned to see Harry and Aria. I wanted to punched them, but Christian is holding me back. "Leave Christian and I alone". I said. "Why? I knew you were a teacher's pet... And he isn't a teacher anymore and I'm surprised he didn't ended it". Aria said and walked out. Harry pulled me off Christian and pushed Christian on the floor. He got up, then Harry pinned him to the wall and they were punching each other. "Brooke, tell the teachers your going home". Christian said. "I'm not going anywhere without you". I said. "Baby, go home now... I'll make it up to you. I promise you". Christian said. I walked out back to the hall.

I told Ms. King I'm going home. I walked out of the school grounds all the way home. I made it home and sat on the steps. Then I felt two arms around me and kisses down my neck. "I've told you I'll be okay". I turned to see Christian. "I was freaking out that.... that I might have loss you". I said and started to cry. He sits next to me, he kisses my tears and I looked him in the eye's. "Hey, I'm here now". He said and I nod. I leaned closer and kissed his cheek. "Come on, it's look like it's about to rain". Christian said as we walked inside. The blinds were already closed and I had smelled chicken pasta. We walked in the dinner table and it was beautiful. There was flowers petal on the floor, flowers in the vars and two candles lid up. I turned to Christian and wrapped my hands around his waist. "Happy birthday Brooke baby". He said and kissed me. "I love you". I said and he sat me on the chair. He sits next to me and kisses my cheek. "I made chicken pasta a family recipe". He said. "Sounds great". I said as we started eating.


Christian was washing the dishes as I dried them and put them away. "When we did get married I want to take you all over the world". Christian said. "Okay". I said as the phone rang. "I'll get it". I said and walked to the phone with it was on the wall.

Brooke: Hello?
Ryan: Hey birthday girl
Brooke: Hey, what's up?
Ryan: To wish you happy birthday
Brooke: Thank you... Christian stop it
Ryan: Hey guys?

Then Christian took the phone off me, starts talking to Ryan as I was kissing him. "Alright Ryan... I'll tell her study hard night". Christian said and puts it back. He picked me up bridal style and kisses my neck to my lips. "Ryan can't see you on Saturday because he has more tests coming up". He said and kissed my ear. "Okay, and I get to wake up with you in the morning". I said and he puts me on the bed. "That's because I'm sexy in the morning and seeing you in the morning makes it better". He said as he unzipped my dress. I pushed my dress off, I unbutton his shirt and pants. He pushed it all off and kisses my stomach. I played with his hair as I laughed, he moves his head to mine, he kisses me and unhooked my bra. I pulled it off as I pulled down my underwear and he pulled his boxers off. He makes his way inside, I was kissing him as the pain go's away and he moans. I pulled back and starts kissing his neck.


I was rubbing his chest while her was kissing me. "You made this night unforgettable Christian Alexander". I said against his lips. "I wanted to make this night unforgettable for you Brooke Carson". He said against my lips and I kissed him again. He pulled me closer and starts kissing and nibbling on my neck. Then I rested my head on his chest and he puts his hand in mine. I love this guy can one month be over soon I'm gonna be his wife. He turns off the lights and comes close to me as he wrapped his arms around. I kissed him and he bit my cheek. "Did that hurt?" He asked. "Hell no". I said as he rest his head on my shoulder. "Good I didn't want it to hurt". He said as I turned my body to him. I kissed him as he pinched my body. "Why are you pinching me?" I asked. "I've no idea why baby... We should get to sleep". He said as he pulled my body down, so I don't hit my head. I turned my body and he pulled me closer to him as he wraps his hands around me. "Goodnight love". He said. "Goodnight gorgeous". I said and kissed him. He does a mmm... Sound and we drifted to sleep.

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