Double Checking

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Christian's P.O.V

Brooke was asleep in my arms. I kiss her cheek and she slowly opens her eye's. "Morning beautiful". I said. "Morning honey". She said. "Today I have a meeting which I might be late". I said. "Okay... I'll make you coffee". She said and walked out. I get up from the bed, walked to the closet and grabbed my suit. I walked to the bathroom and hang it up. I brushed my teeth and done my business. Brooke comes in with my cup of coffee. "Thanks baby". I said, pulled her closer and kissed her cheek. I took a sip and placed it down. I turned to Brooke as she looks up. "Come in the shower". I said. "No, I'll be late for school and the mask ball is tomorrow on my birthday". She said as she unbutton my shirt. "So?" I asked. I put up my coffee and finish it. She puts the cup in the tub and pushed me in the shower.


I was putting my suit on as she put her heels on. "I'll see you when I see you". She said as she wrapped her hands around my neck. "Okay Brooke... I love you". I said. "I love you too my CEO". She said and gave a passionate kiss. She pulls back and walked out. I walked downstairs to the office. I walked in and grabbed my briefcase. I shut the door and walked to the car. I put my briefcase on the passenger seat, I started the engine and opened the garage. I drove out and shut the garage. And I drove to work. This meeting is going to be boring, but I'll think of Brooke.

I got to work, parked the car, grabbed the briefcase, got out and walked inside the company. "Morning Christian". Lixy said. "Morning to you too Ms. Lixy". I said and walked to my office. I walked in to see a box. And it was from Brooke and I opened it. There was linger in there and some of my clothes too. I read the note.

Dear Mr. CEO
Leave theses linger and your clothes in the office just in case we have sex in your office bedroom... See you soon Mr. CEO.
Brooke <3

I put the clothing in the room and I see my favourite linger she put in here. "God damn Brooke, why do you buy theses things". I said to myself. Then I heard a next on the door and I turned to see Rebecca her old foster carer. "Hey Rebecca". I said. "How stupid you are... But it's love at first sight uh". Rebecca said. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "You love Brooke and your engaged with her... Tomorrow is her birthday and I want you to give her this". She said and handed me a box. "Tell I'll be here for her and I'll book a plan ticket and come to her". She said. "Will do Rebecca". I said and she walked out. The phone rang and I answered it.

Christian: Hello
Lixy: Your meeting has been cancelled
Christian: Are they going to reschedule?
Lixy: No and they want there things back
Christian: Okay, I'll be down there soon

I put the phone down and looked for the paper's.

Brooke's P.O.V

The mask ball committee and I were putting the things we order a few days ago up. I had a check board and ticking off what we have. "Natch! Who and where is the band?" I asked. "They are on there way". Natch said. And they came in and they started setting up. "Hello I'm Brooke, you must be the band that is playing tomorrow night". I said. "Yeah, can I ask you a question?" The drummer asked. "Sure". I said. "Are you the one gonna sing a song". He asked. "Yeah". I said. "Cool". The base guitarist said. Then I checked on the board and the food hasn't been organised at all. "Tessa, why hasn't the food been ordered?" I asked her as I walked to her. "The food tech classes are making the food tomorrow, so it will be ready by 6". Tessa said. Then I checked my phone and got a message.

To Brooke,
I like the idea what was in the box baby. Hope you are having fun with setting up. See you soon.
Love xox

How nice of him to message me on a busy day. Then the ball rang for lunch I walk to the back of the school. I needed to speak to him and I need to hear his voice.

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