Lonely Kids...and a...Sudden Monster?!

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(F/n)---> first name
(L/n)---> last name

(F/n)'s POV

     "Ms. (L/n), here's your paycheck for the week," said my boss, Mr. Patterson. It was Friday night, almost closing time at the cafe I work at and I just finished up with a customer. I looked at Mr. Patterson and smiled. He smiled back and handed me a crisp, neat, and white envelope.

     "Thank you, Mr. Patterson!" I thanked him with joy. I got a job as a waitress at the Mad Hatter Cafe, an "Alice in Wonderland" themed cafe (like the Japanese maid cafes) in order to save up enough money to buy a phone. My dad never allowed me to get a phone for "certain reasons". I'm 16, crepes' sake!!!

     "No problem, Ms. (L/n)! I'm honored to have such a hard working employee, like yourself! Also you can leave now, I'm gonna close up now," Mr. Patterson exclaimed. I smiled at him and said goodbye before leaving the cafe with my things. Placing my paycheck in my messenger bag and readjusting my uniform (the outfit that Alice wears in "Alice in Wonderland"), I began to make my way home.

     "God, I hope I have my subway pass!" I mumbled to myself with worry. Since living in New York City, the only way to travel is by subway or taxi. I prefer subway for a couple reasons that I rather not explain. After a couple of minutes walking through the city's springy breezy climate and large crowds, I made it to the underground subway entrance.

     "What time is it...oh it's 7:05," I mumbled, opening and looking at my "Alice in Wonderland" engraved pocket watch (a present from Mr. Patterson as part of my uniform). I walk down the entrance's stairs into the subway. People were walking around, waiting for or boarding the subway.

     "Wow, I love the subway," I whispered to myself. Music was playing and I noticed a pair of very dirty homeless siblings, a boy and a girl. Both looked identical with dark brown hair and icy blue eyes and the boy looked most likely the older one of the pair. The boy was holding up a sign that read, 'Buy a flower for $1,' and the girl was holding a basket full of flowers. With my motherly instincts getting into high-gear, I decided to walk up and talk to the siblings.

     "Hello, miss...would you like to buy some flowers?" the girl asked shyly, holding up the basket of flowers. The boy looked cautiously at me, wondering if I would hurt his little sister. I smiled at the girl and answered, "Yes, I would like to! How many flowers do you have?"

     "We have 30 flowers..." the boy answered. I smiled at him and pulled out my wallet from my bag. Getting out 30 dollars, I handed them to the boy. His eyes widen in shock as he was handed the money. I squatted down to their level and said at the boy, "I can see that you two are homeless and I know of a local orphanage close by. Is it okay if you and your sister there? I know the lady who runs it and she would be very happy to see you and take you two in."

     ".......okay then...we don't have anything else to lose..." the boy mumbled. His sister looked at me, eyes wide and big with tears in them, and suddenly hugged me. She began to cry and thanking me for helping her and her big brother. I, being a very motherly person, console her and explained to her what would happen when she and her brother would be taken in.

      "T-Th-Thank you!" the little girl cried with happiness. I picked her up, her brother still looking suspicious, and said to her, "I almost forgot to introduce myself! I'm (F/n), what are your names?"

     "I'm James and I'm 10 years old. That's my sister, Jasmine, and she's 7 years old," answered the boy, James. I looked at him and held out my free hand to him, the other holding onto Jasmine. He looked shyly at me before grasping my hand. I managed to get them onto the subway train to Station #27, one of the east area's stations, where the orphanage and the apartment complex me and my dad live in.

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