It Was Boring Until

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Brooke's P.O.V

I was getting ready for school. I did my routine in the bathroom, came out of the bathroom and felt two arms around. I turned my head to see Christian and I kissed him. "I didn't see you in bed, stay back so I can kiss you all day". Christian begged as he kissed me. "I'm sorry, I need to go to school". I said. "Fine, I'll be alone here... very lonely, lonely, lonely aloner". Christian said. "How about I make a deal". I said. "When it's session 4 I'll come home". I said. "So, we can do whatever we want?" He asked as he pulled me. I wrapped my hands around his neck. "Yes baby, whatever you want to do". I said. He smashed his lips into mine and it was in perfect sync. Until I had pulled back. He lets go of me and hands my bag. I put on my back, I put my shoes on, and walked to him. He makes me look at the engagement ring trying to change my mind. I just kissed him and we walked downstairs to the front door. He pulled me and he lift his shirt. "Making love helped my bruise". He said. I stepped out and he kissed my hand. "I love you Princess". He said. "I love you too Prince". I said and walked to school.

I got to school and seeing everyone standing two people. I walked in to Justin Dali fighting Noel. I pushed them to one of the crowd. "Justin go back to your prep school of yours". I said. "Why are you stepping in?" Justin asked. "I'm his sister! And I'm in a gang, so if you don't want me to drop you... I advise you to leave now!" I shouted. "Fine, but it aren't over". Justin said and walked away. "Everybody leave except for Noel's friends". I said. "Good job, your a fully member of the group". Toby the leader of the bad boys. "Is this how you become a full member... You should've told me to come... I went out with him and he would have deserve it". I said. They nod as the bell rang.


I was reading Hush Hush until I was pinned to the wall. By Aria Charm... wait she is Harry's daughter. "My dad went to jail because of you little piece of shit". Aria said. Then Noel broke us up. "Aria stay away from my sister... I like you, but if you gonna be mean to my family I don't want to be around you". Noel said. "Fine, I didn't really like you dickhead". She said and walked away. "Brooke Carson, you can go home now". I looked at Noel and hugged him. "I'll see you later my bad little brother". I said and walked to my locker. "It was boring until you came to the fight!" He yelled and walked off. I grabbed my bag, shut my locker and walked out of the school grounds. As I walked down the street I see Christian leaning on his car. I walked to him and kissed him. "Hey, how was it?" Christian asked. "Good". I said and kissed his lips again. "The sub-teacher was sleeping in your class... so, everyone was having free time". I said. "They are lucky I'm coming tomorrow... Anyway, I've planned something nice for the rest of the day". He said as I got in. He gets in, starts the car and he drives off.

We were driving on a hill. And we stopped at the top. He gets out and helped me out. "Thank you sir". I said and kissed him. "Your most welcome ma'am".  He said and smiled. We walked in front of the car and see the town. And see a blanket and a picnic basket. I covered my mouth, I was speechless. "You like it". He said. "I don't like, I love it and I love you". I said and crashed my lips into his in perfect sync. I pulled back as we walked to our picnic. He sat down as I laid on his lap.


"No, I'm serious... What would you do if you didn't met me?" I asked. "Being a single parent". He said. "What about? If there wasn't a us would've where would you be?" He added. "At Rebecca's maybe... Because they would put you with different foster carers". I said. I eat a grape and threw one in his mouth. And it go's in and he put his hands in the air. I pulled his hands down and he massaging my shoulders. He kissed my neck to my lips. "You act like the boys in the school". I said. "But you love me". He said. "Of course I do baby". I said. I take a sip of my drink, take a chocolate and put it in his mouth. "Didn't want chocolate". He said. "I don't care if you did or don't want it". I said. He pulled me to him and hugging me. I pulled my phone and take a picture of us. I set it on my background and he kissed my ear. "We look absolutely cute together". I said. "Yeah, expect for the one you took of us when I was sleeping". He said. "Um... uh... I have no idea what your talking about". I said. He shows me the picture. "Oh, that one". I said. "Stop acting dum please... I want my sweetheart please". He said. "I'm right here baby". I said. And now the sun is going down and I take a picture of the sunset. "I don't really deserve this". I said. "You do, and I want to show you from above". He said. I hold his hands on my lap. I was feeling a little sick in the stomach. I may have a too much food or something. "Hey baby, are you alright?" He asked. "Yeah, I'm fine... thank you". I said. "For what?" He asked. I kissed him and he holds my face. "For everything". I said against his lips. "Well, my soon to be wife deserve the best things like my love". He said against my lips. And I kissed him again.

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