Christian Is Fine

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Brooke's P.O.V

We were waiting for the doctor. "Family of Mr. Alexander?" The doctor yelled from the room. We walked to the room. I see Christian laying on the bed. "Hey baby". Christian said as he holds my hands. "Hey". I said. "What's the news?" Drew asked. "Well, you didn't fracture anything, you only have a burise... You can go home and take rest". Doctor said. "I have a meeting to go too tomorrow". Christian said. "I'm call the office and tell them to change the day". I said stern. "She is right Mr. Alexander... You need the rest". Doctor said. "Fine, whatever". He said and started to change his clothes. "Miss, I think you should leave". Doctor said. "Doctor, he's my boyfriend we both got close". I said and the doc walked out. "You could just have said we had sex". Christian said. And the boys coughed and walked out. "What was that about?" I whispered to myself.


The gang dropped us off. I helped him to our room. He laid on the bed while I had a shower. I came out with my towel around me. I grabbed my underwear and singlet, I dropped the towel and put my clothes on. I sat next to him and played with his hair. "Did you call the work and tell them to change the meeting?" Christian asked. "I'll call them later". I said. He grabbed his phone and dialed the number. "Hello miss, I'm alright... Lixy can you changed my meeting tomorrow to next week on Thursday at 6". He said. "Thank you have a good night". He cut off the call and he wanted to lean closer, so I moved closer. I kissed him and like it was the last. Bang! Bang! Bang! We heard shooting outside. I turned off the lights and quickly closed the blinds. And I laid next to Christian and he wrapped his arm around me. I just started at the door and then I faced Christian. "Hey, we're gonna be okay". He said and kissed me. Rubs my face and I leaned closer. Then the door fell on the floor and he pulled me to him. It was Harry and Lisa. "You went to doctors, first time son". Lisa said. "Your not my mother nor your not welcome here". Christian said. Then Harry walked to my side and pulled me to him. We walked to the bathroom and he shut the door. I sat on the toilet and he kissed my lips roughly. I was crying and trying to push him. But he was stronger than me. He pulled back and slapped my face. I fell on the floor. He pulled me up by my hair. "Ow! What the hell!?" I yelled.

Christian's P.O.V

"Ow! What the hell!?" Brooke yelled. I tried to get up and my so called mother pushed me back. "Laid down! You useless piece of nothing!" She yelled at me. "I'm not useless nor nothing! I'm a somebody!" I yelled back and got off the bed. And Harry pushed me to the wall. I punched him and kicked him. Then he was pushed to the floor, I looked to see Ryan, he got on top of him and he fought him. "No one, can hurt my dad except for me!" Ryan yelled. Brooke comes out and she fell on the floor shaken up. I walked to her, I pulled her to my lap, lifted her up and kissed her. She slowly wrapped her hands around me and kisses me back. She pulled back and got up. She helped me up and put me on the bed. Then Lisa got in her face and pushed her. "You had made a mistake being with my son". Lisa said. "No I haven't... the mistake was you and Harry coming over here". Brooke said. And the cops were coming in here. Brooke walked to me and I hold her close. "Let us you... you hoolanges". Harry and Lisa said. They walked out and two officers came to us. They asked us questions. "Thank you sirs and ma'am... Have a good night". They said and walked out. "Ryan, what are you doing here?" Brooke asked. "I've missed you guy's". Ryan said. "You need to spend a night here?" I asked as he nods. "I'm already tried... so I'm going to sleep". Ryan said and walked out. "Closed the door! Because you'll hear noises!" I yelled and I got on top of Brooke. I start kissing and nibbling on her neck. She lets out moans and she grabbed my shirt. "I want to make love with you". I said. "First, your son is here and second, your hurt". Brooke said. "I'm fine". I said. "Your sure?" She asked. I know she doesn't want to hurt me more like I am in right now. I pulled my top off, we went under the covers, I pulled my boxers off, and she pulled her clothing off. I get on top of her and making my way. We were both exchanging moans and kisses.


I was in pain after, but it was worth it. She placed her hand on my neck as I was kissing her. My hand went down her back as her hand went down my chest. I pulled back and wrapped my hands around stomach. "One of my player dream was to sleep naked". I said. "Your weird Christian Alexander". She said. "But you love me". I said and kissed her neck and shoulder. "I don't love you... I'm in love with you Christian". She said as she turns to me. And I smashed my lips into hers. She pulls back and rested her head in my chest. I turned off the lights and lifted her head up. "Why are you looking at me like that?" She said. "Like what baby?" I asked. "Your an idiot". She said. "Well, I'm your idiot". I said. "Yeah, my idiot would be sleeping right now". She said. "Tomorrow is Sunday and I'm gonna have a make out session with you the whole day". I said. "Alright, night". She said and shut her eye's. "Night lover". I said and drifted to sleep.

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