Really What Son?

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Christian's P.O.V

This is good. Brooke is still sleeping. I sat up and grabbed the newspaper and started reading. My head turned to see Brooke awake. "Morning Prince Alexander". She said. "Morning to you too Princess Carson". I said leaning towards her. "What's the plan?" I asked and kissed her. "That school called me because they knew I was taken... And they want a mask ball which is on my birthday on Friday". She said. "Since it is a mask ball I'll be there and we can be together". I said. "What if the teachers found out your in the school, what if they kick you out?" She asked. "I haven't told them I'm leaving, I just told them I was sick and I was coming on Tuesday". I said. "You are amazing". She said and smashed her lips into mine. That kiss turned in to a make out session.


That was a nice way spending my morning. "You are absolutely... the most wonderful guy as my boyfriend in the world". She said. Under the covers and playing with my fingers. "I know I'm the only one for you. We should get moving". I said. "Why? Can't we spend a day in bed?" She asked. "Okay, I'll make breakfast as you do your routine". I said and she kissed me and walked to the bathroom. I walked out to the kitchen. I was making pancakes. I served the pancakes and walked to the fridge. I grabbed Apple juice and poured them into cups. I put them on a try and walked to our room.

Brooke's P.O.V

I was watching TV. Kids shows were on and I changed the channel when Christian comes with our food. We puts the tray in front of me and sits next to me. We start eating the food. I looked at the TV and see Riley on the screen. "A cute girl named Riley Johnson. Made a video for her dad to see"

"Hi daddy, looked at this... Mummy is crying from the dy you left... She misses u annd she needs I... come home daddy peaze"

I looked at Christian who was crying. "Sorry, I'm proud of her... She recorded a video and telling her father that she needs him and Cole misses him". He said and whips his eye's. We finished eating, I put the tray in the bathroom and walked to Christian. I hugged him tight. "Should we talk about our wedding plans?" He asked. "We should plan it while the house is quite". I said and he smiled. I got my iPad form the draw. We were searching places we can held the wedding at and the party. "We can have the carmony at the beach... Drew is a lifeguard, we can ask him and we can look for a hall near by?" Christian asked. "Sure, you can ask him later... What do you think about hall?" I asked as he looks at the hall. "This is one... when are we are set on the date". He said. "How about three months and four weeks". I said and he nods.

I got ready to meet the gang. I walked downstairs to see them. They all stood up and Christian pulled me to him. "We have some news". We said. "Your getting married?" Hunter asked. We nod they cheering and shouting. "When is it?" Lisa walked in. "In three months and four weeks mother". Christian said. "She'll die like your last one". Lisa mumbled. Christian walked off and he punched the wall. "Why? Do you have to mean... He loves me and you can't be happy for him". I said and looked for him. And I see him punching the punching bag. I leaned on the door. He stops and looks at me. "I heard what you said". He said. "Your mother should've talk to you like that". I said and walked to him. He takes his boxing gloves off and he pulled me for a hug. I wrapped my hands around his neck and I rested my forehead on his. I moved my hands to his face and kissed him. "Don't let your mother put you down". I said against his lips and kissed him. "I wouldn't dream of it baby". He said and kissed my forehead.

We walked out and back to everyone. His mother was still here. I pulled him close to me and we walked. "Really?" Christian asked. "Really, what son?" Lisa asked. "Your always happy for Thomas's and Cole's life... And when it comes to me, you always put me down... Why don't you want me to be happy again?" Christian asked. "I want you you too... But I- I". Lisa paused. The gang and I walked out of the house. Drew put his arm on my shoulders. "They never had a good connection when he was a kid". Drew said. "What is he going to do?" I asked. "They'll yell, she will slap him and punch him... He couldn't hit his mother... His father did that a lot. He doesn't want to be like him". Hunter said. I walked back in the house when she pinned him to the wall. "What are you doing?" I asked. They looked at me, she dropped him and I ran to him. "Baby, your alright?" I asked. He rubs my face and I hugged him. He pulled back and looked at his mother. "If you can't be happy for me, then I want nothing to do with you Lisa". Christian said. "I am still your mother, no matter what if I'm happy or not happy for you". Lisa said and walked out. I looked at Christian who was looking at me and we both were smiling. I touched his side and he hissed. I lifted his shirt and there was a bruise. "She hurt you... I thought she wouldn't". I said. "This the last time I'm put up with her shit". Christian said. The gang walked in and helped him up. "Ow, shit". Christian whined in pain. "We need to get you to the doctor's". I said. "No, I'm fine... Ow". Christian said. "I'm not taking no for an answer, baby... Your going if you like it or not". I said as the gang put him in the car. I got at the boy trying to help him take his mind off the pain.

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