Before The Big Day

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Picture of Patricia
Brooke's P.O.V

Me and Kathleen, Rosa, Cole, Riley and Patricia were having girls night before the wedding. The boys are having there night at the house and I hope they don't see my linger. It's only for Christian to see no one else. Patricia was talking about her boyfriend who lives two hours away from here. "How long were you dating for?" Cole asked. "Two years and a half... Until one of my friends there told me he slept with another girl". Patricia said. "Patty, he's a dick because he is missing the amazing girl you are". I said and hugged her. "So I get to wear a purple dress?" Riley asked. "Yes Riley for the tenth time". Cole said. "Mum... Hey I'm Ashton". Ashton said to Patricia. "I'm Patricia". She said. "Ashton go to your uncle's boy's night". Rosa said. "Fine, but I'll be back". Ashton said walked out. "I think he likes you". Cole said. "Is he single?" Patricia asked. "He is and you won't see him after the wedding". Rosa said sadly. "Your living overseas". Patricia said. "Anyway, let's have fun". Kathleen said.


We were watching videos of Ashton, Ryan, Thomas and Christian when they were kids. "Did Ryan kissed the broom?" I asked as Cole nods. I see Humphrey pulled Christian pants when he ment to grab his feet. We laughed as the tv turned off. We turned to see the boys behind us and we all said hi. "Were you guys watching us as kids?" Thomas asked. "No we weren't". Cole said. "Yes uncle Tom". Riley said as Cole told her to go to bed. Even she said it's in the middle of the day. "Mum, you can't do that in front of this hot girl named Patricia". Ashton said and I looked at her. "I'm going". Patricia said and walked out. "Ashton, nice job... Go to Riley's room and stay there". Rosa said as he walked to her room. Christian sat next to me and kisses me, Drew sat with Kathleen and Thomas sat with Rosa. "We should tell them a story about Cole and prom". Thomas said. "Oh... When Cole in prom-". I cut off Christian with a kiss. Then Rosa kissed Thomas as Cole left the room and we pulled back in the same time. "Can we go home?" I whispered to Christian as I feel his abs. "Yes we can". He said as we said our byes and walked out. I was pinned to the car and he crashed his lips into mine. I put my leg on his waist and he holds my leg. "Two days until we're getting married". Christian said against my neck. "I know I can't wait". I said as he kissed me lips again. We got in the car and drove home.

We got home and I stripped out of my clothes. We walked to the bathroom and he stripped. We got in the shower washing each other. After ten minutes we got out and drying ourselves. I put my underwear and singlet on. Laid in bed while Christian was trying to entertain me, which it isn't working. I moved to the edge of the bed and pulled him down on his knees. "Baby, isn't working at all". I said as he picked me up and threw up to the top of the bed. He gets on top of me and kisses me. "I love you". I said. "I love you too baby". He said and kisses me again.


Christian's P.O.V

I was reading the book how to fix the tv. "It doesn't show on the remote". I hissed. I threw the book as I saw my dad walked in. "You need help?" Dad asked as I nod. "Where is my daughter in law?" Dad asked. "Sleeping". I said as he pushed some buttons on the remote. "Thanks dad... I hope Harry nor mum ruins my wedding". I said as he hugged me. "Don't do the things your mother and I did when you kids were young". He said as Brooke walks in. "Hi Humphrey". Brooke said as she hugged him. "Hi daughter in law". Dad said as she walked to me and sat on my lap. I wrapped my hands around her waist and kissed her. "Brooke, there was a bad past with Lisa... I hope she doesn't come to your wedding". Dad said. "If she did I would get mad". She said as I moved her hair back. "I'm going to make sure she doesn't come". Dad said as the phone rang and Brooke went to asked it.

"Dad on Friday the gang is setting the things up, so can you come to help?" I asked as he nods. "Christian Ms. Love said she has to go out of town". Brooke said. "Tell her okay and when she comes back she the manager when we're on our honeymoon". I shouted back. "Okay big boy". She said. "Big Boy?" Dad asked. "Yeah, she has been calling me that when Drew and Kathleen asked us to be there child God parents". I said as football was playing. I look at dad and I grabbed two beers from the frigid near the tv. My dad opened the bottles and started shouting at the tv. I saw Ryan with Nora walked in and we hugged them. "I'm Nora you must be Humphrey his grandfather". Nora said as dad nods. "You got your suit ready son?" I asked Ryan as Brooke sat next to me and rested her head on my chest. "Yeah, Nora going to sit on your side right?" He asked as I nod. "Have you worked on your best man speech like Drew?" Dad asked. "Yes grandpa". Ryan said as he pulled Nora to his lap. "I missed this". Dad said as Ryan and I agreed with him. "Your family Brooke". I said as I hugged her. "Strong". Nora said. We looked at her and Brooke knows she means. "It a song from One Direction and you make me strong". Brooke said. "Dad we have holiday break now and when you come back we go back". Ryan said. "That's alright at least I get to see you". I said.


We were having a BBQ. My dad was cooking the meat while I put the music on. And Little Things by One Direction came on and I pulled Brooke as we started dancing. At the end of the song I kissed her and she smiles. "I love you Brooke baby". I said. "I love you too big boy". She said and kissed me again. We looked to see Nora and Ryan kissing and she rested her head on his chest. I looked at Brooke who was smiling at them, she looks at me and kissed my jaw. "Food is ready". Dad said as he served us. And then the whole crew came in and a girl I didn't know who was Ashton. "Patricia!" Brooke shouted as she hugs her. "This is Christian". Brooke introduced me to her. "Nice to meet you. Is it okay if I date Ashton?" Patricia asked. We nod as she jumped on his back and Ashton got his balance. "I'm glad they are here". She said as I kissed her cheek.


We were watching a movie as a family which it's amazing. "I'm tried I'm going to bed". Brooke said as she kissed me and walked away. "I should take Riley home".  Cole said and walks out. I looked behind me to see Ashton kissing Patricia. "Is Ashton kissing Patricia?" Ryan asked. "Where moving back here so closer to family". Thomas said. "Your not doing it for his shake?" Dad asked Thomas. "Dad, that and we missed you guys". Thomas said. Then Ashton walks in as Patricia walked out. "Patty went home and can we go home?" Ashton asked as Thomas and Rosa walked out. Now it's just dad and me downstairs here in the living room. "I'm proud of you Chris". Dad said. "Thanks dad". I said. "I'm proud that you have your own company and found your second chance at love". He said as he tapped my back. "I better get going". He said as we walked to the door. "Thanks dad". I said as he walked out. I pulled my shirt off, walked upstairs to our room and I opened the door, then I had shut it. I walked to the bed and hopped in the covers. "Hey baby". I said as she turned to me. "Hey big boy". Brooke said as I kissed her cheek and neck. "You are the girl I've ever met". I said as she smiles. "And your a amazing guy that I thought no one will love me". She said and kissed me. "I'm tried baby". She said. I wrapped my hands around her and we fell asleep.

A/N: Hey guys, sorry this is a small chapter. I was thing what I should write for the girls night. Hope you like the family coming back together. I'm going to make another for this one called Christian Alexander New Family 2. And I'm going to make Ryan and Ashton one too. I'll let you know if I changed my mind or something amazing happening on my other @Sing4fever. If you have anything to ask during the week I'll answer any questions. Love y'all xox.

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