He Lied To You

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Brooke's P.O.V

I woke up in a empty bed. I walked in the bathroom did my morning routine. I chosen to have a shower. I grabbed my white lace bra and white short underwear, I got my white lace top and black pencil skirt. I stripped, hopped in the shower, I washed my hair, I hopped out and dried myself. I put my undergarments on and pull out the hairdryer. I dried my hair, I turned the dryer and then the power point, then I pulled it out and put it away. I put my outfit on and walked out of the bathroom and downstairs to see if Christian was in the office. I walked in and he was sleeping on his computer with is glasses on. I take a selfie of him and me on his phone. I put his phone back where it was. I pulled a chair, I take is glasses off and his computer was on. I read the email I was on involved. If he didn't tell me I was gonna die Ashton or Riley or Ryan will die. I walked out of the office and walked it of the house. It was Friday and I thought I should be there not here.

I got to school and everyone was looking at me. And boy he looked like me in some features. "You must be Brooke Carson... I'm your younger brother Noel Carson". Noel said. I hugged him and said hi. "We are moving here... And it's my first day here is there something I should know?" Noel asked. "What are you like?" I asked. "I was a bad boy and a player". He said. I point to the boys who were the bad boys. I looked at his time table and handed it back to him. "Don't tell our parents I had told you... But act like yourself which a bad boy then one of them will show you to the group". I said as he nods. The bell rang and we walked different ways.


It was lunchtime and I walked to the oval. I remembered all the memories of Treyvonetta and I. It feels like it was just yesterday we hanged out. Then I pulled out my phone and called Cole.

Cole: Hey Cole speaking?
Me: Hey Cole, it's Brooke
Cole: How are you Brooke?
Me: I'm okay... The before yesterday Christian proposed to me
Cole: You did say yes?
Me: Yeah, I did
Cole: You sound sad and the what's the problem?
Me: He lied to me
Cole: About what?
Me: Some guy called Harry Charm said if he doesn't tell me I'm going to die Ashton or Ryan or Riley will die
Cole: Harry said that about Ryan's mother... Did lied because he loves you and he doesn't want to loss you too. He is protective of his love one's
Me: He's protecting me?
Cole: Yeah, don't worry his gang is going to finish them for once and for all. There is nothing to worry
Me: Okay, thanks
Cole: It's alright, I have to go
Me: Okay, bye
Cole: Bye sister in law

She cut off the call. Two men who I don't even know came to me. They put a bag on my head and carried me somewhere. "Stay in the car with her". One of them said and shut the door. I heard gun shooting. And then I door open and shut. They started the engine and drove off. They stopped the car they pulled the bag off. "Get out!" They shouted. I got out and shut the door. Then two more men came to me and dragged me into the woods. There was a small building and we walked inside. It was like Christian's company and we walked into a room. That Rex guy was standing in the corner. He took my hand and put me on the chair. He got the rope from the two men, he tied my legs, my stomach, and hands. He gets tape and tape my mouth shut. He takes a photo of me. "We should sent it to Christian, what do you think?" Rex asked. "We should". Harry said and sent it to Christian. And then they shut the door.

Christian's P.O.V

I woke up in my office. I grabbed my phone and saw a photo of me and Brooke. I walked out of the office. "Brooke? Brooke?" I yelled. No answer. I called her number she didn't pick up. Then I got a message from Harry and a picture of Brooke. "What the hell!?" I yelled. I hopped in my car and told the gang to meet me at the woods where Harry's company is. And I drove out.


I saw the gang here. "What is it?" Drew asked. "They have Brooke". I said. They mumbled, grumbled and hissed. "No way! Let's go!" They said. "You have you guns?" I asked. They nod ad walked ahead. I put my gun and pocket knife in my pocket. We walked in the company and we see his gang playing cards. Drew, Ryder, Hunter, and Knightdale shoot them. They had blood falling from there head's. And he hide when we hear Rex coming down. "What the hell! Harrison we have a problem". Rex called him and I shoot him in the chest. Harry comes down, Drew pops up and Harry go after him as planned. Ryder, Hunter, Knightdale, Kane, Kyle and I walked to find Brooke. "Guys, in here". Hunter said. We walked to the room and we see Brooke. I walked in the room. They were outside to see if Harry was coming. I pulled off the tape from her mouth. "Christian". She said. I smashed my lips into hers. I pulled back and cut the ropes off. She stood up and I hold her. "I'm sorry... I didn't tell you". I said. She kissed me and she cries. "You did it to protect me". She said. And we walked out and we ran out of the building.

Drew comes out in one piece. "Get in and home home". I said and got in the car. Brooke gets in the car. I stopped on the side of the road. "Brooke, are you mad at me?" I asked. She looks at me and tears are falling. "Your CEO of your company! And your the leader of the gang!" She shouted. I rested my head back and signed. "Are you just marrying me because I'm pretty? Or a girl that you can you around with!? She shouted and cried more. "I love you! When I was with Ryan's mother we were engaged and she died". I said. She covers her mouth and I made her cry hard. "I don't want to loss you too... before we even get married". I said and started to tear up. She whips my tears and I do the same for her. I her pull her close and kissed her. "I love you baby". I said. "I love you too". She said and kissed me again. "I'll make it up to you". She said. "Don't worry about it... When we get home me and you in the tub relaxing". I gave an idea. "Sure". She said and I drove off again.

I pushed the button to opened the garage and we parked the car. We got out and walked inside. We walked upstairs to our room, we walked to tell closet, grabbed clean clothes and left it soon the bed. I walked in the bathroom, filled the tub with water and soap. I turned off the lights and lit up some candles. She walked in here and she covers her mouth. I stripped and hopped in the tub. She stripped, she hopped in and I wrapped my arms around her. I kissed her shoulder, neck and cheek. She turns her head and she plant a warm kisses on my forehead. She turns her body around and she smashed her lips into mine in perfect sync. My hands went to her head and hands on the tub. Our kiss went deeper and with my feet I unplugged stopper and we hear the water going down. We were close, no room and we were still kissing each other. She pulls back and we were catching our breath. "I love you now and always". She said. "Now and always". I said and kissed her again. We hopped out of the tub. She wrapped the towel around her and I wrapped the towel around my waist.

We walked out and I closed the blinds.I wrapped my hands around her and started kissing her shoulder to her cheek. "Are you teasing me?" She asked. "No, no way baby". I said. She dropped the towel, took mine off. She threw my boxers at my face. I was going to put it on, but Brooke did. I picked her pink underwear, put it on, I take the matching bra and put it on her too. I wrapped my hands around her and she does the same. She wrapped her legs around my waist and I was hold her by her butt. I started kissing her in perfect sync. We walked out and downstairs to the office. We sat on the desk and still kissing each for a while.


We were in the living room talking. "When we get married I want to start a family". Brooke said. "I like that, but... I don't...." I said trying not to remember Ryan's mother. She pulled me for a hug and then a kiss. "I'm here to stay". She said. I looked in her eye's and I see us here raising a family. She is still beautiful, Ryan is a man now and two little Brooke an me were running around the house. "Baby, your okay?" She asked. I kissed her and holding her in my arms. "Yeah, let's hope you are my wife soon". I said. "We should get to bed and then it's the weekend". She said. "Then let's go". I said. We ran to our room and shut the door. We hopped in bed and I pulled her to me. She wrapped her hands around my as she cuddles into my chest. She kissed me and I leave wet kisses on her neck. "Goodnight baby". She said. "Goodnight gorgeous". I said. I turned the lights off and drifted to sleep.

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